
Pharmacy business: how to open your own pharmacy. Development of a pharmacy network as a business. How much does it cost to open a pharmacy

In the article we will consider in detail the question of how to organize a pharmacy business. The first step is to register a company. There are two ways to do this:

  • as a private entrepreneur;
  • become the founder of a limited liability company or otherwise OJSC.

If you nevertheless settled on the first option, then keep in mind that in order to establish a pharmacy business, the director of the institution must at least have a diploma in pharmacist, or, in extreme cases, a pharmacist, as mentioned in Federal Law No. 61 “On Circulation of Medicines”.

If you found AO, then you can do without special education.

Profitable business

If you seriously deal with all the related issues, then the pharmacy business can be opened in 10 months. In large cities, such networks are opened very often. Therefore, we can conclude that the profit from the pharmacy exceeds all the expenses that are needed to open it.

This is understandable, if in a big city the population is more than 4,000,000 people, then there is a high probability of epidemics and other diseases that, naturally, increase the sales and profits of pharmacies.

What exactly is needed to open your own pharmacy, we will write below.

Types of Pharmacies

As for pharmacies, they are divided into several types:

  • production, which is engaged in the preparation of drugs;
  • production, but with permission to manufacture antiseptic drugs;
  • a pharmacy selling prepared medicines;
  • pharmacy stall or store;
  • Pharmacy.


profit from the pharmacy

The industry standard describes the functions that each type of pharmacy has. It is on the basis of them that the distribution to the pharmacy, pharmacy kiosk and pharmacy goes. The largest list of functions assigned to the pharmacy.

As for the pharmacy stall, its functions are somewhat limited, for example, it does not have the right to sell medicines according to the prescribed prescriptions, unlike the pharmacy.

It is most reasonable to start by opening your own pharmacy, and then think about branches (kiosks, points). It’s just irrational to just put small pharmacy stalls into operation.

Standard to help

If you omit the design of all documentation, then the most important point is the proper preparation of the room. In order not to miss anything and build a pharmacy business well, use the industry standard. It has a detailed list of everything that should be in the pharmacy.

Approach this question rationally and refer when choosing the type of pharmacy you intend to open. If you intend to open a large pharmacy with a wide range of products, this implies that regular expert consultations will be required here, as such a pharmacy should serve customers at the highest level. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the room in the city center, in those places where a large number of visitors pass.

A pharmacy that has everything

The foundation of such a large-scale pharmacy suggests the presence of the most expensive and rare medicines in it. Any visitor, going to this pharmacy, should know that here you can purchase all the necessary medicines. Therefore, the founder must understand that a pharmacy of such a large scale will require a huge investment. Here is the answer to the question: "How much does it cost to open a pharmacy?" This will directly depend on what type of pharmacy you want to open.

For average income

Another economical option called "discounter" can be seen in such a field as a pharmacy business. Discounters are only pleasant for their pricing, but the service and meager selection of drugs upsets many. It is better to look after the premises for such a pharmacy in one of the sleeping areas or near the metro station. Such pharmacies are often visited by elderly people and other families with an average income level.


A room that is suitable for a pharmacy must have certain parameters. It is desirable that it was not more than 80 m2. And it must contain the following premises:

  • several working rooms for unpacking, storage and delivery of drugs;
  • an office for an accountant and a pharmacy manager so that they can perform their work efficiently;
  • a lounge for pharmacy staff;
  • dressing room with wardrobes for personal items of staff;
  • archive room for storing documentation.


how to organize a pharmacy businessDo not neglect the hygiene and disinfection of the room. Therefore, to design the interior, use only those building materials that can be wiped without problems with a rag soaked in special disinfectants.

Take care of the correct drainage and ventilation. It is important that the premises of the pharmacy must have electricity, water and heat.

In each room where medicines are stored, there should be devices that record the temperature and humidity. It is very important for the proper preservation of medicines.

Do not forget to buy special shelves, racks and cabinets for storing poisonous or narcotic drugs, which are sometimes prescribed by doctors on prescription.

Another separate item of embezzlement is the purchase of a large number of refrigerators.


Now you understand that your business pharmacy is not as light and simple as it seems at first glance. One has only to forget something or get confused, and immediately the work will fail or expensive drugs will deteriorate.

The responsible owner, before opening his own pharmacy, will worry about the presence of fire and burglar alarms in the room. For their installation, it is necessary to allocate a separate room and register the equipment with the Ministry of Health in accordance with all the rules.

Keeping up with progress

Every year, progress is moving forward, and people without phones can’t imagine their life. Therefore, it would be very good to organize a service such as a mobile pharmacy in your pharmacy. Such a service will attract even more customers and, of course, this will affect profits.

Using this service, customers will be able to order any medications delivered to their homes by phone, and you can also conduct similar sales over the Internet.

The person accepting the order must be a qualified pharmacist in order to be able to provide assistance through consultation with the customer.

Permits and documents for establishing a pharmacy

After the repair and installation of the necessary equipment is completed, the documents for obtaining a license for the pharmacy are transferred to the appropriate authorities.

After receiving the documents, the commission must personally check with the pharmacy before issuing the license. They should check both the room and the equipment. Sometimes such checks can drag on for several months. After receiving a positive review, the pharmacy owner can count on getting a license for five years.

Before a license is obtained, it is not possible to purchase goods. Having started the wholesale purchase of medicines, you officially begin your pharmaceutical business.

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy

You will receive an answer when you calculate the money spent on the repair, purchase or rental of premises and investments in the purchase of necessary preparations and related hygiene products.

For the initial stage, before opening the pharmacy, you will have to lay out at least 100,000 conventional units. The assortment must necessarily consist of at least 4,000 types of different goods. The amount spent on the purchase of pharmaceuticals must be at least 40 thousand conventional units.


If the pharmacy will be located in a new area, then make sure that the range of drugs is the same as in the nearest pharmacy, or maybe better. Naturally, the basis of sales (the third part) is a list of the most common medications for colds, heart pain, sedatives, and hygiene products. If all these items are present in the assortment of your pharmacy, then almost every visitor will be satisfied.

Try not to overdo it with the margin, it should be no more than 20% of the purchase price. If the prices are too high, buyers will gradually turn away from your establishment and go to competitors who are not so greedy.

During the formation of the product range, use information systems of various kinds. They will greatly simplify the ordering of any drugs, given wholesale prices and suitable methods of delivery.

Large pharmacies use their systems; they also have their own vehicles in their arsenal, which transport drugs, reducing their price. As for small pharmacies, they use a method such as a “price list”.

Package of documents and mode of operation

By the provision of pharmaceutical licensing and the foundation of the pharmacy, you need to collect a lot of permits and documents.

The work of the pharmacy can take place in two modes according to the choice of the owner:

  • in a closed form, when the medicines are behind the counter at the pharmacist and are issued personally by the seller;
  • in open form, when all pharmacy products are laid out on the trading floor and on additional shelves from which the buyer can take everything he needs.

It is feasible to open a pharmacy of the second regime only if it is a big city, and it will be able to receive visitors from 10,000 people. The sale of goods in such a pharmacy is usually higher than at other pharmacy points by at least 25%.

Penalties to the staff of the institution

At a time when the development of the pharmacy network went uphill, you need to think about penalties for employees. Such sanctions should be reflected in the industry standard.

Requirements for pharmacy owner and staff

The pharmacy manager must have:

  • a diploma that certifies higher medical education as a pharmacist or pharmacist;
  • Work experience in the medical field should be at least three years, it is desirable to have a professional certificate.

If the pharmacy manager is a private entrepreneur, he is also required to have a diploma of higher medical education and work experience in the specialty for more than three years, or if the entrepreneur is a pharmacist, then the experience must be at least five years.

All pharmacy personnel must comply with the requirements of the manager, follow all the rules when working with medicines and undergo retraining every five years.

Related products

Nowadays, the range of products sold in pharmacies has become more diverse. Now on the pharmacy shelves are located not only medicines and other medical products. The owner has the right to expand the range using related products in the pharmacy.

In principle, today every modern pharmacy expands its range with the help of not only hygienic and cosmetic products, but also other related products (most often these are goods for children).

related products in a pharmacy

Previously, in every city there were mother and child pharmacies, where it was possible to purchase various products for the care of children, except for conventional medicines. This is a special baby food, accessories for newborns, various additives and herbs.Nowadays, all these products can be bought not only in the children's store, but also in every pharmacy.

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