
How to choose a mink coat correctly: expert advice

Jokes tell about her. She is a hero of stereotypes about the desires of every woman. They dream of her. Her appearance is condemned, but, in fact, there is no lady who would not admire the beauty of this thing.

We ask you to love and favor: the queen of the female wardrobe, the object of lust and passion is a mink coat! White or black, or maybe with a silver fox collar? How to choose a mink coat among the great variety presented in stores?

Fur coat in your closet

It has long been so customary that a fur coat in a wardrobe is a symbol of wealth in a house. Not a sheepskin coat, not a puffy down jacket and not a puffy jacket, but a luxurious heavy fur coat. She does not go out of fashion, and if you do not spare money for quality, you can be sure that the product will not be afraid of rain. And, of course, the fur coat obliges you to look accordingly.

Here you can’t get off with a tracksuit from the market, and winter sneakers with such a thing look ridiculous. With the right approach to the formation of your wardrobe, a fur coat will become a unique touch to the overall style, the same notorious diamond cut that creates a mood and makes an impression.

Animal rights advocates strongly oppose the production of fur coats, and it is worth noting that many of us are hurt by their words. But does the industry suffer from this? Recall the famous model Naomi Campbell, who joined the ranks of PETA and starred for their nude ads, but after a few months she could not deny herself the pleasure of trying on chinchilla furs at the Fendi show. Of course, the scandal hit the reputation of the top model, but the fact remains - women love furs, and there is no lady in the world who would refuse such a gift. Moreover, the purchase of one coat does not pacify the desire to purchase another. Amid the abundance of furs, the leader's place is confidently held by the mink.

Why mink?

how to choose a mink coat

Which mink coat is better to choose? Sellers, casual acquaintances, and friends offer their advice vying. Mink is feminine, stylish and constantly fashionable. Mink is chic, especially if the product is of high quality. The fur shimmers, shines, lays down to the body. A mink coat will not make a graceful snowman out of an elegant girl, over time it will not turn into a lump of fur and will not find dubious bald spots. These pluses have a downside: the mink is not the warmest fur, and it can become chilly in a harsh winter in such a fur coat. But does this argument outweigh the desire to show off in a brilliant new thing ?! And heat is a gain, because you can always insulate a product with woolen batting.

Perfect model

Each representative of the fair sex knows its advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to learn how to hide your own flaws. How to choose the style of a mink coat to present yourself in the most favorable light? First of all, you need to adequately evaluate your own physical parameters. Are you tall? Or maybe, on the contrary, are a fragile and petite woman? Pay attention to the width of the shoulders and the length of the legs. Girls - “inches" are not recommended to choose elongated or too curvy models. An impressive collar and a hood with a fur trim will not decorate you either. The fur coat should complement and warm you, and not overshadow. Do not choose too small models, because such a piece of clothing should not tighten you.

The eternal trend is trapezoidal patterns that are sewn from diagonal pieces of fur. This method of manufacture initially implies a more accurate sock and gentle cleaning. By the way, it will not be hot in such clothes, and it fulfills its decorative function completely.

What kind of mink coat to choose in a country with a harsh climate? If in winter you do without your own transport and use public transport, then choosing a long coat is irrational, as it will quickly wipe and become unpresentable. In such conditions, it is better to prefer a short mink fur coat with a hood and a warm lining. Such a piece of clothing, by the way, does not always need a belt, but is distinguished by universal mobility, that is, it is suitable for any style and image. With a classic bag and high-heeled boots, a short fur coat will be feminine, and with tight jeans, a backpack and ugg boots, you can create a dynamic youth ensemble.

how to choose a high-quality mink coat

Business women who are able to keep a car and go out in the evening may prefer elongated fur coats with a belt, hood and narrowed sleeves. These models perfectly warm, stretch the silhouette and make the figure feminine.

Fur Rating

How to choose a good mink coat? And why is the mink considered the most optimal option in this regard? I must say that in a kind of leader table, the mink occupies only fourth place, skipping ahead the otter, beaver and sable. This is due to the relatively small wear of the fur. Flaunting in a mink coat every day will be wasteful. If you regularly drive a car, it is better to abandon long products. This is both inconvenient and unreasonable, yet the mink creases very quickly. But short models are an ideal option for a born motorist.

On taste and color

How to choose a mink coat in accordance with the color trends of the season? This is a very important nuance. Naturally, the coat should be tried on to determine the combination of the color of the product and your appearance. Light shades refresh, conceal age and emphasize a natural blush.

But when moving along our roads, you always run the risk of splashing a spectacular mink with drops of dirt and water. In addition, light colors emphasize the figure, so if you have excess weight, then do not opt ​​for such a fur coat. Dark models outline your contours more clearly, but also accurately illuminate the minuses, so you should not try on a similar product, otherwise you will immediately throw yourself a couple of years.

The right approach

The fur is capricious in nature and may eventually acquire a yellowish tint, and this process, unfortunately, is irreversible. Most yellowing is noticeable on light fur.

How to choose a mink coat correctly so as not to get into trouble? When buying, you should especially carefully examine the product in artificial and daylight. Remember that on a new fur coat there should not be even a hint of yellowness. And this is noticeable only when comparing light models, since against a dark background the difference will not be so obvious. The snow-white mink is certainly beautiful. Such a model makes you a fragile and beautiful snow maiden, but this happiness will not last especially long.

Literally in 2-3 seasons the product will get an unpleasant yellowish tint. Which mink coat is better to choose in this case? Perhaps the beige version will suit you, since such a fur is aging imperceptibly, and it looks more noble. The mysterious and unearthly shade of blue mink is very ambiguous, as it rarely suits anyone, but it magically transforms a woman into a real queen. If this shade suits you, then at any meeting you will make a great impression.

Black coats are an eternal classic, so if you are looking for a universal option, then buy such a model. Remember that the mink is painted not only for aesthetic purposes, but also in an attempt to hide the defects of the skins.

Light mink, which is respectfully called white gold, is often discolored, which deprives it of wear. But dark fur coats can cost you a little more, because there is a strange stereotype regarding the price, according to which black fur is more resistant. Sellers who give tips on how to choose a mink coat correctly can be unscrupulous, and give out a painted walnut for a black mink. The difference seems to be not so great, but nevertheless deception is deception.It is unlikely that you will want to get into such a story.

Word of mouth

Agree, it is pleasant to leave the house in a luxurious fur coat on a frosty day, to catch the envious admiring glances of others, to feel like a real woman who is worthy of gifts and compliments! The long-awaited purchase will bring more joy if it collects the proper amount of feedback from your friends and acquaintances. Still, public opinion is an incredibly powerful engine of trade. Not least thanks to him, the mink coat has become a symbol of success.

how to choose a mink coat for quality

How to choose a mink coat? Reviews of experienced customers can only confuse, because once at a time it is not necessary. At one point of sale, someone came across a fur coat with creeping out fur, and someone for more than one season can’t get enough of their furry gas coat. Therefore, the feedback of amateurs should be taken into account only at the final stage of the choice in order to decide between the disputed options.

In large cities, there will be more points of sale. At your request, the store must present a certificate of sale, tell you about which furs are used in production. It is best to visit the outlet with an expert who can tell you if the sellers are telling the truth and how to choose the right mink coat without fear.

It should be noted that there is no absolute advantage to any shade of a fur coat. You should decide on this yourself, based on what thing will turn out to be the most to face.

Professionals recommend storing light products in a case. In general, you need to protect the mink from direct sunlight and wear it carefully, because this is not a jacket that can be sewn up and dry cleaned without fear. A mink coat after repair can be perfect in appearance, but an unpleasant residue will significantly spoil your enjoyment. If you can afford such a luxury, then take care of the acquisition and installation of a fur refrigerator. Then the product will not turn yellow for a very long time. If this is too expensive an event for you, then it does not matter - in large cities this service is provided for a fee.

Mink Paradise

Who would have thought that such a small animal could become the object of desire of many millions of ladies! Over time, the masters learned to recognize animal furs, highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Detailed tips on how to choose a mink coat will help even an amateur to decide on the world of mink diversity. It is worth noting that in many countries of the world they are engaged in breeding and sale of minks.

Tips for choosing a mink coat

The names of the mink are indicated on the labels. By right, the Russian mink is considered to be the warmest, which has a high awn and a subsurface, which explains its somewhat increased shaggyness. By the way, such a fur is quite affordable and has a reasonable price compared to its "relatives". Tasteful quality fur coat made of Russian mink is not inferior to foreign models, but often there are large ladies on the streets who are full of fluffy fur.

How to choose a mink coat among overseas options? Pay attention to the Scandinavian fur, which currently occupies a leading position. The dense underfur and middle spine, coupled with luxurious splendor, won the national title of black diamond and the leader's place at the Finnish auction.

For the European climate, the North American mink is suitable, which is strikingly different from others due to the low pile and the absence of a characteristic shine. Sometimes it is called velvet. Enterprising Italians could not miss such a source of income as selling fur coats, even though they themselves do not grow mink. Their difference is in creating a great design. At fur factories, you can buy a fur coat at a huge discount, which attracts fashionable women from all over the world to Italy.

Defect or feature?

Speaking about the varieties of fur, one cannot ignore the wild mink. How to choose a high-quality mink coat from such fur? It is necessary to focus on the height of the pile, which should resemble a sable. The wild mink has an exclusively dark gray-brown color and a light underfur. Often such a fur can have external flaws, but its cost is fabulous.

And, of course, world fashionistas probably wondered how to choose a mink coat in China, where prices seem so seductive, and the fur dream is so affordable! No doubt, Chinese products are the cheapest, but low-quality fur coats are exported, and good models remain in the country. The Chinese people are economical, but cunning, so they like to use fur stretching technology, which makes it brittle and thin. A fur coat made in this way is light and cold.

The nuances of choice

If you are thinking about the difficult question of how to choose a high-quality mink coat, then you are probably looking for good advice. So, it is recommended to make such an expensive purchase in large salons, and not in temporary kiosks or stalls. Market goods, as a rule, do not have guarantees and are not controlled by anyone. Think for yourself: if suddenly the coat is flawed, then how will you get your money back? After all, the day after a major sale, the point may simply disappear.

It is not very pleasant to stay with defective goods for which you gave a lot of money. Many potential buyers will object that buying a fur coat in a large salon is fraught with significant cash costs compared to buying at small points. Well, this is a powerful argument, but you can always wait for the sales season, for example, spring or summer, when really attractive discounts are offered. Although here you need to be prepared for a sharp narrowing of the range.

Before buying the product you need to carefully study. Look at the color of the underfur and mezra. Remember that it should not be unpleasant, yellowish. But the ideal color of the underflood indicates that the product was painted. And the mezdra should be white, without spots and holes. Yellowness is a sign of old age.

A foreign smell of fur is an excuse to refuse a purchase. Stroke the product with your hand. Know that plucked and sheared coats are less wear and resistant to dirt. The most reliable and durable things do not get off with other fur. You are probably interested in how to choose a mink coat for quality? So, the mink pile should shine and be pleasant to the touch. When twitching, good fur does not crumble and does not stick together. The material with bald spots is probably old, and if the fur coat is made poorly, then when stroking the fur remains in a changed position for a long time. Now look at the seams: glued coats are a beautiful, but useless accessory for one season. It is unlikely that he will last you longer.

The main thing is that the suit should sit ...

A high-quality fur coat will decorate a woman, provided that she knows her size, color and style. We have already talked about the last two characteristics, but how to choose the size of a mink coat? You will have to try on more than a dozen to find your model. In some ways, fur coats are similar to wedding dresses: at first glance, everything is beautiful, but only one model cannot be faulted in anything. Try to choose both heart and mind, so as not to regret as a result. Ask questions to the seller, inspect the fur, put on a fur coat and walk around in it, try all the pockets, the inner lining, the hood.

Spread your arms full width and pay attention to whether the fur coat interferes with your movements. If the winters in your area are especially harsh when making a purchase, consider what clothes you will wear under a fur coat. Thick wool sweater? Then you need a thing for a size, or even two more. But the main thing - do not buy a fur coat in a patch or smaller than the desired size. This is not a swimsuit, and it should not be tight for you. Small-sized fur coats look scanty, as if they were taken off someone else's shoulder, so you can do yourself a disservice.

Tricks of fur lovers

Italians are specialists not only in design matters. They own the technology of making fur coats using computer selection.These are expensive models, but, alas, short-lived. If the question of how to choose a mink coat intersects with a money one, then it is worth taking a closer look at products from pieces, and not from a whole skin. By the way, certain requirements are also imposed on them. For example, pieces of fur should be at least 15 x 15 centimeters. Otherwise, the fur coat will not last long, but it will not cost much. Before buying, swipe the product with a damp white handkerchief or napkin and see if any marks remain. If so, then the fur coat is dyed, she will not tolerate dry cleaning.

For quality, of course, you have to pay, but how to choose a mink coat correctly to spend money wisely and become the owner of a luxurious thing? Maybe turn to Chinese and Russian underground manufacturers? And this option has the right to life, although one must keep an eye out, because often a rabbit or groundhog is given out for mink. Even an amateur can distinguish them if he is ready for a dirty trick. So, the groundhog has spiny fur and has different lengths, and the rabbit fur is very soft and almost does not shine.

The mink coat is light and cozy. Any discomfort is a signal that should alert you. If you look closely, even the wrong side of the product can tell you how to choose the mink coat correctly. Jagged seams, protruding threads and traces of glue? They are trying to sell you a marriage! A quality fur coat smells nice, caresses the skin and makes you want to wrap yourself in fur.

You can save without much damage to quality, if you like a mink coat-cross. How to choose this little-known product by name? And what is he like? It turns out that there is a great alternative to a fur coat for fabulous money. A cross from expensive fur will be much cheaper than a classic mink, and the original layout and the corresponding pattern will please the most demanding fashionista. What is the essence of such a fur coat? Yes, just the fur is located not longitudinally, but transversely, which is clearly visible on the finished product.

Traditionally, wide strips of fur go to work, and the style can be chosen based on your own preferences. Visually demonstrates the transverse masonry coat-coat - it is long and straight. Compact and convenient model for avtoledi - a short fur coat cross-section. For trendy women, the Cleopatra style is in the shape of a trapezoid, and miniature girls will suit a year - a fitted coat with a hood and a tick from the waist. Rather, for decorative purposes, rather than for warming, they choose the “butterfly” style, which assumes an average length and wide sleeves.

For many people, the purchase of a mink coat abroad remains attractive, and this approach is justified, because the cost of fur in Turkey, Greece and Italy is much lower than in Russia. Do not want to travel outside your home country? Then online shopping will help you! A huge catalog with photos of each seam plus the delivery of the selected product on time.

Since a mink coat is an expensive thing, fitting is expected after delivery. Accordingly, payment is made in cash or in another convenient way. Why do online boutiques offer fur coats at below market prices? Yes, they can simply afford to reduce costs due to the lack of rented premises and staff. Here you have a good option on how to choose a real mink coat without unnecessary moral and material costs!

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Reason for complaint
A friend bought herself a coat two years ago in a Condor store, wears it with pleasure and has never regretted buying it there.So I went there to see. I liked several mink coats there, they will soon launch an action with good discounts. Now I am waiting for discounts to buy my mink, because the price for it will be very appetizing.
Olga Selezneva
I visited Condor and was very pleased. All the same, I got on sale and chose exactly what I wanted. I recommend this salon for successful purchases.
An excellent article, it seems to me that it is not worth experimenting with different stores, if you have already bought a good thing in one store, it is worth buying there the next time. As I did, several times already took fur coats in line 4 Pavilion 148 in the "Furs from Vitaly" on the Gardener.
Choose a fur product very carefully. It is insanely sorry when the long-awaited purchase ceases to please after the first season of socks. It was like that with the first fur coat. I walked for a long time to this purchase and when the time came, I hurried up and bought the first thing I liked. The result was not long in coming; the fur coat began to creep after the first winter. Now I buy only from trusted manufacturers. For myself, I confidently chose the salon of Antonio Didone. I buy only from them. Product quality has never failed!
Great article! When I was looking for a fur coat, the most important thing was the budget, to be honest. I searched for a long time for my modest amount, which I postponed. But found! For me, the perfect option! I was also surprised that on Avito you can find new and for little money. So, if someone is interested, then try my option!
I will add my own review. I bought a black mink coat with a hood last year. It was decided for a very long time, choosing between different companies. In Condor, I liked, first of all, that the insulation in the fur coat is (since I’m freezing, for me it was a weighty argument, because this insulation is used in sports winter jackets). And the second moment - the fur itself, it is long, soft, pleasant to the touch in this fur coat. I have tested so far a fur coat in the frost of -7 (in Peterhof, where there is also wind from the bay) it was very warm, despite the fact that only a thin sweater was worn under the fur coat! A fur coat warms better than a down jacket 100 times. At zero and to -5 it will be hot.
In the United Arab Emirates, you can still look into the boutique of the Italian designer Antonio Didone in Sharjah. I really liked the creative models there, you will not find such anywhere else.
Antonio Didone's boutique is located at Sharjah, Buhaira Corniche, Sarh Al Emarat Tower, office 2007. I really liked the models, the quality is at a high level.
Wild strawberry
Very informative and useful article. It will be useful to me soon. I am flying to the UAE to choose and buy a mink coat. I climbed on the Internet, I read a lot of positive reviews about Condor. Let's see how it really is.
Condor Boutique is located on the 20th floor of the Sarh Al Emirate Tower. While choosing a fur coat, you can admire the excellent view. The place is very picturesque.
Darina Martova
I will tell you from my own experience that in order to pick up a fur coat you need to measure it, you can also have someone who can advise you next. This also applies to a mink coat and other fur. The most important thing is that she looks great on you. I bought my mink coat in Elena Furs. There, the choice is good, and more expensive and cheaper, and most importantly, the offer is good discounts and installments without interest for two years, which in our time is very important.
It seems to me that selling fur coats during the crisis is not so profitable. I bought a cool coat in the FUR GALLERY, but this is a one-time purchase, I’m unlikely to save up for this one. Therefore, I personally did not engage in such a business.


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