
How to calculate VAT on the amount? VAT calculator

Nowadays, the reform of the economic sphere continues, associated with the comprehensive introduction of market relations in all aspects of life.

It did not pass by and taxation issues. One of the most significant payments is the value added tax levied on the margin, which is created in the production processes, as well as in the turnover of products.

It refers to indirect taxes since it is, in fact, a premium included in the price of the goods that the end consumer pays for. In this article, the reader will receive an answer to the question of how to calculate VAT and not to face tax problems.

how to calculate vat

The concept of value added tax

Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax that is levied on an enterprise based on the cost of goods (services) raised during processing on it. How to calculate VAT at the enterprise? The base of this tax is calculated by the difference between the income from the sale of products and the total amount of the costs of its manufacture or processing, which include the cost of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials received from third-party contractors. There are some goods and services that, according to the law, are fully or partially exempted from paying the corresponding tax.

The main objectives of VAT taxation are:

  1. Fiscal (filling the state treasury).
  2. Export (return on the sale of goods and services abroad). According to the creators, it should stimulate the export of products with a large share of added value, namely the manufacturing industry.

calculate vat including

The question arises: "How to calculate VAT on the amount of purchased goods?" So, an organization that bought products at 200 rubles per unit sold it for 270 rubles (including VAT). Consequently, the amount of 270-200 = 70 rubles will be taxed.

VAT is an indirect tax, therefore, its actual and legal payers do not match. Individual entrepreneurs and companies legally pay the amount of tax to the budget, but in fact - end consumers pay it “out of pocket”.

Who is the VAT payer?

In order to understand how to correctly calculate VAT, it is necessary to study in detail groups of payers whose taxation is fundamentally different from each other. These include:

  1. Organizations that carry out taxable operations.
  2. Relevant individual entrepreneurs.
  3. Persons who are required to pay VAT due to the movement of their goods outside the border.

As a rule, VAT payers are individual entrepreneurs and organizations that are taxed on a common basis.

Representatives of the first and second groups can become owners of tax benefits in the form of exemption from VAT.

Who is eligible for release?

Some companies may be fully exempt from VAT. A prerequisite is that the revenue for the three previous calendar months should not exceed two million rubles. In this case, revenue is calculated from the entire volume of turnover - both taxable with value added and non-taxable.

Upon release, the following list of documents must be provided:

  • statement of balance;
  • extract from the sales book;
  • a copy of the invoice journal;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - an extract from the journal of business operations.

how to calculate VAT

Object of taxation

It is important to find out exactly which operations are subject to VAT. These include:

  • sales of products on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • gratuitous transfer of property rights;
  • transfer of non-deductible goods for own needs on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • import of imported goods;
  • construction and installation work for their own needs.

What transactions are not subject to VAT?

Transactions that are not related to the implementation process are not taxed, namely:

  • currency circulation operations;
  • transfer of funds to the assignee during the reorganization;
  • investing in authorized funds of farms, partnerships, as well as cooperatives;
  • transfer of property to non-entrepreneurial statutory activities of non-profit organizations or in the form of a return of part of the participant upon leaving the community;
  • operations related to the privatization of residential premises of the municipal (state) housing stock;
  • gratuitous transfer of housing and communal and social facilities, as well as objects of state property (gas communications, roads, electric networks, etc.).

Quite a lot of factors influence how to correctly calculate the VAT, including determining the place of sales.

Now consider the basic value added tax rates applicable in the Russian Federation.

VAT rate 0%

Zero rate is applied when implementing:

  • export goods outside the Russian Federation;
  • works and services aimed at the production of export products;
  • works and services related to the transit of goods through the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • passenger transportation and baggage transportation services if one of the endpoints is located outside the country.

how to calculate vat 18

10% VAT rate

This interest rate is used when one of the types of products is sold:

  • food products according to the established list;
  • some established baby products;
  • printed periodicals (except for those that have erotic content, or publications of an advertising nature);
  • scientific and educational book products;
  • medical supplies and medicines;
  • other medical products.

how to calculate vat tax

VAT rate 18%

All entrepreneurs at some point think about how to calculate VAT. 18% is levied on all other goods and services that were not included in the previous two groups.

Another method of calculating this tax is to determine the percentage ratio - 10% or 18% - of the tax rate to the tax base (taken as 100%), increased by the corresponding rate. It is characteristic for the following cases:

  • if funds are received against future deliveries;
  • if tax agents withhold a certain amount of tax;
  • when selling goods, works, services that are purchased from a third-party counterparty taking into account the amount of VAT;
  • if products and processed products of the agricultural industry are sold.

How to calculate the VAT in this case? Usually use one of the following formulas:

  • VAT = X: (110) * 10


  • VAT = X: (118) * 18.

Having determined which of the payer groups one or another company belongs to, one can easily calculate the amount of tax that must be transferred to the state.

How to calculate VAT to the budget?

The company "Monolith International" specializes in providing services to the public. During the reporting period, she purchased and capitalized materials in the amount of 59,000 rubles (including VAT - 9,000). During the same time, the company provided services at a VAT rate of 18% in the amount of 141,600 rubles (including 21,600 VAT).

How to calculate the VAT that the company "Monolith" must transfer to the state budget? By subtracting from the amount of VAT accrued by the company on the services sold, the amount of input tax (accrued during the acquisition of materials). Next, we calculate the amount of tax deductions to the budget: 21 600 - 9000 = 12 600 rubles.

Tax Period for Value Added Report

A tax period means a calendar month. For a part of payers with monthly revenues of up to two million rubles, this is a quarter.How to calculate VAT and pay it correctly, depending on the periodization of reporting? According to the provisions, tax is paid no later than the twentieth day of the following reporting period. Its amount is calculated based on the amount of sales of the expired tax period.

How to calculate VAT in the budget

What reporting forms are used?

It’s not enough to know how to calculate tax (VAT). It is necessary to properly submit reporting forms to the tax authorities. Also, tax payers must adhere to the rules for filing declarations for the reporting period. It should be remembered that there are approved forms of VAT returns (as well as a form for taxation at a rate of 0%), as well as standard instructions for filling them out.

The payer must submit a declaration to the tax authority located at the place of registration no later than the twentieth day of the month following the reporting tax period.

Using all the above rules and recommendations, you can significantly improve your relationship with the tax office.

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