
How to get an interview at Sberbank? Questions, answers. Work at Sberbank

If you are interested in how to get an interview at Sberbank, it means that you are already eager to work in the largest financial institution in the country. What qualities are important for a future employee of this company? Is it difficult to get a job at Sberbank? Is it good to work there? How is the interview usually done? We will try to answer these questions in detail.

how to get an interview at Sberbank

Why do many specialists strive to get a position in Sberbank?

The financial corporation currently employs more than 260 thousand employees. Several million specialists worked at Sberbank earlier. Now a lot of job seekers for cashiers, operations officers, loan inspectors, managers, lawyers are knocking at the door of personnel services. Both students of economic universities who have not yet received a diploma of higher education, and specialists with solid experience in commercial organizations, are concerned about how to get a job at Sberbank. Why?

There are serious reasons for this:

1. Sberbank has a fairly high level of remuneration.

The starting salary for the probationary period is likely to be small. But the longer you work in this company, the more you get bonuses, bonuses and benefits. Therefore, qualified employees are detained at Sberbank for a long time. When asking questions to the employer, ask how much your salary will be at the initial stage, and what are the prospects for increasing monthly income in 1-2 years.

2. The largest bank in the country complies with labor laws.

The official salary is credited to a plastic card. Fully paid sick leave, vacation, medical insurance, pension contributions. Bonuses are calculated according to a well-known algorithm for each employee.

3. Work operations are clearly regulated.

Sberbank has developed detailed instructions on what steps an employee should take in any situation. The standards of customer service, the algorithms of actions in the implementation of banking operations, the rules of cooperation between divisions are clearly spelled out.

4. Each employee of Sberbank is only responsible for their area.

You will perform exclusively those duties that are prescribed in the job description and internal regulations.

5. The largest bank in Russia has a strong system of internal corporate training.

work at Sberbank

Seminars and trainings for employees are held regularly. Before you get the right to perform certain operations, you must pass the tests.

In the labor market, Sberbank is deservedly called the "forge of personnel." Many employees of the company came to work in it from a student's bench and turned into highly qualified specialists. Once they, like you, puzzled how to get an interview at Sberbank.

Corporate culture

Describing the benefits that work at Sberbank provides, it is worthwhile to separately talk about which code of communication has been adopted among employees. Company employees consider themselves to be one big family. Sberbank often hosts holidays, beauty contests, intellectual games, creative evenings, KVN. Special groups of responsible employees prepare events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Sberbank interview questions

One of the most famous social projects of the bank is the Green Marathon.Every year in the spring, more than 30 thousand employees of Sberbank, as well as citizens, adherents of sports and a healthy lifestyle, gather in order to make a race for a distance of 4.2 km. Bank management encourages informal relationships between employees, making the team more cohesive. Most likely, you will be able to make many useful connections among the employees of the organization.

What are the employees of the country's largest financial institution dissatisfied with?

  1. The volume of work is very large and, as a rule, does not fit into the framework of an 8-hour day. Most employees in senior positions work 10-12 hours a day. Many come to work on legal weekends.
  2. Sberbank can not be called a democratic organization. The requirements of the management to discuss and dispute are not accepted. Employees are strictly treated: they are much more often criticized and punished than praised and encouraged. Not everyone can withstand a large number of “bumps and slaps”.
  3. Work at Sberbank, as a rule, is not to the liking of creative people. Piles of papers as tall as a person and endless columns of numbers on many make you bored. More often here you have to do what is ordered, and not what you think is necessary.
  4. Work in the largest bank in the country falls on wear and tear, often in the emergency mode. Many operations are carried out in a hurry. Often, employees must perform several tasks simultaneously.
  5. The degree of responsibility is very high. Since Sberbank is a key financial institution in the country, the scope of its activities is huge. You will be responsible for large sums of money and serious transactions of corporations. Any wrong move can be very expensive.
  6. In real life, it’s hard enough to comply with all the rules and the ever-changing requirements of Sberbank. Many people think that for this you need to be a robot.
  7. The company has adopted a very strict dress code. If you apply for a position in a division working with clients, be prepared to dress up every day in the style of “black bottom - white top”.

job interview

What qualities are especially important for an employee of Sberbank?

In order to get an interview for work in the largest financial institution in the country, it is important to discover and demonstrate to the interviewers the following qualities:

  1. Workaholism. Work for the job seeker in Sberbank should be in the first place. You need to be prepared and love to work hard. In the largest bank in the country, it is not customary to demonstrate that family or leisure is more important to you than the interests of the corporation.
  2. Stress resistance. The requirements for Sberbank employees are very high. For short periods of time, you need to assimilate large amounts of information, keep long lists of tasks for the day, week and month in your head. Work at Sberbank is quite difficult. At the interview, it is important to prove to the employer that you feel calm and confident in difficult situations.
  3. Teamwork skills. In Sberbank, many sectors and departments are interconnected in “chains” and depend on each other. So, for example, the operator will not make a large payment without the participation of the controller. And the loan officer, before giving a loan to the client, is obliged to coordinate the contract with the legal department and the security department. At least three to four specialists will be required to complete any operation. Therefore, the interview with the employer will be built in such a way as to test your ability to negotiate, clearly plan your actions and be ready to adapt to clients and colleagues.
  4. Accuracy. Working at Sberbank, you will deal with large volumes of documents. In order not to get lost in the abundance of papers and computer files, it will be necessary to clearly systematize their flow. If you are pedantic, accustomed to maintaining order in documents and things, then working with information in the bank will not be difficult for you.
  5. Customer focus.Does a potential job involve communication with visitors to operating rooms? In this case, you should be able to serve them. For many customers, it’s still quite difficult to work with Sberbank. Some operations are slow and require a large number of documents. Customers are alarmed and worried. They need to be able to support, calm, correctly inform about the current situation.
  6. Energy. Sberbank is good at working with “high-speed” employees. You must be able to walk fast, easily switch from one action to another, prepare documents quickly, and also have techniques that accelerate the workflow.

how to get to Sberbank

How to successfully pass an interview for a job at Sberbank?

  1. Find reputable people who could recommend you. It is possible they will show up among the current employees of Sberbank. Maybe one of the regular customers of the company will “put in a word” about your person. Also help get a job at Sberbank letters of recommendation from former employers. If a well-known person vouches for your professional competence and decency, you will no longer be a candidate from the street.
  2. Pay serious attention to the dress code. Prefer a strict plain business suit and neat pumps with a closed toe. Ideal for an interview would be the style of "white top - black bottom." Choosing this image, you will become a little “your own” for interviewers.
  3. Take along a strict cover notebook and pen. You will be able to record important information, as well as demonstrate a professional approach to such a thing as an interview with the employer.
  4. Preliminarily familiarize yourself with all available materials that teach how to pass an interview at Sberbank. This will help you feel more confident.
  5. Try to exclude slang words from speech if you are used to using them. Refuse also from diminutive forms of nouns.
  6. Often use courtesy formulas "thank you", "please", "nice to meet you." Contact interviewers by name and patronymic.

interview with employer

Tips for a lady

The corporate culture of Sberbank makes special demands on the female business style. Therefore, ladies going for an interview should pay attention to the following appearance details:

questions to the employer

  • Choose a strict and straight skirt. Its length should be no lower and no higher than 10 cm from the knee.
  • The face should be refreshed with a light “natural” make-up that hides skin imperfections.
  • It’s best to wear stockings on your feet even in the hot season.
  • You can add elegance to your image with the help of two or three jewelry or jewelry items. They should be small, discreet and elegant. Ideally, for interviews in Sberbank, small earrings, one ring and a watch are suitable.
  • It is important to process and polish nails with a natural shade.
  • It is better to style your hair in a neat hairstyle that matches the business style.

Interviewing: what questions are asked?

Achieving the goal, you will take several "entrance exams." Each applicant passes an interview at Sberbank. Questions vary depending on which person conducts the interview.

Stage 1. Interview with a representative of the personnel service.

The recruiter will evaluate your compliance with the stated requirements of the vacancy, ask questions about education and work experience. Be prepared to tell us why you want to work at Sberbank and why you are going to leave your previous duty station. At this stage, it is important to emphasize that you have long dreamed of becoming a full member of the team of the country's largest financial institution. Make it clear to the interviewer that they heard a lot about Sberbank from acquaintances, read media publications and therefore are well acquainted with the company's mission and its values.Explain that in your opinion it is here that you can realize your potential and seriously grow professionally. Confirm that you plan to work at Sberbank for at least 10 years and wish to gradually take the position of head of sector or department.


Stage 2. Psychological testing.

Most likely, you will be asked to answer a number of questions in writing. When preparing for this stage of the interview, try to recognize yourself in advance as a person who is infinitely committed to the cause. Sberbank interviewers will definitely test your ability to communicate with clients and resolve conflicts. Many questions will concern honesty and a positive attitude towards problems.

Stage 3. Interview with the head of the profile unit.

At this stage, Sberbank will appreciate your professional knowledge and skills. So, applicants for the position of accountant will be asked questions about accounting. Candidates for credit analysts will have to demonstrate their ability to collect information about potential borrowers, "read" the financial statements of enterprises, and verify the solvency of customers. If you like the head of the unit, then with a high degree of probability you will be accepted.

Stage 4. Interview with the security service.

Get ready for a lot of “personal” questions. Interviewers will ask where your spouse, parents, brothers and sisters live and who work. You may have to provide information about the property status of the family: what values ​​do you own, where do you live, is there a car? Get ready to respond honestly and in as much detail as possible. Most likely, you will be asked to sign a consent to the processing of personal data before the interview. Candidates with a dubious reputation cannot be trusted with actions with Sberbank money and information - the danger of financial frauds is too high. Therefore, it is important for the security service to make sure that you are a conscientious worker, “clean at hand” and have no criminal record.

Final approval of candidacy for the personnel commission

To fill some positions, you will need to go through an interview with key managers of the branch in which you plan to get a job. Many questions will be repeated here. If you have already successfully completed an interview with the head of the profile unit, this collective interview will be a formality.


Job application

Most likely, after the "entrance tests", you will not be invited to immediately begin service. Formalities will take some time (up to one month). Get ready to call up with various responsible employees of Sberbank, arrange a meeting time. At the end of each conversation or briefing, you will receive the next signature in the “bypass sheet”. Be patient. Only when the “bypass sheet” is completely filled, will the personnel department prepare a package of documents for employment.


We tried to most fully answer the question of how to get an interview at Sberbank. What else is important to mention? Although experts with work experience are valued primarily in the labor market, Sberbank is perhaps one of those organizations that can forgive applicants for the absence of any experience. Many students of economic universities who practice here, become full members of the team, not yet receiving a diploma of higher education.

Working at Sberbank, you can gain valuable professional skills and significantly broaden your horizons. Even one year spent in this corporation, for literate careerists becomes a big step to new heights. Sberbank fosters industriousness and determination in its employees.

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