
How to choose a men's watch? Learn how to choose the right men's watch

Watches are an important thing in modern life. No wonder, apparently, in order to keep up with the times, a man invented a watch. After all, they not only simplify life, but also make their owner an elegant and business person. In this article we will talk about how to choose a men's watch.

how to choose a men's watch mechanical

When it comes time to choose a gift for your beloved man, we are confused: in the modern market there are simply a huge number of different options and models. In order to make it easier to choose a men's watch, you first need to find out some facts about them and the mechanism of their work. And it’s worth also deciding on the budget, as many options will disappear right there. How to choose a men's watch so that it will appeal to the recipient of the gift? A win-win move is to study a man’s wardrobe so that the watch fits harmoniously into it.

The mechanism of the watch

How to choose a men's watch? Mechanical, quartz, electronic ... Which are better? First, let's look at each of the options.

In mechanical watches, the main "driving force" is a spiral spring. Such watches are good in that they do not require battery replacement. The only drawback: there may be some lag behind the exact time, but this problem is easy to fix. This is a classic version of all three types, which, in addition, is in great demand, so such a watch is decent.

For the quartz watch to work accurately, you need batteries that need to be changed from time to time. But do not worry about this, as such work will have to be done infrequently. If you are wondering which men's watch to choose so that your budget does not suffer much, then this option is best suited. It is a reliable and inexpensive watch.

Electronic clocks work the same as quartz ones, on batteries, only their display is digital. This is an ideal gift for athletes, as well as for those who love modern technology.

Materials of which the watch is made

How to choose a men's watch? The answer to this question will tell information regarding the material from which they are made. You need to go shopping with a full arsenal of knowledge in this regard, since it depends on the material how much the watch will be protected from external damage, as well as from dust and water getting inside.

Watches can be made from:

  • stainless steel (this is the most common option, as it has many advantages: durability, reliability and strength, as well as a presentable appearance);
  • brass (although this material is not as durable and high-quality as stainless steel, but it still has many advantages; watches in such a case can last for more than one decade);
  • aluminum (the cost of such watches is the lowest, since this material is fragile, soft and will not protect the product from various external damages);
  • plastics (watches made of such material can be both cheap and very expensive; honest watch manufacturers use plastic quite often, but they are of high quality and harmless. Of course, you can buy a Chinese fake, but then nobody will protect you from allergies and other negative consequences can not);
  • titanium (this is a very durable material, but in the modern world it is almost not used for the manufacture of watch cases).

How to choose men's watches, what material they can be made of, we have already figured out, now we go further.

Watch coverage

Coverage may also be different. It must be chosen in accordance with the preferences of your man.

  1. Steel coating is used most often than others, as it has high strength and durability.Holds for several years.
  2. Gold plating. Although gold is considered a durable material, it will not last long on the watch. It all depends on how thick the gold layer is.
  3. Titanium coating. One of the most durable, so you can safely buy such a watch as a gift for your beloved man.
  4. Ceramic coating. It is rarely used, but in its quality is not inferior to titanium.

We can assume that you are already half savvy on the question of how to choose a men's watch. It remains to determine the bracelet and design.

Choose a bracelet for watches

Agree, having noticed a watch on a man’s wrist, we are trying to determine what the strap is made of. After all, if the bracelet is of high quality, then it seems that the owner has a fairly high position in society. There are two main types of bracelets for watches: metal and leather.how to choose a good men's watch

How to choose men's watches so that they look more impressive? We’ll talk about this now.

In no case do not choose a watch with a leatherette strap! They look cheap and will not last your man for a long time! Some companies insist that they process leatherette straps with a special solution to make the bracelet look more effective, and assure that they are no worse than leather ones. Do not believe this is just a marketing ploy!

Metal bracelets are fundamentally different from leather ones, but they are also quite in demand. They must be made of the same material as the body.

How to choose a men's watch so that it is convenient to use? You just need to weigh them! It is important that the watch is not heavier than 100 grams, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wear.

If you are worried that you will not guess with the length of the bracelet, then we have good news for you - in any workshop they will make exactly the length you need in a matter of minutes. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to take more.

Determined with glass for watches

Another nuance in solving the issue of how to choose men's watches plays an important role. This is glass. It depends on him how reliable and high-quality the accessory will be. There are four main types.

  • Sapphire crystal. This is the most durable material. It is, of course, not cheap, but the price justifies the quality.
  • Crystal glass. This is also a very high-quality material, but at a price slightly cheaper than sapphire.
  • Mineral glass. The price is much lower, so with external influences it is easily scratched and spoiled.
  • There is a option of "glazing" made of plastic but it is the worst of all, since this material does not protect from dust and water, and also breaks easily.

What are the forms of watches

How to choose a men's watch and what shape it should have, the hand of your chosen one will tell. Watches are square, oval, round and rectangular.

First you need to find out what shape of watches a man likes best, and then look at their size. If a man’s hand is large enough, then the small watch on it will look ridiculous. For such a hand, a large rectangular or round watch with a wide strap is suitable.

If the hand of your chosen one is thin and small, then you can choose a watch of oval shape, rectangular, or round, with a narrow strap. If you want to give a gift to a teenager (brother or son), then you can choose a watch with an absolutely non-standard shape. They look very impressive and will surely appeal to a young, active and progressive man.

In order to avoid any inconvenience when wearing, you must choose a watch in which the back of the case is slightly curved - this option will in any case be denser to sit on your hand, which means it will be practically not noticeable.

Additional equipment

Watches, in addition to the main function, can have many more. How to choose a good men's watch, so that they also help in everyday life? Settle on a multifunctional product! Among the most popular additional options, the following should be highlighted.

how to choose a men's watch mechanical

  • The watch can be equipped with an alarm clock.This is a very convenient, and most importantly, necessary function. There will be no need to set a separate alarm clock or a mobile phone next to you. It is known that the latter must be kept away from itself, especially at night, because its waves adversely affect the functioning of our brain.
  • Also, the clock can be set backlight. Available only in quartz and electronic watches. Mechanical does not need this, since they themselves glow at night (from daylight).
  • Another useful option is the calendar. With her it will be hard to forget what day it is. But, you see, in the bustle of the modern world, we often get lost in such a simple question!
  • There is such a function as a second time indication. If your chosen one is a businessman and communicates a lot with foreign partners or often flies to other countries himself, then this function is simply irreplaceable. She is able to show time in a completely different time zone.
  • The most "advanced" models of electronic watches also have a tachometer. It measures the average speed of your movement.
  • Water resistant. This is generally an indispensable option for those who forget to take off their watches when they go swimming, or often fall in the rain. The watch becomes waterproof due to additional airtight layers in those parts where the case is connected. This product must have the abbreviation WR (Water resistant).
  • For athletes, the best gift would be a watch with a shockproof function.

Most popular manufacturers

So, we examined the main points in the question of how to choose a men's watch. Take Swiss or can I take a product of a domestic manufacturer? It is no secret that now Chinese factories have already learned how to produce products that are difficult to distinguish from the original. How not to get into trouble?

The leaders in watchmaking are undoubtedly countries such as Switzerland and Japan. Nevertheless, only Switzerland is considered a classic of the genre. How to choose a men's watch, genuine? And is it true that they are very expensive?

how to choose a men's watch casio

The fact is that Swiss watches can be bought at a very reasonable price. The cost of such a watch starts at $ 200. The most budget brands are: Apella, Adriatica, Certina, Continental, Candino, Cheapo and others. Of course, there are companies that sell watches at exorbitant prices. How do you like a watch worth $ 100,000?

If we talk about Japanese manufacturers, the most famous companies are Orient, Seiko, Casio. How to choose a men's watch "Orient"? Very simple! And how to choose a men's watch "Casio"! Similarly! Follow the above rules and feel free to make a decision!

And if you don’t have much money to buy, remember that Japanese watches are accurate, versatile, and also have many additional features. They will be a great gift for your man and save your budget. After all, prices for Japanese brands are much lower than for Swiss ones, they range from 50 dollars to 2 thousand.

Real professionals are working on creating watches, because this is a difficult and laborious process. Now many companies have established themselves in the best possible way; we have listed the names of some of them in the article. Decide on the budget and boldly buy your chosen watch. This is a necessary thing in the modern world! And if you also bother to choose a model for the style of your man, be sure that he will be incredibly happy with your gift!

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Oleg Gontarev
What does a man start with? From the watch. Let - Megir Aviator Chronometer for 2990r. Order by link http: //obgont.smart-gooods.ru/products/disallow/15 ...
Oleg Gontarev
Men's watch Winner Skeleton - Gold for those who see the essence of time. The link http://obgont.smart-gooods.ru/products/152958653 - 2890 rubles. and delivery to you at the post office in the Russian Federation - already in the price of hours.


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