
How to find out who is registered at the address? How to find out if a person is registered at the address?

How to find out who is registered at the address? This question excites many citizens. After all, issues related to property, apartments and registrations in them are extremely important, especially for authorities. But sometimes the general population may be interested in this information. For example, before buying a property. Always at such moments it is necessary to take into account such a moment as the presence of minor children registered on the living space. This burden can cause you a lot of inconvenience. And the deal will be difficult. Therefore, it is better to know in advance who is registered in the apartment at. And you don’t have to clarify this information with the owner - we will get all the information on our own. Get ready for the fact that not all options will be equally effective. But they simply take place and are considered as a possible alternative.how to find out who is registered at

Passport Office

So, the first option that can be offered is an appeal to the passport office, to which the property is “tied”. Here you will have the opportunity to get information about citizens registered in the apartment, as well as about the owner of the house.

It is enough to come here with a passport and write an application for the operation. Sometimes it’s enough just to ask who is registered at a particular address. You will be called all citizens. In some cases (if there has been a statement) the information is submitted in writing by an official document.

But the main problem here is that not a single passport office will provide ordinary citizens with information about people registered on the living space. You must have good reason for this. For example, the implementation of a sales transaction. Just so you can not hope for success. It’s better to think about how to find out who is registered at the address, otherwise.

Housing office

The next way is to contact the housing office. Here about apartments the most complete data are stored. For example, you can find out not only about who is registered on a particular living space, but also about the landlord. Recently, more and more ZhEKi exist separately from passport offices. For this reason, this method is considered as an independent alternative.who is registered at the address to find out

Want to understand who is registered at? It’s not so easy to find out such information from the Housing Office. Theoretically, this organization may disclose its information, but in practice this is almost never done. So, the probability of success is minimal. There is no need to particularly hope that the Housing Office will provide you with information about those registered in the apartment. Usually, these data are either discussed between employees of the company or disclosed if there are good reasons.

Management Company

How to find out if a person is registered at the address? It is not so difficult to do this if you know which management company serves the house. Indeed, in these services, information is mandatory on the owner of the housing, and on how many people are registered in the apartment. Who exactly is also indicated, but usually management companies are only interested in the number of registered companies.

It is enough to either verbally ask for information, or in writing - on request. Everywhere there are rules. In any case, you will need an identification card. Without it, you will receive a 100% refusal. Consider this fact before you go to the Criminal Code to resolve the issue posed to us.find out who is registered in the apartment at

But here you can’t do without problems - just because no one will tell you whether someone is registered at the address or not.Usually require reasons for this. There are exceptions, but they are extremely rare in practice. You have to either negotiate with the management companies, or look for some other approach to solving the problem.

Migration Services

In order to fully understand how to find out who is registered at the address, you just need to remember where the registration is made. And it is in these bodies that it is worth contacting for information. Previously, it was the FMS, now this kind of occupation is given "under the wing" of a separate department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It turns out that it is necessary to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the place where citizens are registered at the place of residence. Write a statement (here you need the exact address of the housing, you must indicate it without fail), show your ID card to the department employees, and then just wait for the results.

Frankly, this method most often does not bring ordinary citizens any success. Indeed, in the FMS data on registered in housing, if you are not the owner and not the future buyer or not one of the registered residents, it was impossible to get. And after the abolition of migration services and the transfer of this issue to the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and even more so! There is hope, albeit small, only if you have good arguments in stock. Again, if the housing is for sale, and you intend to purchase it. It remains only to prove their plans.find out who is registered at the address on the Internet


Want to know who is registered at? In Moscow or in another city - this is not so important. After all, you can contact the Rosreestr to resolve the issue. It's no secret that this is where the most comprehensive data on real estate in the country is stored. Therefore, you will have to go to the district state registry to bring the idea to life. Any citizen can use such services, and the main advantage of the approach is the receipt at the end of the process of an official statement about the state of a particular apartment.

Here the application is written either in person or via the Internet. The first method is in great demand. You must pre-pay the state duty for the operation (200 rubles, issuing an extract from the apartment), only then with an identification card you can go to the district registry. There you write a statement in which you indicate the address of the housing and information about yourself. Further, after preliminary approval, take the statement and see who is registered in the apartment. Nothing complicated.

Rosreestr and the Internet

The possible scenarios do not end there. It has already been said that you can contact the Rosreestr through the World Wide Web. How to find out registered on the address via the Internet?how to find out spelled out via internet

To do this, visit the official website of Rosreestr, then in the "Services" tab, search and select "Extract from the USRR". Next, an application will open before you. It is necessary to fill in the required fields (they are marked). Typically, these are:

  • apartment address;
  • cadastral number of real estate;
  • information about who is requesting the document (passport data).

Now you need to select the form for extracting statements. You can see it in electronic format, wait by mail or pick it up personally in the district registry in your city. For a virtual query, it is most often the first version of the presentation that is selected.

The most problematic point is the payment of the fee. It even takes place in an electronic request. Most often, the state fee is paid by credit card or e-wallet. Once you complete the operation, you can expect the result of your request. Usually the "answer" comes in a few days. There is nothing difficult in this, it is enough just to have some information about the property that interests you.how to find out whether a person is registered at


How to find out who is registered at the address, via the Internet? In addition to the site of Rosreestr, users have a choice of alternative service. Now the network has a lot of similar offers. They promise to give you all the information about the apartment at only one address.

Unfortunately, this kind of technique is not always successful. The network is full of deception on this topic. After all, often you will be required to pay for the service of providing information. If you encounter scammers, then after making the money you will not receive any data. It turns out that it’s not so easy to understand who is registered at the address. Find out on the Internet is not as easy as it sounds!

But truthful services are also available. They allow you to understand who is registered at the address. On the Internet, however, there are not so many (real) offers. And they usually do not require payment. Just go to the site, enter the information about the apartment (address, cadastral number) and wait for the result. Information about the tenants will appear on the screen.


The last option that takes place is the usual viewing of bills for a particular apartment. In all payments for the "communal" indicated on the housing registered persons. Therefore, the simplest method is simply to “peep” the accounts and extract the information you need from there.find out who is registered at an address in Moscow

How to find out who is registered at the address? Now this is not such a problem! You can easily resolve the issue on your own or by contacting the appropriate authorities. Not so hard as it seems!

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