
How is sick leave paid? How is sick leave paid for in case of injury or pregnancy

Health is great, but no one is safe from illness and accident. Fortunately, a working person is somewhat protected from such surprises. By whom and how is sick leave paid and in what case is it provided? Find out more.

Who will pay sick leave?

How is sick pay

In 2013, a number of reforms were carried out that affected many areas of our lives. They touched upon such an important thing as payment and calculation of sick leave, or if formulated correctly - disability certificate. Previously, the employer did this directly, first paying for the days of illness of his employee, and then providing a report on the funds spent on this to the Social Insurance Fund. In turn, the Fund reduced the deductions that the employer transferred to him at the end of the year by the same amount. To date, the state has simplified this scheme, and the question of how sick leave is paid has become the prerogative of the FSS exclusively. It should be noted that not all insurance cases (namely, our diseases and injuries have the legal name) are paid from the FSS, but we will talk about this below.

How to calculate the amount of sick leave

According to new legislation, the amount of sick leave is now calculated on the basis of earnings that the employee received during the previous two calendar years. Recall that earlier, for calculating sick leave payments, they took income for one year (calendaring). Today, in order to calculate the average daily earnings (this is the amount that underlies the calculations), the amount of income received for the calculation period must be divided by 730.

how many sick leave paid per year

The size of payments will also depend on which length of service they have, or simply put, on how much time they work at the enterprise, which pays the necessary contributions to the FSS:

  • if the employee's insurance period is eight years or more, then the payments will amount to 100% of the average earnings;
  • if it is from five to eight years, then the employee can count on payments in the amount of 80%;
  • if the insurance experience is less than five years, then the sick leave will be paid by 60%;
  • if the employee's experience is from six months to a year, then payments to him will amount to 50% of the average earnings.

Part-time hospital

It should be noted that if a citizen, in addition to his main job, has part-time work and the time of his work there exceeds two years, then he can count on the payment of a disability certificate for both employers. To do this, you need to get a second copy of the sick-list from your doctor.

How much sick leave is paid

In the event that the employee did not have earnings for two years that preceded the insured event, payment is made on the basis of the minimum wage (minimum wage). In 2015, it amounted to 5965 rubles.

How soon is sick leave paid?

As a rule, when asking yourself how much sick leave is paid, you need to turn to your employer's salary payment schedule. This usually happens on these days. The allowance, which is due when paying for an insured event, is accrued within ten days after the employee has handed over the certificate of incapacity for work. So, its payment will correspond to the date of the next day of salary payment, which will come ten days after the sick-list was handed over.

How is sick leave paid?

There are many insurance claims, but one of the most common is an accident (injury). If this happened at the factory, then each such case is subject to mandatory investigation with the subsequent drawing up of an act. It indicates the details of the incident and determines the degree of guilt of the victim. In the future, this will affect the determination of benefits. In the event that the employee is not guilty of an accident, 100% of the earnings are taken to pay for the certificate of incapacity for work. If the negligence admitted by the employee was proved, then the amount of payments is reduced by 25%.

How to pay sick leave

In the event that a personal injury has been received, the calculation of insurance payments occurs in accordance with the general rules. However, when making a sick leave, you still have to write an explanatory note and draw up an act in which the details of the accident will be recorded.

Vacation Insurance

If a person gets sick on his days of rest, the question arises - how is paid sick leave during vacation? In this case, accrual also occurs on the basis of general rules, but the number of days spent on sick leave is then added to the calendar days of vacation. Thus, it increases by the time spent on the sick leave. However, this does not apply to cases where the sick leave is associated with caring for a sick family member. In this case, he will not be paid. If the sick leave was issued during unpaid leave, then only those days that are not included in it will be paid.

How is sick leave paid?

How is sick leave paid?

Naturally, almost every family has children. Of course, this is a great joy, but, unfortunately, they often get sick, and parents are forced to draw up a sick leave. How is sick leave paid in this case? First of all, it is worth noting that any relative can issue this type of disability sheet, who, in fact, will provide the necessary care for the child. However, there are several restrictions in paying for it, related to the number of paid days for one sheet of disability, as well as how many days a sick leave is paid per year:

  • if the child has not yet reached the age of seven, it is paid no more than 60 days in the aggregate of all sick leave certificates;
  • if the child is more than seven, but not 15 years old, they pay 15 days for one sick leave and only 45 days for one year;
  • if a child under 15 years old is sick with HIV and needs treatment in a hospital, the number of days spent on the disability sheet is not limited;
  • when caring for other family members, no more than 7 days of one sick leave are paid and no more than 30 per year.

Maternity payments

Pregnancy brings with it many pleasant moments, however, every woman during this period naturally raises the question - how is sick leave paid during pregnancy?

How is sick pay during pregnancy

In our country, every woman who works or studies has the right to benefits related to pregnancy and childbirth. It is charged at the rate of 140 days (calendar) - 70 days before and after childbirth. If two or more children are born, then the paid period increases to 194 days. The allowance is accrued on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work, a certificate of earnings and an application, which is compiled in any form. The allowance is paid at a time, for the entire period that was indicated on the sick leave. It should be borne in mind that if a woman continues to work and receive wages, she cannot receive benefits.

The calculation is based on the woman’s income for the previous two years. To do this, the income for a given period is divided by the number of days in it and multiplied by the days of the decree. The size of payments also depends on the status of women. If a woman works, then the allowance will be 100% of her average earnings, students will receive it in the amount of a scholarship, military personnel in the amount of monetary allowance.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account that the maximum income for the year and, accordingly, the maximum average daily earnings that are used to accrue benefits are now legally limited. So, in 2014 this maximum amounted to 624 thousand rubles, and in 2013 - 568 thousand. So, when calculating the allowance, the accountant will choose the amount that turns out to be less.

How many days paid sick leave

Number of sick leave limits

Speaking about how much sick leave is paid per year, it should be noted that the limit on payment is not the number of disability sheets submitted, but the number of calendar days that an employee spent on sick leave. To a large extent, this will depend on the cause of the insured event:

  • the duration is not limited if the employee is sick or injured;
  • during spa treatment after a hospital, the entire period of disability is paid if it does not exceed 24 days a year;
  • if the employee is on a disability, then he is paid no more than four months in a row in a row or five in total for a year;
  • if the employee’s employment contract does not exceed six months, then no more than 75 days of disability are payable.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in how sick leave is paid. Of course, it is better to deal with such situations as rarely as possible, but knowledge of this issue will help to avoid many unpleasant situations and save your income.

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