
How to open a car cinema: necessary equipment, costing and necessary documents for launch

One of the most popular types of entertainment today is the cinema. Despite the almost 100% presence of a variety of media players, as well as quick access to the Internet in every home, a romantic and mysterious atmosphere reigns in a dark room.

At present, there are a huge number of cinemas, and the competition is very high. For this reason, the owners of such institutions are making every effort to come up with their original "chip", which will attract spectators to the hall. One such idea is an open-air cinema. In it, visitors call in their cars to the equipped area, designed to watch a fascinating movie, an unusual romantic date or a friendly chat.

how to open a car cinema

Very often situations arise when in an ordinary cinema, spectators sitting on adjacent seats interfere with the full enjoyment of an action movie, comedy or melodrama. Staying in your own car while watching a movie brings the visitor closer to a comfortable home environment. Indeed, in it you can share your impressions throughout the session, drink, crackle popcorn, without disturbing other viewers. In turn, they are not able to distract you.

Plunge into history

The simplest, but at the same time brilliant idea - to watch a movie under the open night sky in a car - appeared in the thirties of the twentieth century. An American named Richard Hollingshend organized such a session in his yard.

To conduct it, the man needed only a mobile film projector, as well as a white canvas, which he pulled between the trees. Witnesses of the session were neighbors who appreciated this outstanding sight. As a result, Richard Hollingshend received a patent for a personal invention and became the first person in the world to open a cinema on four wheels.

equipment for car theaters

Similar institutions reached their heyday in the fifties. Many at that time wondered how to open a car cinema. In the middle of the last century, the number of movie showrooms across America was five thousand. The largest cinema on wheels accommodated as many as two thousand five hundred cars.

In order to attract more customers, their owners opened nearby playgrounds for children, exhibitions of various animals, attractions, cafes and restaurants, as well as runways for small airplanes. But in the eighties of the twentieth century came the era of cable television and video tapes. For this reason, the demand for car theaters has started to plummet.

Recently, interest in such institutions has flared up again. It must be admitted that the scope is already completely different, however, fans of retro, and just avid moviegoers, cannot miss such a pastime. In Russia, there is also a tendency to open such institutions. Since this topic is relevant among businessmen today, let's discuss how to open a car cinema.

open air cinema

Appearance of a modern site

The size of the standard screen canvas is thirty by twelve and a half meters. It is located at a height of six meters above ground level. The angle of inclination of the white canvas is approximately three to four degrees. The distance from it to the first row of cars, as a rule, is at least twenty-five meters.

An acceptable number of machines at the movie session should be calculated based on the design of a specially equipped platform. The rectangular shape can accommodate the maximum number of cars. According to safety precautions, the distance between the machines must be at least four meters. Also, the presence of driveways of seven meters in width on the left and right sides of the site.

Departure and entry

It is necessary that the exit to the main road is as convenient as possible, namely wide, without steep sections and sharp turns. These conditions will ensure a trouble-free situation. Since the predominant number of sessions will be shown in the evening or at night, the cinema should be well lit. The installation of reflective markings at the entrance-exit and the site itself is also necessary.


Future owners of establishments cannot do without devices that help slightly raise the front of the car, so you should buy them. An autocinema with such a “chip” will be more popular, as it will make watching movies from a car more comfortable.


The cash desk must be positioned in such a way as to prevent the formation of a large concentration of vehicles. This is especially true of the direction to the main road.

How to listen?

Sound is transmitted through a special sensor of small FM-range to the radio. It is necessary that the latter are tuned to the specified wave. You should also install equipment for car theaters, which cuts the signal coverage area within the boundaries of a specially equipped area (usually a radius of one hundred meters).

buy a car cinema

Features of doing business in our area

The first car cinema, the business plan of which was developed in Russia, appeared in early January 2000 in the cultural capital - St. Petersburg. The owners of the site wanted to impress moviegoers at the beginning of the new millennium. And they are quite successful in this matter.

The cinema worked for about six years. Based on the above idea, we can safely say that the far from warm climate inherent in our country is not an obstacle for those who are thinking about how to open a car cinema. Although it must be borne in mind that during severe colds, sessions are not profitable. The main period for the permanent work of the institution is the warm months (approximately one hundred to two hundred days a year). During this time, it is cost-effective to place summer cafes on the site with the sale of fast food, popcorn and drinks.

If you are seriously thinking about how to open a car cinema, do not forget to first purchase a license that allows movie rental. Big profits can be obtained through broadcasts of football matches. Additional revenue comes from ads that are shown before the start of the session. The average price for one ticket is two hundred rubles. To attract visitors to your future cinema, a discount system may be in place.

business plan car cinema

Investing and payback

The key to success of your business is a correctly drawn up business plan. It’s realistic to open a car cinema if you have starting capital of more than three hundred thousand rubles. Further, it all depends on the requests of the entrepreneur. The main initial expenses will be for cinema rental, equipment purchase, and site arrangement.

Some market demand analysts in the Russian Federation are unsure of the profitability of the case. They argue that the payback of such a business comes only after ten to fifteen years. However, others assure that, if certain rules are followed, the period can be significantly reduced.

The main payback conditions are as follows:

  1. It is necessary that the site accommodate a minimum of two hundred places for cars.
  2. There should be a sale of various souvenirs and goods for the audience (CD-ROMs, spare parts, etc.).
  3. On the territory of the cinema it is necessary to organize the sale of snacks and drinks.

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