
Photobooth business plan. How to open a business instant photo

business plan photo boothsAchieve success in business is possible only thanks to the original idea and complete immersion in your business. You should never take on something that does not cause any interest. So, for example, a person who is passionate about photography can earn good money and at the same time enjoy his favorite activity.

Even if it will be instant photos, booths that work in automatic mode, or the sale of special equipment. In any case, such a business will bring more satisfaction to the connoisseur than, say, clothing trade.

Market analysis

The photo booth as a business is a little-known phenomenon for Russia, which is why it is extremely promising. Indeed, this niche is practically not occupied in our country, although the demand for such services is huge. As a good example, you can take the United States or Western European countries, where about 75% of all photographs are taken by booths.

This can be explained by the fact that in the modern world time is becoming the main value, and in order to save it, people are willing to pay. The cabins for the photo are designed for this. For documents, for example, with the help of them you can capture yourself in just a couple of minutes, moreover, at any time.

In order to understand the existing opportunities, it is enough to compare the streets of conditional London and St. Petersburg. In the first of these, for every 10 quarters there is an average of 1 photo booth. While in the northern capital they are quite difficult to meet.

photo booth as a business

Benefits of a Business Idea

It’s worth starting with the fact that few businesses boast such a high level of profitability. Usually a business plan for a photo booth sets payback period project in 6 months. In order to keep within it, just choose the right place.

In addition, almost everyone can start a business, since for this you need to have only a small initial capital. The compact cabin allows you to save money on rent, and the lack of permanent staff - on wages.

Indeed, the autonomy of the installation is of no small importance. This means that it is enough to inspect it and carry out diagnostics once every 2 weeks. This option is the best suited for those who dream of passive income.

Of course, you shouldn’t rely on the fact that the program for instant photos allows you to lie on the couch for days on end. It may also have failures, which even an experienced specialist will have to tinker with.

Core costs

The business plan of the photo booth for the consumables will contain the following items:

  1. Purchase of the installation itself.
  2. Rent or buy a place.
  3. Costs of consumables.

The lion's share of the initial capital will have to be spent on a photo booth. Its price can reach 250 thousand rubles, but you should not save in this case. This can be considered an investment in quality, which in the future will ensure stable demand for the service provided. You don’t even have to look at how much the “instant photo” apparatus made in China costs, since such a miracle of technology will not last long.

The two remaining items make up only about 10 percent of the total budget. The cab installation area will be required quite small, so it is worth laying down on the costs for this item in the region of 8-10 thousand rubles. Consumables will also cost no more than 20 thousand per month.

Total we get an amount of 280 thousand, which is very good for a promising business that can bring in more than 50 thousand rubles a month.In this case, the calculation was based on the assumption that about 15 people a day will use the booth services, the cost of one photo is 150 rubles. On the day, the revenue will amount to 2250 rubles, but from it you still need to deduct the cost of consumables, which is about 500 rubles. Total cabin will bring at least 1750 rubles of net income per day.

Additional expenses

In any case, you can not do without incidental costs. In this case, they will be determined by the need for initial advertising. Many will be surprised that one of the most important business tools and the main engine of trade is classified as secondary. But this can be easily explained.

document photo booths

The thing is that the photo booth can and will advertise itself. Only at the first stage will you need to inform potential customers about the opportunity to use such services. You can do this by using ads in local newspapers, billboards, and other common methods.

Location selection

instant photo programThe number of people who want to capture themselves depends on where the photo booth is installed. Perhaps, there are no more businesses, the profitability of which would equally depend on the location.

Indeed, no one will go to any gateway to take a picture. Moreover, even if the booth will be located at some distance from the usual route of the client, he may prefer the nearest shop.

Thus, this issue must be approached with all seriousness. The business plan of the photo booth should include the rental of the best areas on the first floors of non-stop shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas.

You can place them near train stations, airports, metro stations and higher educational institutions. The priority conditions when choosing a place should be a large flow of people and the situation, causing a desire to take a photo as a keepsake.

Business expansion

When opening your own business, you should always remember two things:

  1. Opportunities to go bankrupt and go broke.
  2. The need for expansion and continuous investment in the business.

The first point may simply be a consequence of the fact that the second was not fulfilled. The photocabin business plan is no exception. It should provide for further development of the project.

This program can be implemented in various ways. The first of these is to increase the number of points at which services will be provided. Moving along this path, you can increase profits for some time, but stagnation and recession will occur at some stage.

Therefore, the second way involves the introduction of diversity. You can engage in a slightly different activity, for example, open an atelier specializing in professional photo shoots, or a salon selling professional photo equipment. The restriction in this matter is imposed only by the imagination of the business owner.

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