
How to open a business in Turkey. Cultural differences between Turkey and Russia for business

In Turkey, not only the natural climate is good, but also the economic one. To open a business in this country is quite realistic. A correctly chosen line of business and legal registration, taking into account all the subtleties, guarantee the successful opening of a business in Turkey.

Economic features

How to open a business in Turkey?

This country is the most famous and popular primarily among tourists. Not surprisingly, the economic activity of the state is based on the tourism sector.

The business associated with hotels, restaurants, beaches, hotels, cafes, is booming and constantly in demand. There are even options for ready-made enterprises, for example, you can buy a hotel business.

Entrepreneurs with more modest incomes can start with microbusiness, such as street trading in corn or roasted chestnuts.

You can try to work in a completely different field, for example, open a textile or pharmacy business in Turkey, but guaranteed success in this case cannot be expected. In addition, you will have to face some difficulties. For example, importing foreign goods into Turkey is not easy due to numerous customs regulations and duties.

Special Economic Zones

Foreign business in Turkey is welcomed to create special investment zones. In such areas, doing business is stimulated by state laws and programs. There are three types of such sites. Technological parks are opening in the zones of technological development.

Their mission is to support research and attract investment in high technology. You can try to open an IT company in such an industrial park, but you should immediately take into account the highest level of competition.

Organized industrial zones include sectoral enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses. Such territories are distinguished by special privileges in lending and taxation, as well as in payment for energy resources. Before starting a business in Turkey, it is worthwhile to find out if it will be possible to find a place in such a zone if you plan to engage in the production of a particular product.

Incentive measures in them will help to achieve success. Finally, free zones are territories outside the customs. Normal administrative rules do not work here. Such zones are designed to increase investment and export levels; they are located in ports with access to international trade routes.

Basic legal forms

Business in Turkey for Russians is quite accessible, it is not difficult to deal with all the subtleties. Among other things, it is worth knowing about what organizational and legal forms exist in the country. The creator of a small business should pay attention to four main options. Starting a business in Turkey

The first is a joint stock company. The features of this form are that the capital is divided into shares, the liability of shareholders is limited to subscribed capital. Must have a general meeting and board of directors.

The second is a limited liability company. Such a company must have at least one shareholder, which can be both an individual and a legal entity. Responsibility is limited to subscribed capital, its minimum amount is ten thousand Turkish liras.

The third is a limited company. It is organized to manage a commercial enterprise under a trademark. The activities of the commandants are limited to the share of capital allocated to them.Minimum capital is not required, the obligations of shareholders are determined by the charter of the company.

Finally, the fourth option is a collective company. Shareholders must be individuals, their liability is unlimited. Minimum capital for opening such a form of enterprise is not required.

Where to begin?

Before starting a business in Turkey, you need to choose a legal form and go through the registration procedure. The country's authorities reduced the process of creating an enterprise from nineteen steps to three, so you can deal with paper issues in one day and in one instance. You need to contact the Chamber of Commerce and register the company of the selected format. The country is interested in the flow of investment, so there are no restrictions for foreigners.

As a rule, a limited liability company is chosen as the legal form. In this case, it is necessary to pay the authorized capital in the amount of five thousand Turkish liras. When registering a joint-stock company, the amount payable will be fifty thousand lire, in addition, at least five shareholders will be required.

Detailed description of the procedure

To legally register, you will need a certain list of documents. It includes a decision on the composition of the founders, a charter for the Chamber of Commerce, a manifesto for the Chamber of Commerce, a company name with confirmation of uniqueness verification in the trading bureau and compliance with the requirements of the commercial code. All documents must be certified by a notary and used within two weeks after visiting the notary's office.

If there are several founders, the procedure should be carried out with their physical participation. After submitting documents to the Chamber of Commerce, the entrepreneur receives an “Official Newspaper”, which contains information on registering a business. After that, you need to register with the appropriate service and pay the registered capital. 30% of the required amount should be paid within three months after the start of activity, and the remaining money in the next three years.

Tax payment

Cultural differences between Turkey and Russia for business

Before starting a business in Turkey, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the tax system.

Income tax must be paid by all individuals living in the country who receive profit from their activities. Payment is made monthly.

The amount of tax is from 25 to 50 percent of earnings per year. Legal entities are concerned with another payment. This is income tax, and it is paid at a rate of 20 percent. These two amounts are considered direct.

There are also indirect ones. These are VAT, vehicle tax, banking and insurance transactions, inheritance and gifts, transfer of ownership, real estate, communication and education. Customs duties and other fees should also be considered.

Mental difference

When starting work, the cultural differences between Turkey and Russia should also be considered. For business, not only a business approach is important, you need to be able to build relationships with representatives of another people. It is not difficult to agree with the Turks, but they do not always find it necessary to follow what is agreed upon.

Therefore, logistics, rental agreements and marketing activities in Turkey should be formalized in official papers with all the seals and signatures, otherwise the partner can easily just forget or change his mind.

How do Turks do business?

A self-respecting Turk does not consider it necessary to pay taxes and often lives on credit. If you agree on monthly payments, do not be surprised if you receive money immediately for three months four times a year instead of twelve transfers. Loans, debts, overdue rents - frivolous Turks all this is not too worrying, and even a small company may well have debts of several tens of thousands of dollars. And this will not be considered a sign of bankruptcy at all.

Before starting a business in Turkey, it is worth considering all these features, and then, already in the process of doing business, do not give in to a contagious example and still keep order in financial matters.

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