
How to choose equipment for the production of sawdust briquettes

Recently, fuel briquettes from sawdust and other plant materials have been in great demand. The fact is that their production is not complicated. In addition, the material has many advantages over other fuels. There is also equipment for production of sawdust briquettes at home.

The advantages of briquettes

Equipment for the production of fuel briquettes from sawdust [1]

Of the advantages of the presented material, we can distinguish the following:

  • high thermal return, which exceeds the quality of coal, gas and other types of fuel;
  • ease of manufacture: briquettes can be made even at home;
  • ecological cleanliness is ensured by the fact that sawdust and vegetable waste are the raw materials for production, which allows us to safely heat the room;
  • no additives or dyes need to be used during manufacture;
  • burning time;
  • low ash content, especially since residues after burning can be used to fertilize the soil;
  • reasonable cost;
  • ease of storage and storage;
  • Equipment for the production of sawdust briquettes is not complicated.

What raw materials are produced from?

In principle, such material can be made from any plant waste. Equipment for the production of sawdust briquettes can work with other raw materials. For example, hay, straw, dry remains of corn stalks and even ordinary plant debris, which is always present on the territory of a private house, are excellent for this purpose.

In addition, ordinary clay and water will be required to work. Using these elements, the raw materials are pressed and glued well, especially since clay provides a long burning time. For example, if the flame is strong, then one briquette can burn for about an hour.

What equipment is necessary for work?

Equipment for the production of sawdust briquettes

It should be noted that for the manufacture of such material whole lines of machines are used. So, you will need the following equipment for the production of sawdust briquettes:

  1. Loading hopper and component dispenser. This equipment is needed to prepare the future mixture, which goes on. The hopper can be equipped with a vibrating screen or a special device that will ensure good mixing of the components.
  2. Conveyor. Using this device, the mixture is transferred from one device to another.
  3. Crusher. In principle, if you buy ready-made sawdust, then this device is not necessary. Use it if you use plant waste.
  4. Press. It is this unit that makes briquettes, that is, the device simply compresses the raw materials until almost all the liquid comes out of it. At the same time, all components stick together well. Pressing can be cold and hot.
  5. Cutter. This device provides the same length of briquettes.
  6. Drying chamber. The presented device does the final part of the work. After drying, the material is packaged and stored.

All equipment for the production of sawdust briquettes makes up a whole line that needs to be automated.

Features of the choice of equipment

equipment for the production of sawdust briquettes at home

In order for the production of material to go at a good pace, and you make a profit, you need to make the right choice of devices. Equipment for the production of fuel briquettes from sawdust will require high-quality, that is, it should work efficiently, for a long time and without breakdowns. Therefore, try to give preference to time-tested manufacturers.The manufacturer must have a good reputation.

In addition, pay attention to the functionality of the equipment. Each parameter should be configurable, and this procedure should be simple. Naturally, new equipment is quite expensive, so in the first stages of organizing your business, you can use used devices.

If you want to make the presented material only for yourself, then you need only one machine for the production of sawdust briquettes.

Features of fuel production

sawdust briquette machine

So, to produce the presented material is not difficult. It is only necessary to carry out all the steps in stages. So, the instruction for the manufacture of briquettes:

  1. Supply of all components to the hopper. You can do this manually or use special loading equipment. For the preparation of raw materials you will need sawdust, water, as well as a connecting link (clay or other natural material).
  2. The mixture comes under pressure. To form briquettes, a nozzle comes out of the press. Pressing can be cold and hot. This device should provide high pressure, which not only glues together all the components, but also removes all excess moisture from the material. In the process of pressing, it is also necessary to take care of how long the briquettes will have, that is, it is necessary to adjust the cutting equipment so that it forms pieces of strictly specified sizes. The standard dimensions of the furnace are taken into account here.
  3. Drying briquettes. This process can be carried out in special chambers or in the fresh air.
  4. The prepared material is packaged and stored. Moreover, there are no special conditions for storage. Naturally, it is advisable not to expose the material to moisture.

How to make briquettes at home?

There is nothing complicated about it. The presented technology for the production of sawdust briquettes is also used here. You just need a small press that will form the elements themselves. As for the preparation of the mixture, this can be done manually.

In addition, you can design a homemade press. To do this, you need a mini-press and a simple form, the role of which is usually played by an asbestos pipe with holes drilled in it through which excess moisture is removed from the briquette. Naturally, you will have to make a little physical effort, but such a production will provide you with economical heat throughout the winter. Good luck

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