
Cash allowance. Federal Law “On the monetary allowance of servicemen and the provision of separate payments to them”

Monetary allowance to military personnel is the payment of monetary compensation to a military man for the performance of his official duties. This financial compensation has a number of specific features in comparison with the wages of civil workers and, therefore, is regulated by a number of separate legislative acts.

cash allowance

The meaning of the term

Cash allowance (DD) is the financial payments to military personnel. This concept applies specifically to the military, civil servants and civilian personnel receive wages or cash rewards for the performance of their duties.

In addition to military personnel, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also receives DD in Russia. The monetary allowance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under number 65 of January 31, 2013.

DD employee of a citizen is a means of subsistence, satisfaction of his needs, and is also an incentive in the performance of professional duties, compensates for the hardships associated with heavy military labor and the hardships associated with it.

The amount of monetary allowance cannot be the subject of an agreement between the state and the military; its value is always clearly determined by legal acts.

DD military

The monetary allowance of servicemen in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal Law of November 7, 2011, No. 306, the latest changes to which were introduced on April 6, 2015. This normative legal act establishes DD and individual payments to the military, taking into account the positions held by them, the assigned ranks, the total duration of the military service and the conditions of its passage, as well as the tasks performed by them.

The monetary allowance of contracting servicemen is the main means of providing them, including a monthly salary corresponding to a military rank, a monthly salary corresponding to a military post, and also additional payments. The first two types of the specified payments are called the salary of the monetary maintenance (ODS). DD contractor is an incentive in terms of their performance of their duties.

DD for military service in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia dated 10.03.2014 No. 136 is the monthly salary for a military post and the monthly extra. payments in the amount of 2000 rubles.

Each year, monetary allowances are indexed, separately in terms of salaries by position and rank, and separately in terms of additional payments. This increase occurs depending on the level of inflation in the country, in accordance with the Federal Law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period.

military salary

Salaries according to the rank and position for contract employees

Government Decree No. 992 dated 5.012.2011 of the year established uniform salaries for standard military ranks and positions for contracted employees in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as salaries for positions to be replaced by military contractors in the Foreign Intelligence Service, the FSB, the Federal Security Service and Special Service objects under the President of the Russian Federation. In the appendices of this normative legal act, there is a table of monetary allowances in terms of salary by rank and position, respectively.

As for non-standard military posts, the size of their salaries is established by the heads of the federal bodies of the executive branch of government, in which the Federal Law provides for military service, in accordance with the salaries of standard military posts.

In the case when servicemen enter training in military vocational educational institutions, during their training they are assigned the salaries for the posts and titles that they held before training.

monetary allowance of military personnel

Salaries according to the military post for draftees

The salaries of standard salaries for conscripts are legally enshrined in Government Decree of December 21, 2011, No. 1072. This legislative act establishes what payments are made to military personnel of various categories. The salary varies from one thousand rubles to one thousand eight hundred. At the same time, the smallest salary is due to shooters, road workers, camouflagers, track fitters and cadets, and the largest salaries are paid to foremen and senior inspectors of the road patrol service.

The military, serving on the draft and appointed to the officer post, is entitled to a salary established for the primary posts of sailors and soldiers serving on a contract basis.

Contract bonuses

The salary of contract servicemen includes the following monthly allowances:

- for classification by category or class;
- for length of service;
- for working with information that is a state secret;
- for specific working conditions (up to 100% of the salary for military posts and is set by the government in accordance with the military category);
- for the implementation of tasks in peacetime, which are associated with risks to life and health;
- for achievements in military service.
For classification by class, the size of the premium is:
- 5% of the official salary - for the 3rd grade;
- 10% of the official salary - for the 2nd grade;
- 20% of the official salary - for the 1st grade.

For the length of service, the size of the allowance is:
- 10% for a service of 2-5 years;
- 15% in the service of 5-10 years;
- 20% in the service of 10-15 years;
- 25% in the service of 15-20 years;
- 30% in the service of 20-25 years;
- 40% when serving 25 years or more.

For work with information that is a state secret, the military is paid up to 65% of the salary for the position. This percentage varies depending on the degree of secrecy of the materials.

Also, once a year, a contracted serviceman may be awarded material assistance in an amount not exceeding one of his salaries in rank and position, and a bonus for the effective and conscientious fulfillment of his duties (no more than three salaries per year).

Separate categories of military personnel are supposed to pay the money assigned and calculated using increasing factors. These categories of employees include:
- The military, serving in military units deployed abroad;
- the military, performing tasks in emergency situations or armed conflicts, participating in counter-terrorism operations and ensuring public safety in some territories of the Russian Federation;
- The military, serving in the Far North and in equivalent areas.

fz about monetary allowance

Monthly allowance for the implementation of peacetime tasks that involve risks to life and health

The premium for contract employees for fulfilling the tasks assigned to them in peacetime, which are directly related to the risk to life and health, can be up to 100% of the salary for the position. The rules and features of such payments are established by Government Decision No. 1122 of 12.24.2011.

This kind of increase in wages for the military is:
1. Up to 100% of the monthly salary for the position - in the case of diving operations (commensurate with the depth of immersion and its time).

2. Up to 60% of the monthly salary for the post - in the case of direct actions in exercises, fulfilling the tasks of combat training in the field, ship hikes or other events that are held outside the permanent location of the military unit according to the list established by the head of the corresponding state agency.

3.Up to 50% of the monthly salary for the position:
- for parachute jumps (in proportion to the number of jumps, the conditions for their performance and nature);
- for service related to explosion-technical work, finding, determining, seizing, destroying or neutralizing explosive devices, using explosive materials and means, explosive objects in work;
- for work related to the production and execution of ballistic or explosive technical examinations, with research on the diagnosis, destruction or stockpiling of ammunition and improvised improvised devices;
- for flights from the decks of the ship or with the help of a ground training complex (commensurate with the number of flights and the method of their implementation);
-for extinguishing flight crews of man-made and natural fires;
- for working with entities that provide assistance on a confidential basis.

4. Up to 30% of the monthly salary for the position:
- for service in Baikonur;
- for the treatment or diagnosis of AIDS-infected people, for work related to materials that contain the human immunodeficiency virus;
- for work in anti-plague institutions, laboratories where they work with especially dangerous infections, and in sanitary and epidemiological units;
- for service in medical institutions with harmful or dangerous working conditions, at medical posts. personnel according to the lists approved by the heads of the relevant state bodies;
- for the service associated with the study of cadaveric material, for work related to the use of X-ray, ionizing radiation and radiation with high frequencies, toxic, narcotic and other aggressive substances according to the list approved by the leaders of the relevant state. organs.

5. Up to 20% of the monthly salary for the position - for direct participation in activities related to the reloading of nuclear reactors of ships and work with nuclear fuel or radioactive waste.

In situations where the work of the military requires the performance of specific tasks related to risks to life and health, but not indicated above, the allowance can be up to 60%.
If an employee has the right to receive an increase on several grounds at the same time, all bonuses are summed up, provided that the result does not exceed 100% of the salary for the position.

cash allowance Ministry of Internal Affairs

Award for efficient and conscientious performance of duties

The bonus for effective and high-quality performance of official duties is up to three ODS per year. The rules for the payment of this allowance are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, Decree No. 993 of December 5, 2011. This legal act states that the award in question can be paid monthly or quarterly, simultaneously with the issue of a monetary allowance per month that follows the month or quarter for which it is paid premium, and in December - for December or the 4th quarter.

This allowance is calculated on the basis of the UDS for the month established on the first day of the month in which the bonus is issued, and in December - on the first of December of the current year.

In situations where the military has served an incomplete month (quarter), the bonus is accrued for the time actually worked, based on the UDS, which was put to the soldier on the day the decision to pay the allowance was made.

The prize is not issued to the military:
-which serve in parts where remuneration is established for the performance and fulfillment in large volumes of production tasks and other indicators;
- which are sent outside the country for technical assistance and other duties;
- at the time of their being at the disposal of the authorities, except for those periods when the military performed duties on vacant military posts;
- who were dismissed on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1-5, 7-11 hours, 4 articles. 3 Federal Law 306.

If a soldier has died, this bonus, calculated during the time of his actual work, is paid to his wife (husband), and in case of her (his) absence, to adult children who lived with him, to legal representatives of his minor children (disabled people who became such with childhood, regardless of age) and other persons who were dependent on the deceased, in equal shares. In a situation where the military was not married and had no children, the prize is paid in equal shares to parents.

Annual financial assistance

Also, the military’s monetary allowance is increased by such additional payments as material assistance. The rules for the payment of this remuneration are established by the Government Decree of December 5, 2011 under the number 993.

Annual material aid granted to military contractors in the amount of at least one salary per month. For employees who had the right to receive this assistance, but did not apply for it within a year, this allowance is paid along with a cash allowance for December.

Material assistance is not allowed to the military, who were dismissed in accordance with Art. held. Also, material assistance is not paid to the military, who are at the disposal of the commanders and dismissed at the end of the year with the provision of leave upon dismissal, which ends next year (for the year in which the leave ends).

In the event of the death of a soldier, annual material assistance is paid to his relatives in the same way as the payment of bonuses for the effective and conscientious performance of duties.

cash allowance table

Increasing ratios for certain categories of military personnel

According to the Decree of the Government dated 12/21/2011, number 1071, military personnel serving in military units deployed outside the Russian Federation and military personnel performing tasks in territories of armed conflict in a state of emergency are subject to additional cash payments calculated using special raising factors.

Cash allowance is increased as follows:
- for service in the military unit deployed in Belarus - by 1.1
- for service in the military unit deployed in Ukraine - by 1.2;
- for service in the military unit deployed in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Moldova - by 1.3;
- for service in the military unit deployed in Abkhazia, Tajikistan and South Ossetia - by 1.4.

When performing military service under a contract, when fulfilling tasks in a state of emergency or in armed conflicts, monetary allowance is increased by a factor of 1.5.

The coefficients by which the DD of military personnel serving in the Far North and in equivalent localities increases is fixed in the Appendix to the Government Decree dated 12/30/2011 No. 1237.

Duty allowances

The salary of military personnel serving on conscription may be increased:
- for classification by category or class (similar to premiums due to contractors);
- for specific conditions of service;
- for the performance of tasks that are directly related to the risk to health and life in peacetime;
- for work related to information that is a state secret.

Separate payments are also granted to the military, deployed outside the country, and the military, which perform tasks in a state of emergency, counter-terrorism operations or armed conflict.

For specific conditions of service, the size of the allowance for draftees is from 100% of the salary for military posts (for example, in the case of filling positions in crews of submarines, autonomous deep-sea vehicles placed on surface ships, submarines under construction, in technical crews of submarine stations) and up to 10% salary for military posts (for example, when filling posts in the border authorities directly protecting the state border).
The size of the monthly allowance for the performance of tasks that are associated with a risk to life and health in peacetime are similar to those established for contractors.

The premium for working with information that is a state secret may be 10, 20 or 25%, depending on the degree of importance.

Other payments for military personnel

The Federal Law on monetary allowance, in addition to salaries and allowances for the military, establishes, by Article 3, certain types of payments to military personnel. In connection with the data military regulations which are sent on business trips, payments are made for travel expenses. When moving to a new duty station, a subscriber is paid a per diem for him and each of his family members for each day spent on the road, and a lifting allowance is also given (one monthly UDS for the military and 1/4 UDS for each member of the family who moved with him) .

For military contractors who have a total service life of less than 20 years, upon termination of employment, benefits are paid in the amount of two SLMs, and for military men whose total service life of more than 20 years is paid in the amount of seven. The exceptions are dismissals for the reasons listed in Article 3, part 4 of the Federal Law 306.

Payments related to the death or disability of the military

In case of death (death) of a military man called up to military fees during the performance of their duties or as a result of an injury (illness) resulting from the performance of their duties, until the expiration of a year from the moment of dismissal from service (from the date of completion of military training), his relatives are paid equal shares in equal shares - 3 million rubles. In addition, each month the same relatives are paid 14 thousand rubles, while this amount is also equally divided between all of them.

If under the same circumstances a military man has received a disability, then he is entitled to monthly payments in the amount of:
- 14 000 rub. - a disabled person of the 1st group;
- 7 000 rub. - a disabled person of the 2nd group;
- 2 800 rub. - a disabled person of the 3rd group.

If a military disabled person has died, his monthly disability allowance is shared and paid to his family members.

In case of dismissal of a soldier or deduction from fees as unsuitable, which became such as a result of receiving a military injury, he shall be given a cash allowance:
- 2 million rubles to contract soldiers;
- 1 million rubles to conscripts or citizens called up for training.

DD fund in accordance with federal law

Cash allowances are paid from a special fund, from the DD fund of military men serving on a contract basis, and from the DD fund of military men serving on a draft basis.

The contractual cash allowance fund consists of the military DD assets of the central apparatus of the federal executive branch, in which the Federal Service has pre-installed military service, and the military monetary allowance fund serving in military units, and the bodies and bodies of the corresponding federal executive authority, including territorial ones.

The DD fund is usually formed in excess of the amounts necessary to pay the required salaries for titles and positions, taking into account monthly allowances, bonuses and material assistance.

allowance paymentsThus, having examined the Federal Law on monetary allowance, we can conclude that the following patterns are inherent in the system of payments to military personnel:
- application of additional payments and compensations, taking into account the specifics of military service;
- the implementation of the economic interest of contractors in the extension of contracts;
- social justice in the remuneration of military and monetary incentives for career growth using the differentiation coefficients of DD of various categories of military personnel;
- a higher level of military DD compared with the salaries of ordinary citizens;
- an increase in monetary allowance (of certain types of payments) is made through their annual indexation.

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