
Food waste. Food waste disposal

Food waste is food that has lost its consumer properties, unusable or altered during production. They are also the raw materials left after cooking. food waste

main sources

Food waste in large quantities appears in places of public catering, at enterprises for the production of semi-finished products. They are present in household garbage. 80% of its total amount is precisely food waste. As a rule, they do not differ in a high degree of danger of a chemical impact on the environment.

Food waste disposal

As a rule, it does not require large expenses. Destruction of products is carried out in many ways. They include many technological operations. They are divided depending on the category to which food waste is assigned. Processing unsuitable products acts as one of the main sources of food production for animals. Existing technologies today make it possible to sort products into raw materials to be destroyed and intended for secondary use.

Main processes

Food waste can be:

  1. Organic.
  2. Soft.
  3. Solid.
  4. Inorganic.
  5. Watery.
  6. Dry. sink waste food chopper

Soft waste is sent to special recyclers. They work only with organic compounds. These plants crush all the raw materials that enter them. A compactor is used to destroy dry inorganic waste. It operates on the principle of the press. The compactor compresses and reduces the volume of the object by 5-15 times, depending on the initial density. Waste of a watery type is destroyed by the dehydration method. The application of this method allows to reduce the percentage of moisture content in raw materials, respectively, reducing its volume.

New technologies

Disposal of waste is carried out today at specialized enterprises. They use the latest technology, eliminating the negative impact on the environment. One of them is the biological processing of raw materials. During it, organic compounds with a low moisture content are placed in a special vessel. Then the raw material is poured with a solution containing a large number of bacteria. They almost completely destroy the entire contents of the container, turning it into humus or humus. food waste disposal

Food waste: removal

Unlike solid waste, unsuitable food must be removed immediately. Their accumulation, especially in the hot season, attracts many parasites and rodents, which, in turn, are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases. Outside the settlements, landfills are created where waste is buried. Food waste is collected by special companies.

Secondary use

Many food waste contains components that are beneficial to the body of animals. For example, they contain:

  1. Starch.
  2. Carotene.
  3. Protein.
  4. Carbohydrates.
  5. Vitamins

Each year, on average, each person accounts for up to 30 kg of waste in which these compounds are present. However, the main source of recyclables are industrial enterprises engaged in production of semi-finished products, fish and meat products, bread. From the waste that remains on them, granulated feed is produced for domestic and agricultural animals, birds and so on. food waste removal

Special devices

Many citizens use a food waste shredder for a sink in their households. This device does not require prior preparation.The design provides for special fasteners. One of the advantages of the device is its noiselessness. The food waste shredder is equipped with special sound absorbing elements. The design of the device is created in accordance with applicable international and national standards quality and safety. There are no knives or other sharp cutting parts in the fixture. Grinding is carried out using a ring and crushing cams. They are located inside the device. The upper part of the device is made of a special composite material. It provides 100% electrical safety in case of engine failure. A guarantee for adaptation - from a year to 5 years.

Cost-effective device

When using the grinder, the additional water consumption on average is a little more than 3 liters per person per day. As for electricity, then in a month it is needed as much as it is required for a 100-watt lamp per hour. As practice shows, the chopper can work up to 25 years without interruption. food waste collection

Features of functioning

Food waste goes directly into the drain hole of the sink. Under the pressure of water, the switched on device starts grinding the remaining products. The duration of the process is about 10-15 seconds. Shredded waste is washed into the sewer. The devices use a system of rotating millstones. Its principle of operation is as follows. Waste falls into a special grinder chamber. At its bottom is a metal disk. Its rotation speed is 1450 rpm. Due to the centrifugal force, the waste is distributed along the walls of the chamber. They have self-sharpening graters that grind waste. In addition, the disk is equipped with special cams for free rotation. They are necessary for pre-grinding solid products and grinding them along the walls with graters. Holes are also provided in the disc. Through them, the crushed waste is sent directly to the sewer. Particle size - not more than 3 mm.  food waste recycling

Turn on the device

For start of a grinder the usual button is used. However, some models have a pneumatic switch. It can be installed on the countertop next to the sink. The button is connected to a switch built into the device via an air hose. In this case, you don’t have to worry about getting water on the element. Switching on can also be done with wet hands, since no electricity is supplied to the button.


Many are interested in whether you need to purchase a special sink for the chopper? All models of the device are designed so that they are suitable for any type of sink, regardless of the material from which it is made. Installation is carried out under the sink. At the same time, a lot of space remains below. The device can be installed both in a 2- (or 3-), and in a single-section sink. The chopper can send the remnants of fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, fish, seeds, chicken and other small bones, eggshells. The device can crush cigarette butts, paper towels and towels (disposable). Do not throw onion husks, large bones, polyethylene, rags, threads, metal objects into the chopper. The device has a security system. If an object not intended for processing falls into it, the device will automatically turn off. After that, remove foreign objects and restart the device. When the chopper is off, it functions as a regular siphon. When crushing, it is recommended to open cold water. It will prevent the motor from overheating.

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