
How is a security license issued? Security license renewal

Today, private security firms are growing like mushrooms. However, not all of them can present a work permit, often exceed their authority. If you want to engage in such activities legally, you must fulfill certain conditions. You will learn about some of the nuances later. First of all, you need to get a license for security activities.

General concept

security license

First, let's deal with the term. Security activity is a specific work of public services or individuals, which consists in the protection of real estate, individuals or legal entities, and the provision of other services specified by law.

Usually permission is issued for 5-10 years. At the same time, the person who wants to engage in such work must fulfill a number of requirements. The license for security activities provides a list of services that the applicant is entitled to provide.

If the objects are subject to state protection, then private organizations cannot carry out their work in relation to them. Typically, the period for obtaining such permission does not exceed 1.5 months.

What conditions must be met in order to obtain a license?

In order to draw up a long-awaited document, you must follow the rules that are prescribed in the legislation.

private security license

Obtaining a license for security activities provides for the following requirements:

  1. The presence on the balance of the means by which individual protection will be carried out, as well as technical devices, vehicles and devices.
  2. Age over 21 years.
  3. The presence of 3 specialists (at least) who have the right level of qualification, have been trained and evaluated in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is better if the staff will have experience in the police, military service or other structures.

Naturally, all technical equipment must be registered. Keep in mind that it is better if your employees have a good reputation.

Who can’t get permission?

obtaining a license for security activities

A security license is not issued in such cases:

  • If the applicant has not reached the age of majority (21 years.).
  • He is under investigation for a crime or has already served his sentence.
  • If the person is registered with a specialized medical institution for mental illness.
  • The applicant was dismissed from the public service or the Ministry of Internal Affairs because of a misconduct or for other incriminating reasons. If there is no such information, then the employee can carry out his activities if he resigned on his own, and from that day 12 months have already passed.
  • If the person has not submitted the necessary package of documents or has not complied with the requirements of the law.

When is a license needed, and when can you do without it?

You will need the permission presented if:

  1. You will protect your own employees or property.
  2. You will be engaged in the installation, design and maintenance of technical devices, video surveillance systems.

security license

However, there are cases when a security license is not needed:

  • If a legal entity protects the property belonging to it from other people's unlawful encroachments, conducts its verification.
  • When an organization installs, sets up and maintains individual security and surveillance systems.

Naturally, such permission is not required for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other public services.

What actions can a private security company not carry out?

license renewal

A private security license has some limitations. For example, a private security company cannot carry out such actions:

  • Operational and search measures.
  • Wear a special uniform that is not provided for by permission. And the guard does not have the right to impersonate a law enforcement officer.
  • Obstruct the work of the police or other state bodies, as well as hide the preparation or implementation of the crime.
  • Transfer the license to other organizations.
  • Provide security public order based on the contract.

Naturally, employees of the private security company can be in the service of state bodies, engage in elective paid activities.

What documents should the applicant submit?

get a security license

Naturally, without the statutory package of securities you cannot open such an organization. It should be prepared in advance. A license to carry out security activities may be issued if such documents are available:

  1. Application for permission to conduct such work. It indicates the name of the organization, its actual location, as well as a list of the services that it will provide.
  2. Copy of certificate of registration of legal entity.
  3. Receipt of license fee for consideration of application.
  4. Copies of personal documents of the head of the organization and its employees, photographs, medical certificates, as well as information about their qualifications.
  5. Executive diploma of higher education.
  6. Documents that indicate the passage of special training programs provided by law.
  7. A copy of the certificate of tax registration of a legal entity.
  8. Permission to carry weapons.

Also, the head must provide written evidence of the absence of claims against his organization or the revocation of the license. In addition, all employees must have a weapons permit and be able to use it.

What services can a private security company provide?

issuance of a license for security activities

Naturally, not all activities of these organizations are permitted by law. However, it is clearly defined what they can do:

  • Protect the life and health of individuals from criminal encroachment of others, even if it requires the use of weapons.
  • Protect movable and immovable objects.
  • Provide access mode at enterprises on the basis of an agreement. In addition, security officers can monitor the implementation of work schedules and discipline.
  • To prepare and carry out consultations of legal entities and individuals on protection issues.
  • To carry out installation, design, as well as maintenance of engineering security systems, alarms, video surveillance.

How should I renew my permit?

The shelf life of this document is 5 to 10 years. Next, the license for security activities is renewed, unless, of course, you want to continue to do this. All necessary documents should be submitted a month before the expiration of the previous certificate. To do this, you should contact the special Department of permits to monitor private detective and security activities. A permit is issued at the place of residence of the head.

Prior to this, all employees are required to undergo advanced training and receive appropriate confirmation. Next you need to submit such a package of documents:

  • Application form.
  • Copies of personal documents of the head and employees of the enterprise, as well as a valid license.
  • Medical report.
  • Photo.
  • Certificate of completion of qualification courses.

All copies of documents must be notarized. You can get a new permit a week after submitting the application.

When can a license be revoked?

Organization of a private security company is a troublesome business. However, the issuance of a license for security activities does not guarantee the ability to engage in it.The fact is that permission can be canceled by regulatory authorities. This is done if:

  1. The organization did not comply with the license requirements or violated them.
  2. The head of the enterprise submitted obviously false information or the package of documents was not complete.
  3. Employees of the organization used special devices or weapons to carry out criminal acts, with abuse of authority or without permission.
  4. PSC does not fulfill tax obligations.
  5. Employees provide illegal services.
  6. The head of the company did not submit the necessary documents to the regulatory body for verification.
  7. The license was transferred to another organization.
  8. Received a voluntary refusal of permission to conduct this activity or a court decision.
  9. The license expired and was not renewed on time.

In principle, the article outlines all the stages and features of a license. Please note that if you want to do such work legally, then your employees must have a clean reputation and be impartial. The license for security activities is the main document regulating your work. Good luck

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