
What is the most expensive fur coat and why? The most expensive and fashionable fur coats for women (photo)

What woman does not dream about a fur coat? And not about any, but about the best. To make an unusual style, and a beautiful deep shade of color, and the corresponding accessories, and even better additional details in the form of a hood or collar. Naturally, the price of such a dream will directly depend on all these factors, and in addition, on the material. The most curious fashionistas want to know what is the most expensive fur coat, what fur is it made of? And the answers to the questions may seem familiar and commonplace, although there are still moments that need to be clarified.

The most expensive fur coat from which fur: photos and description of models

There are several materials for luxury fur coats today. They have impeccable quality, rare beauty and all this just affects the final cost. If we talk about which fur is the most expensive fur coat in the world or which animals are most valued, then you should definitely start with a vicuna. That's because her fur is unusually soft.

the most expensive fur coatWhile the skin is light, the vicuna coat is very warm. Naturally, the finished product from vicuna looks very sophisticated and expensive, which immediately gives out the wealth and wealth of its owner. A meter of skin, from which the most expensive and fashionable fur coats for women are sewn, costs from 3 to 5 thousand dollars. It is clear that one product needs more than one, and sometimes not even ten skins.

the most expensive fur coat from which photo So it’s even scary to calculate how much the vicuna clothes will actually cost. What fur is the most expensive fur coat from and why, it’s immediately clear. Given the fact that vicuna lives in Peru and is a sacred animal there, it is clear that not so many skins are most likely possessed by one or another fashion house. Nevertheless, few are also willing to pay a fabulous sum for a fur coat. Therefore, the world does not experience the problems associated with the lack of products from this beast.

Sable fur

From which fur is the most expensive a fur coat? In second place in terms of high cost is sable. As you recall, vicuna is not so easy to get.

what fur is the most expensive fur coat

And in the case of sable, the price is just determined by the beauty of the fur. By the way, the fact that vicuna is ahead is not an indicator yet.

Barguzin sable fur

Many experts, to the question: “The most expensive fur coat of what kind of fur can be in the wardrobe of rich fashionistas?” - immediately answer: “Sable”. Barguzinsky is especially appreciated. Despite the fact that formally vicuna is more expensive than sable, the most expensive fur coat in the world today is a product made of fur of the Barguzin sable.

what fur is the most expensive fur coat in the worldIt has a special structure and dark color with an interesting silver tint, which is what distinguishes this material from a number of others. To roughly understand how expensive a sable fur coat can be, it is worth mentioning that a knee-length product can cost 70 or even 90 thousand dollars.

Chinchilla fur

Continue the list of expensive skins lynx, chinchilla, mink. The marten, silver fox and even beaver are also included in the list.

The most expensive fur coat from which fur can be not only beautiful, but also warm? This question should definitely be answered that of chinchilla. This animal has one of the thickest nap. Warmer than this fur options simply do not exist. Therefore, experts advise such fur coats to all those for whom winter is a real problem.

the most expensive and fashionable fur coats for womenCold in the street is a serious matter. So a chinchilla, albeit an expensive one, sometimes becomes actually a daily necessity.If you can still refuse to possess an exceptional fur coat in a banal whim, then neglecting your own health and well-being is simply unacceptable.

Mink fur

So still, the most expensive fur coat from which fur can be created? Of all the expensive materials used to make outerwear, the most common to wear is mink.

what fur is the most expensive fur coat and whyMany representatives of the fair sex under the word "fur coat" mean just a mink. This is understandable. Firstly, this fur is comfortable even in everyday life, because it is one of the lightest. Secondly, with proper handling, such a product will live for many years. Therefore, such an investment is the most worthwhile and worthwhile. A plus is the fact that a coat of this material does not have to look for too long.

the most expensive fur coat from which mink furMany designers today use mink fur. They not only sew classic laconic models, but are constantly in search of something new. Therefore, every woman will be able to choose for herself something worthwhile, regardless of age, type of figure and personal style preferences.

Lynx fur

If there is no goal to find the warmest model, vicuna and sable seem to be overkill, and the mink evokes associations with yesterday, you can turn your attention to something more unusual. For example, lynx fur is interesting in and of itself; you don’t need to cut, dye or redraw it in order to create an interesting model. A simple cut and perfect selection of material will be quite enough. It is important to know that the brighter the spots on the lynx skin, the more expensive it can cost.

Natural fur products are an indicator of the status of a person

Of course, fur is always expensive, beautiful and elegant. But still today more and more people are literally shouting that you should not treat animals so recklessly. After all, our desire to acquire a fur coat made of natural fur means only one thing: the next animal will be killed just like that. But rarely does anyone stop at one warm wardrobe item, because they can bother or just lose their original beautiful appearance. Why can’t you just refuse natural fur, for example, in favor of artificial fur?

what fur is the most expensive fur coat and why

He, of course, is not so soft, but sometimes purely visually it can look as elegant and expensive as natural fur. In addition, a large number of designers are working with such a substitute today, creating real masterpieces that also cost a lot of money. So maybe the time has come to seriously think about those who are weaker than us and to defend them.

Little conclusion

Now you know from what fur a thing can be made, the value of which is measured not in hundreds, but in thousands of dollars. Summing up, I want to note that the price of the material is not always the highest indicator. Still, vicuna and sable in the modern conditions of urban life are not too practical. And then, it is unlikely that having bought a very expensive fur coat, someone will wear it every day. Most likely, the product will hang in the closet, like some kind of relic, and wait in the wings. The most expensive fur coat, no matter what fur it is made of, is almost a work of art that must be protected.

why the most expensive sable fur coatNevertheless, if a wardrobe made of natural material is perceived exclusively as a luxury item, everything looks somehow small. If you really want to spend money, just like that, for no particular reason, it is better to look at faux fur. It will cost a little cheaper. In addition, the animals will be in perfect order. This does not mean that faux fur is better, it is logical, which is just the opposite. That is why it sometimes almost does not warm, but copes with its main function - aesthetic. So, if you just want something new, it’s better not to find faux fur options.

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