
Payment of sick leave for child care. Calculation and payment of sick leave for child care

There are no children in the world who would never be ill. And in this state it is impossible to leave them at home alone. But in the modern world, mothers and fathers have to work hard to earn at least medicine. Therefore, the legislation provides for such a thing as payment for sick leave to care for a child. During this period, any of the close relatives - parents, grandparents, uncles, can stay at home and expect to be paid by the employer.

payment of sick leave for child care

What is the procedure for applying for benefits?

According to the decision of the Supreme Court of Russia dated 04.25.2014, the payment of sick leave for the care of a child up to 7 years old can be assigned to any of the relatives who applied to the medical care institution for the malaise of the baby. Treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis (at home) and inpatient (in a hospital) setting.

After recovery or discharge, the doctor will write out a bulletin, the same as that for adults with illness. This sheet must be referred to bookkeeping. There they will consider it and calculate the amount for sick days. The payment is made in part by the enterprise, and the rest is paid by the FSS, where your documents will go after accounting.

payment of sick leave for childcare up to 7 years

Counting the days

Payment of sick leave for child care at the expense of the employer will be made if the following terms are not violated:

  1. Up to seven years, mom or dad can stay with the child for as long as it takes to fully recover. Even if your beloved child is very often sick, no one has the right to dismiss for absenteeism. But there is one very important nuance. During 365 days, only 60 of them on sick leave can pay you. This means that if the child is sick more, for example, 80 days a year, then for 60 you will receive compensation, and spend twenty at your own expense.
  2. You can sit with children aged 7 to 15 years an unlimited number of times per calendar year. But each ballot will have a maximum term of fifteen days. That is, you can be at home every month, but only for two weeks. At the same time, sick leave for child care will only be paid for the total amount of 45 days.
  3. For adult children from 15 years, 3 days of sick leave are provided, a maximum of 7 at the conclusion of the medical board. The number per year is not limited, but only 30 days are paid on the calendar.

What are the exceptions?

payment of sick leave for child care at the expense of the employer

Many diseases that occur in children require longer treatment. Therefore, the law provides for cases when the sick leave may be extended.

  1. If a boy or girl under 15 years old was born or became disabled, then there is an opportunity to care for him (her) 120 days a year.
  2. With young children suffering from severe ailments, you can stay on a paid sick leave for three months a year. This includes diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma, oncology, and others, a complete list of which can be found in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 02.20.2008 No. 84н.
  3. Payment for sick leave to care for a child in a hospital for all days of stay in a medical facility is provided for when the offspring suffers from HIV.
  4. There are times when children under 15 years of age suffer from the consequences of vaccination and they require special care. Such days will be paid in full regardless of the term.

How is sick leave calculated?

Any sick leave will be paid to the employee in this way: the first three days at the expense of the employer, the rest - from the accumulated funds of the Social Insurance Fund.

payment of sick leave for child care during the next vacation

Payment of sick leave for child care depends on the length of service.This concept includes those years when a person officially worked and deductions to the Social Insurance Fund were made for him. Know what now length of service considered even intermittently. It simply takes the total number of years of official employment.

Also taken in calculation of average earnings over the past two years. The calculation scheme is as follows:

- if the insurance guard does not exceed 5 years, then the person will receive 60% of the average earnings;

- if the experience has a period of 5 to 8 years - 80%;

- and from 8 years or more is paid in 100% of the amount.

Since the beginning of 2015, average earnings mean the amount of salaries for the last two years of work. The resulting number is divided by 730 days. The result will be one-day average earnings. It remains only to multiply it by the appropriate percentage and the number of days spent with a sick child.

Experts draw attention to the fact that the amount of the result can be even less if in the last two years the parent took days at his own expense or changed his place of work.

How to be the one who was on maternity leave

According to the law, if a child falls ill during maternity leave, then payment of sick leave to care for a child is not provided in this case. But the parent has already gone to work, her insurance experience has been reduced, and the child has not yet turned 7 years old, and he again falls ill. What amount to count in this case?

payment of sick leave for child care in a hospital

For mothers on maternity leave, the government made an exception. They can write a statement according to which, for the calculation of average earnings, they will take the years preceding going on maternity leave. For example, my mother gave birth in 2010, in 2012 I went to work and asks to take into account the years of work from 2008 to 2010 when paying sick leave for 2012.

Payout Limitations

This is a very important nuance that you must definitely familiarize yourself with. As you know, all hospital payments are made from the Social Insurance Fund. Funds for these purposes are taken from working professionals. Thus, a certain limit is formed that can be spent on each ill employee. The size of the fund and deductions is established annually.

In 2015, the amount of the daily allowance for an experience of more than 8 years cannot exceed 1,632.87 rubles.

Minimum threshold

Often, especially in women, the opposite situation arises. She works in the first place of work, before that she had no labor relations and, accordingly, there is no insurance experience. The child fell ill, took a paid sick leave. How to calculate the allowance?

The basis is the minimum wage, which in 2015 is 5965 rubles for a full month. We give an example.

We take the minimum wage as the basis and multiply by 24 (2 years) = 5965 × 24 = 143160.

This number is divided by 730 and it turns out 196.10. This is the average earnings per day.

Now we multiply by a factor. Since there is no seniority, the percentage of average earnings will be 60%: 196.10 × 60% = 117.66 rubles. This is the amount of the daily allowance that will be paid for one sick day.

payment of sick leave for child care depends on the length of service

If the child falls ill during the next vacation

The disease in a loved one, especially in a child, always causes negative emotions. Even worse, when the nuisance interferes with the implementation of long-planned plans. For example, a trip to the sea. Tickets can still be changed, a hotel can be booked, but is it possible to transfer a vacation?

According to current laws, any employee can automatically extend their vacation if he is ill. To do this, you just need to bring a work sheet to work. A different rule applies to the child.

Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that leave is extended in the event of illness of the employee himself, but this rule does not apply to children, even though they gave mom or dad disability certificate. Unfortunately, the payment of sick leave for child care during the next vacation is also not made.

What is the main thing to remember

You can get sick, but within the official schedule. Both mom and dad, and grandmother, grandfather and even uncle can look after the child.Payment of sick leave for child care is legally required for all close relatives. If it so happened that your beloved child is often sick, then the one who has the largest insurance experience can go to the sick leave.

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