
Business plan: gift wrapping. How to open a gift and souvenir shop from scratch

gift wrapping business planIt's nice to receive gifts, but no less nice to give them. That is why small shops offering cute souvenirs and trinkets to choose from are so in demand.

And so that even the most modest present can “play”, it is necessary to present it with taste.

The ability to beautifully decorate items bought as a gift can be profitable and a favorite thing for you, you only need a well-designed business plan. Gift wrapping does not require capital investments and after a short time begins to bring good income.

What are the benefits of this business?

Let's see what are the advantages of this seemingly frivolous occupation. First of all, you do not need to invest in expensive equipment, purchase expensive materials, recruit staff and rent a large room. At first, it was quite possible to meet the amount of about 30 thousand rubles.

You can start by opening a tiny patch next to the souvenir shop in the mall. And until you get on your feet, you will personally cope with all the responsibilities without attracting additional strength. But in the future it is already possible to expand the range due to cute trinkets: magnets, postcards, interior toys, decorative trinkets.

We are preparing a business plan

Gift wrapping, of course, is not too difficult, but it will require you to plan your actions carefully. Calculate the amount of investments in advance, specify from whom and what you will purchase. Consider options for further development of your business.

In addition to purchasing materials from manufacturers (paper, ribbons, boxes, souvenirs), you can negotiate with craftswomen who are engaged in sewing toys, creating postcards, albums, photo frames, on the implementation of their home masterpieces. Usually needlewomen willingly give their consent to the sale of their products.

And before you open a gift wrapping business, you yourself need to acquire the skills to beautifully arrange presents. Even if it seems to you that everything is working out fine for you, it will still be useful to learn some tricks of skill that allow you to save consumables.

If you are not ready to personally attend paid workshops, then try to use the available information (for example, read special literature).

Company registration

Before starting your business, go through registration as an individual entrepreneur, register with the tax office. Licenses for this type of activity do not need to be issued.

We are looking for a room

Gift and souvenir shop must be in a crowded place. Renting huge areas is impractical. A small corner in a large shopping center is enough. So you automatically get your customers. People passing by will cling to you with their eyes, stop next to you, examine the goods for sale. And here everything is already in your hands - hook the client, make it so that he remembers you and then he purposefully addresses you.

We attract attention

If we open a gift shop, then this is comparable to the opening of a small fairy shop. Room decoration plays a special role. Arrange the product so that it attracts the attention of passing people. Be sure to place in a prominent place the most original packaging options for presentations. So customers will understand that not only the seller is behind the counter, but the master of his craft, who is creatively suitable for any task.

Keep an album with photos of your work on hand so that at any time you can offer visitors an interesting gift wrapping option.


The item on the purchase of consumables must be worked out and included in the business plan. Gift wrapping does not involve the use of expensive paper or fabric. Of course, at the request of the client it is quite possible to organize it, but you should not keep skin or natural silk handy, brocade is not worth it.

To start your business from scratch, you will need boxes of different sizes, wrapping paper, decorative film, tubes and ribbons. And still at hand should always be pieces of fabric, ready-made bows, artificial flowers, stickers. All this can be purchased in small wholesale from suppliers.

Do not ignore fashion trends in decoration. It is now very popular to use natural materials. Therefore, get canvas bags, cotton ribbons, dried flowers. A variety of curiosities in an exotic style will not interfere.gift wrapping service

Of course, the material for gift wrapping is selected taking into account the coming holidays. Prepare in advance for the New Year or March 8th. It will be a shame miss out only because of not purchased on time wrapping paper with the symbols of Christmas.

Do not forget about themed souvenirs, postcards. And also change the design of your outlet to set up buyers for the upcoming holiday.

Do not be lazy to check with customers for details. Then it will be easier for you to guess with the thematic orientation of the package. It is one thing if the present is presented to a young girl.

It is quite another matter if the gift is intended for a business partner. Or the client needs to make a wedding gift, anniversary. But you never know what occasions can occur in life.

What will you offer

Of course, your main suggestion is a gift wrapping service. Plus sale of greeting cards and gift souvenirs. But this is only partly. It is in your power to diversify the range of services offered. Do not limit yourself solely to one-time orders, strive to hook the client.

It is very profitable to get an offer for packaging corporate presentations. Now in large organizations it is customary to pamper their employees with gift sets for the holidays. Making such an order differs from the usual scheme. Here you will need to use the symbols of the company, its corporate colors. You must take into account the wishes of the customer himself, maintain the style.

The cost of gift wrapping is made up of the price of a consumable. The most economical option is a gift bag. It costs around 30 or 50 rubles. A box plus colored paper and a ribbon will cost the client more expensive. For example, 100 or 200 rubles. A lot depends on the size of the gift, its dimensions (with non-standard forms you will have to show all your talent as a designer), the quality of the packaging material and additional decor.

Offer the buyer a choice of several price options, demonstrating clearly wrapping paper, sachets, boxes. Here again, an album with samples of work will help you out.


At the first stages, when you launch your souvenir shop, you will be able to cope alone. But with the growth of the business, it will be necessary to hire assistants. If you are not ready yet to recruit staff, then at least for the time of the emergency calls to attract additional hands. Believe me, you will appreciate the presence of another master on the eve of the New Year or February 23.

If you are initially set to recruit, then decide on the basic requirements. In addition to the ability to beautifully wrap a gift, the seller of your point should have a sense of taste, creative spirit, imagination. He should easily win over people, be smiling and sociable. And also inquisitive and honest.

If you do not have any friends who meet these requirements and want to connect to your business, then contact a recruitment agency for help.But do not rely solely on the opinion of the recruiter. Be sure to personally communicate with applicants.

We promote and develop

Try to include development programs in your business plan. Gift wrapping is just the first step; try to think in which direction you will move. If you stick to your chosen strategy, you will soon be able to turn your store into a popular boutique, giving it personality.

gift wrapping business

But in order for your company to not only exist, but to develop, you need promotion. Allocate funds for printing business cards and flyers. Hand business cards to customers. Distribute flyers and booklets in shopping centers, distribute to friends. Let as many people know about you as possible. And do not forget to surprise your customers with unusual things. So you will make sure that you are remembered and started to advise your loved ones and colleagues.

With a good load of orders, you can easily “beat off” the money spent and begin to receive quite a solid income. Especially during the holidays.

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I support instagram sellers)) It is very popular now and it’s very easy to promote an account there, and as a result you get a bunch of subscribers, half of which your service will be interesting in any way. I started the business of gift wrapping in the same way, and I also did advertising on Avito. Yes, there were failures, but in the beginning it’s always like that. But I understood something - the more fresh original ideas, the more interested customers. Constantly you need to come up with something new, which others have not thought of yet. I love this, so the work is going on))
My advice to you is to urgently make a page on Instagram! It was only thanks to her that I started my small business. I used the promotion of the account, but it was my only investment there. As a result, I received 2 times more feedback and interested persons in my service. I also advertise on Avito so that people can see the service. I have my own way of wrapping gifts. I came to him far from immediately. At first I perfected those that were already. Now I can even realize the packaging that the client wants. This is paid more and takes longer, but not in vain)
I do not quite have gift wrapping, but now boxes for flowers and flower arrangements, for sweet surprises are popular. This is what I do. The plus is that I do not need a room, I draw everything at home, I sell it through Avito. You should have a page in the same instagram, but so far there is no time for it.


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