
How to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs. Where to open an IP settlement account and what documents are needed

Often, individual entrepreneurs, starting their own business, are puzzled by the question of whether an individual account is needed? It all depends on how exactly the entrepreneur plans his work.

current account for un

Under current law, IP can operate without a current account. You can pay taxes on ordinary receipts at any branch of Sberbank. Opening an account is not the obligation of the entrepreneur, he has the right to solve this issue on his own.

When is a checking account necessary?

But work without current account quite difficult. In this case, many restrictions apply. For example, you can’t interact with legal entities, you can only interact with individuals, which obviously will not benefit the developing business.

Non-cash payments are carried out exclusively with the use of settlement accounts, and in fact the vast majority of organizations prefer non-cash. Cash flow between enterprises is severely limited. In addition, individual entrepreneurs are required to monitor cash transactions and keep records of them, timely submitting excess balances to the bank. So it turns out - if you want to develop, open a bank account. With him there really are more opportunities for the qualitative growth of the enterprise.

Where to open an IP bank account: choose a bank

There are a great many different offers from banks today. To open a current account for individual entrepreneurs, one should study the sites of banks operating in the region where the business is supposed to be opened or is already operating, compare the proposed service conditions and tariffs, read customer reviews.

do i need a checking account

Banks put forward various, sometimes very favorable conditions, so you should not rush to the very first credit institution. It is better to spend time, but make the right choice, because a reliable bank is both a partner and a foundation.

The range of banking offers today is huge: some offer free cash management services, the second offer some other advantageous opportunities, for example, copying and certifying documents for a fee, connecting to Internet banking to be able to manage your account remotely (making payments and receiving statements in in electronic format). Many entrepreneurs prefer trusted banks with state participation, in particular Sberbank. An IP settlement account, however, can be opened in any other financial institution.

The main criteria that guide you when choosing a bank

Sberbank settlement account un

Each entrepreneur has his own approach to solving this issue, but it is important to pay attention to such conditions:

  • amount of payment for cash settlement services;
  • the possibility of receiving cash and settlement services without paying periods of lack of current operations on the account;
  • the conditions most favorable to the client when granting loans;
  • the presence of an online bank that meets the requirements of the client.

System "Client-Bank"

A progressive form of managing your own accounts via the Internet was embodied in the Client-Bank system. This convenient function makes it possible at any time to verify the availability of funds in the account, to make any payment, including to the IFTS or to extra-budgetary funds without losing time filling out receipts and standing in queues. The statement is also printed automatically.

When choosing a bank in order to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to clarify the cost of this service. Many provide it for free, and some for a fee.

Plastic card for an individual

Choosing a suitable bank and opening a current account in it, it will be useful for an entrepreneur to open an account with issuing a plastic card as a private person. So you can save on interest on banking services. The transfer of cash from the IP account is accompanied by the accrual of interest to the bank, and if you transfer funds to your own plastic card in the same bank through “Client-bank”, then interest is not paid.

True, this information should be clarified in the bank. There are still credit institutions that do not provide free internal transfer services. Any card can be opened. The cost of its annual maintenance usually does not exceed 500 rubles. When choosing a bank to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur, you should make sure that you have an ATM near the company or your own home.

Documents for the current account of IP

The mandatory list of documents required for this at various banks is somewhat different. Therefore, it will be useful to first request a register of documents from a financial institution or to get acquainted with the necessary information on its website. However, the main package usually consists of the following forms:

  • the original certificate of state registration of IP (with OGRNIP) or a copy thereof certified by a notary;
  • a notarized copy or the original certificate of registration with the territorial tax authorities (with TIN IP);
  • notarized copies of the identity cards (passport) of the entrepreneur or his representative acting by issued power of attorney, as well as persons whose signatures will be reflected in the signature sample card;
  • extract from the USRIP issued by the IFTS and confirming the registration of IP;
  • an information letter on the types of activities from Rosstat, which must be obtained independently from the Rosstat organ;
  • receipt confirming the address of the entrepreneur's actual place of residence (in the event that it does not coincide with the registration address).

where to open a current account un

There is another part of the documents that the bank provides. It can be:

  • application for opening an account;
  • contracts for the provision of banking services (including remote servicing);
  • signature samples cards, etc.

Each bank develops its own forms of these documents. They can be obtained at service offices or viewed on the bank’s website and subsequently downloaded. Different banks put forward different requirements for paperwork required to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs.

Next step: signature sample card

When concluding bank service agreements, an important place is cards with sample signatures and prints SP. It is the main form confirming the entrepreneur’s right to conduct operations on the account. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • documents drawn up are transferred to the legal entities service sector, which checks them and appoints a service specialist;
  • he also helps the entrepreneur in filling out the card;
  • in his presence, you should leave the painting on the back of the document and put dashes in blank lines;
  • a bank specialist also signs and affixes a bank seal;
  • It remains to pay for the procedure for opening an account for a receipt order issued by a specialist.

The procedure ends with the issuance of a certificate on the opening of a current account.

documents for current account un

Mandatory account opening notification

Until May 2014, an entrepreneur, opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur, had to notify the regulatory authorities about this. With the enactment of laws No. 59-ФЗ and No. 52-ФЗ dated 02.04.2014, banks are solely responsible for providing information on settlement and other accounts of companies and entrepreneurs. Now it is financial and credit institutions, and not entrepreneurs, who are obliged to transfer this kind of information to the IFTS and the off-budget sphere.

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