
How to dispose of the car: procedure

There are various reasons for recycling a car. This may be the impossibility of recovering it after an accident, or the retirement age of a car who has honestly served the owner, or the owner’s desire to purchase a new model, having freed himself from useless trash. Be that as it may, the recycling program allows not only to get rid of the iron turned into scrap metal, but also to get a discount on the purchase of a new machine.how to dispose of a car

Disposal of old cars: the essence of the process

Having spent a lot of time trying to repair and start the car and finally realizing that it can no longer be restored, the owner comes to the best decision: hand over the stopped moving iron to the scrap and buy a new car, which is absolutely true. Because the disposal of a used car will not only make room for a new acquisition, but also bring profit.

So, the interested owner wants to know how to dispose of the car. The essence of the process is simple. Cars of any age and in absolutely any technical condition are allowed to be scrapped, the main thing is that it was a car of Russian manufacture. But there is an important point: the discount is valid only for the purchase of cars of the same Russian production, that is, the program does not apply to foreign cars. While the recycling program is in place, the Russian auto industry at this time plans to sell over 170 cars of various classes.recycling machines

Details and nuances of disposal

You should not throw an unusable car in the yard. This will not only annoy your neighbors, but will also result in financial losses for you, since if you still haven’t removed your obsolete car, you will have to pay a tax fee for it as before. So, to get a discount, the owner needs to deliver his old car along with the TCP and the registration certificate to the dealer. The price of the car and its brand do not matter, but there is still something that requires the disposal of cars. The conditions are such that the car must be owned by the owner for at least one year. And if you want to hand over the car to a scrap through a dealer, then you need to issue a power of attorney.recycling program

How is the disposal of machines

A car that has exhausted its resources is handed over to qualified specialists who will have to disassemble it and transfer it to further processing. And it is very good that the owner no longer needs to participate in further operations, because recycling in itself is an extremely time-consuming task. In addition, not everyone wants to see what happens next with the formerly once beloved car. And the essence of the process is that the seats are removed from the car, all the available plastic and rubber elements are removed in the passenger compartment, everything is cleaned, any residual technical fluids are drained and the electrical equipment is completely dismantled. As a result, only the iron skeleton remains, which is pressed and sent for re-melting.car recycling conditions

Necessary documentation and steps to action

Many owners are interested in how to dispose of a car documented. To start the recycling process, a number of conditions must be met. Therefore, we will consider how everything should be properly executed, what documents will be required and what steps should be taken by the owner.

  1. Only an owner who has a document on the right to own this car can dispose of the vehicle.
  2. Before disposal, the car must be deregistered in the traffic police.
  3. Next - in MREO get a certificate authorizing the delivery of cars in the scrap. In this case, you will need your passport and documentation for the car.In case of loss of documents you will need to write a statement.
  4. After transferring the car to a scrap, you must pay the tax for the time when the car was still considered your property.

How recycling keeps the environment clean

Have you ever wondered why the disposal of machines is necessary and how this is associated with a clean environment. Many owners, abandoning the old, more maintenance-free machine in the backyards, believe that it does not bother anyone there. In fact, in terms of ecology, such a car is a time bomb. After all, the ground under the car is gradually being polluted due to the fact that the remnants of used engine oil and gas run off there, the rust that corrodes the abandoned car is also showered there, as well as toxic compounds of lead and chromium, which are not useful for humans.

Then, after the rains, all these harmful newly formed compounds fall into the drinking water that both you and your children drink. And in the case when the car is not so old, the owner’s attempts to start it poison the surrounding air with harmful exhaust gases. Because the fuel system of a machine that has been living on for its last years is unbalanced, the fuel and lubricant were used far from top-quality, and all this happens when there is no system that performs the function of neutralizing exhaust gases. Therefore, it would be wiser to send such a car to its well-deserved rest and to begin with, ask its friends who already respected the "gray hair" of their old iron horses, how to dispose of the car.recycling old cars

Actions in the traffic police

Consider what actions will be performed in order to dispose of the car in the traffic police. First of all, the institution of the State Inspectorate will check for debts. If you don’t have any fines or debts, then you will be given a permission-letter for disposal without any problems.

Where to take the car for recycling

After receiving a certificate from the traffic police, the owner has a question about where to dispose of the car. This is not a problem, since in almost every city there are special sites for the disposal of cars. If in your city there isn’t one, then you can independently free the salon from all that is superfluous, just as the specialists of processing points would do. Hand over the remaining iron body of the machine for scrap, while taking into account the current price of metal, you can even make some good money.

In addition, in almost every average city population, there are firms that will take your car in any of its configuration free of charge. But know that you will not be paid a dime for this. However, the plus is that you will be saved from financial costs and quickly get rid of an old vehicle. Therefore, the choice of what to do next with a decommissioned car is exclusively a business matter.

Delivery to the reception center

If there is a recycling center for old cars in your city, you just have to solve the issue of delivering your car there. If the vehicle is not on the move, then you can hire a tow truck or find a way to deliver it to the site on your own. But even in the case when the car can still go by itself, refrain from delivering it to the reception point, having arrived on it under your own power. Because this car is already listed as a "scrap", and a trip on it is fraught with a serious fine for you. In this case, a fine will be issued to you, re-issued as the owner of this vehicle. In fact, there are quite a few centers and sites specializing in recycling operations these days, choose the nearest one and use the services of a tow truck.where to dispose of the car

What to do if the car no longer exists

The most important condition for the disposal of a car is to deregister it in the traffic police, because after that you as the owner will no longer need to pay the transport tax.But what should you do if the car you own does not literally physically exist? And even in this case, you can dispose of the car without a car. To do this, you need to appear in the traffic police with all the documents available for this vehicle. Then the same procedure occurs. You pass the debt check, pay the tax and take the car off the register. Then you calmly receive a certificate of permission for disposal, the discount put for it.

State recycling program for 2016-2017

This year in the Russian Federation, the state car recycling program will come into effect from September and will last until 2017. This became known from the words of the Minister of Industry D. Manturov. It is possible that the need for a regular recycling program arose due to ongoing reductions in the Russian automotive industry. If we take 2014 as an example, then the sale of passenger cars fell by 10.5%, and freight cars by 15.8. This year’s state program will be different from last year’s programs. This time, not only cars, but also trucks and buses fall under the possibility of recycling a car.dispose of a car without a car

In addition, the discount will be available not only for individuals, but also for legal entities. The only “but” is that the list of necessary recycling documents for legal entities will be a little wider. If the company’s car must be scrapped, you will need to select a trustee. This employee must appear in the traffic police with his passport, vehicle registration certificate, Title and necessarily with a power of attorney from your company or company.

In addition, you will need: in 2 copies, an act on writing off financial assets, a garage card, it is also a confirmed fleet code, and, of course, the final document for disposal is an extract from the unified state register of legal entities, and it should not be drawn up more than 6 months ago. All the nuances of how to dispose of the car will be fully covered before the program takes effect.

This time, the state expects an even greater effect on the country's budget, because even in terms of 2014, replenishment of the budget played a significant role for the Russian economy.

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