
How to find out who owns the land? Cadastral registration

Real estate transactions require special legal training from citizens. In order to avoid any problems in the future, you should first of all collect complete information about the owner, as well as about the property itself as a whole. In particular, obtaining information about the owner is an extremely important issue. Often, real estate transactions are accompanied by fraud. For example, you risk buying an apartment or land far from the owner. And that means that your agreement will be invalid. For this reason, many people think about how to find out who owns the site. Is it possible, in general, to do this in any way without special powers in Russia? All of this remains to be dealt with further.how to find out who owns the land

Is there a right?

First you have to find out if citizens have the ability to obtain data and information about the owner of real estate without directly contacting the owner. Even experts plainly cannot always answer this question. It is not entirely clear how legitimate the actions are in such situations.

Honestly, everyone is able by absolutely legal methods to find out who the owner of the land or apartment. True, not all possible scenarios can be easily realized. Some of them exist only in words. Implementing them is almost impossible for an average citizen. But as prospects for action, they do occur. So how do you know who owns the land? Thanks to which components do all citizens, without exception, have this kind of opportunity?

What will help?

Just the last question will interest us first. After all, only having the necessary information about the property, you will be able to one degree or another to obtain information about the owner of the site. What makes it possible to bring the idea to life? Of course, two components will help in this: state registration and address. Each site has them. After passing the registration of real estate, it is assigned the so-called cadastral number (of land, apartments, cottages and so on). According to this component, it will be possible in the future to obtain information about the land and about the owners. There is nothing strange about this.land boundaries

Only in some cases it is necessary to know the exact address of the site additionally. And sometimes only it is enough to resolve the issue. It will be easier to deal with it when the land is owned together with the apartment (for example, in old German houses as an adjacent territory). Then it’s easier to answer the question of how to find the owner of the land. Possible options are supplemented by several points. This we will take into account.


The first thing you need to do is contact the FHRC. In this organization, you can get information about all the land owners that have ever been available. That is, about the current and previous ones. This is possible thanks to the 1997 law (of July 21), according to which all land must be registered with the Federal Office of the Registration Center (State).

Please note that you will have to pay a state fee for receiving information about the owners. She is currently about 100 rubles. Not too much for getting the information you are interested in. True, this process is not so fast. And you have to present a passport to obtain an official document with data on the land.In principle, this is usually no problem.land documents

State Registration Center

Without obtaining the so-called cadastral passport, land registration cannot take place. To do this, you will have to determine the boundaries of the land, conduct a land survey, and then draw up a real estate plan. Only then a cadastral passport is issued at the State Registration Center. It will help to find out information about the owner of the property. As a rule, data on persons who wanted to ever register the rights to a particular land are also stored here. So, information about applicants can also be obtained. To do this, contact the State Registration Center with a passport, fill out an application for the issuance of data. Then wait for the result.land owner

This method is also good for finding out information about the owner of the land. Any citizen can use it. Only not everyone wants to receive official documents for the land. Sometimes due to a long wait for an answer. So you have to look for other solutions to the issue. To a part, the methods are more than enough. Yes, not everything is easy to realize, but there is such a possibility.

District Administration

How to find out who owns the land? The thing is that the district administrations store information about real estate and their owners. So, through this service you can get the information we are interested in. Just do it is not so easy. Firstly, the city administration accepts citizens by appointment. You have to worry about this in advance. Secondly, you will make an official request. So, you need to provide proof of identity. Your request will be recorded. The owner will be able to check who tried to get land data. Thirdly, the response time is not too short - at least a few days.how to find the owner of the land

In addition, as practice shows, administrations do not particularly disclose their information about real estate to ordinary citizens. Except when you are going to buy a particular site. Using this method is not as easy as the previous ones. But it is possible.

Tax services

Any owner has documents for the land. That is, a certificate of ownership. For existing property you must pay taxes. Information about taxpayers is stored in specialized bodies. This is where you can contact if you plan to get information about the owner of the site or apartment. True, such a method is likely to be unsuccessful. After all, tax authorities do not have the right to divulge information about payers. You must have good reason. For example, you are a potential buyer of the site, but first want to know as much as possible about the product. Therefore, hoping for success is not worth it. This method is considered only as a possible prospect.


Are the boundaries of the land within the garden community? Then you can contact here for help. Such associations usually store data on land owners without fail.land number

Who exactly will you need to go to? To the chairman of the garden society. And here, either formally request the data on the application, or informally - by personal agreement. In practice, this method does not always work. After all, the chairman is not obliged to divulge the information he has about property owners. The chances of success are great, but punctures also happen quite often.

At the apartment

How to find out who owns the land? If it is adjacent to the apartment, then you can contact the Housing Office. It is here that you have every right to receive information about the owner of the land, as well as the apartment. Among other things, in ZhEKs there is information on the persons registered on this or that territory. This can also be found by personal request. Only in this case is there a high probability of failure. Employees ZhEKov should not disclose the information at their disposal.Therefore, you have to somehow negotiate with the employees.land at

Internet to help

Are you still wondering how to find out who owns the land? The last way that you can offer citizens is to use Internet technology. Namely - special services that offer assistance in resolving this issue. You can find the owner of the land at the address. But this method is not distinguished by its honesty. Typically, the proposed services simply bred citizens for money. But if you managed to find a bona fide offer, simply enter data on the location of the land and about yourself, and then pay for the service. Further on the screen appears information about the site.

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