
How to pay "Telecard"? Common Ways

Telecard is a satellite television operator. Broadcasting is carried out by modern equipment, which is able to cover the entire territory of Russia. "Telecard" is suitable for any conditions and no matter where you live (house or apartment), you can connect a package of TV channels.

The operator provides users with only interesting TV channels, and you do not have to pay for what you do not like. The satellite from which the broadcast will be operated will operate at least until 2026. Due to modern equipment, TV channels can be watched in various popular formats.

how to pay a telecard

How to pay "Telecard"?

Many users who have installed this economical television have problems when it comes to paying. Perhaps your city does not have Telecard offices or you cannot go there. How then to pay for television? Thanks to modern technology, you can pay for “Telecard” online and offline. Let's look at the most common ways.


Pay for Telecard services through online wallet Qiwi is quick and easy. To do this, just go to the payment system website and create a payment. In a new window you need to choose a payment method and deposit the required amount. If your wallet does not have enough funds, you can specify a bank card so that money is withdrawn from it.

With the help of this electronic wallet you can pay for television services in a few minutes. Payment can be made from a phone, tablet or computer. If you do not have the opportunity to use the Internet, you can pay for the services of “Telecards” through the terminal “Qiwi”.

By credit card

If you want to pay "Telecard" with a credit card, then you need to go to the Uniteller service website, in which you will need to enter your data:

  1. Bankcard number.
  2. Validity of the payment instrument.
  3. CVV / CVC

So, you have entered the necessary data. Now it is necessary to select the “Telecard” from the proposed options.

Paying for television in this way will take several minutes. Do not be afraid to use the Uniteller service. According to many users, it is completely safe.

How to pay for a TV card via the Internet

Through Yandex.Money

Before making a payment, you need to create a wallet. This can be done fairly quickly. What do we need? Only internet and phone. To make a payment, you need to bind a card of any bank.

By analogy with Kiwi, you need to create a payment and enter the necessary data. You can pay for "Telecard" via the Internet at any time. Through Yandex.Money, payment is fast enough and, best of all, no commission.

Via Webmoney

In this service, in order to pay for "Telecard", you must go to the page "Pay for television." The service will create a payment where you will need to enter all the data. How to pay "Telecard"? After entering the data, click "Pay". If there are no funds on the wallet, the system will offer to pay via bank card.

Unfortunately, through Webmoney money is credited during the day, and the system takes a commission on transfers (0.8% of the transfer amount).

Through terminal

If for some reason you can’t pay online, you can use alternative methods. Each shopping center has a terminal with which you can pay for television.

How to pay "Telecard"? Everything is very simple here. From the proposed options, select the desired company and make the necessary amount. As a rule, money is credited in a few minutes.

pay by credit card


These were the most popular payment methods for television.Of course, there are much more of them, but in other services there is a commission or money goes to the recipient for a long time. All services that were proposed in the article are verified and absolutely safe. Now you know how to pay for “Telecard”, and you can use one of the payment methods every month, without getting up from the couch.

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