
How to choose equipment for the production of toilet paper. What is the best paper machine?

A modern person is surrounded by many imperceptible, but at the same time irreplaceable objects. Toilet paper is one of them. It is present in every room where there is a toilet or bathroom. Therefore, beginners are often interested in its production.

But how and where to start your own business? What to choose the equipment for the production of toilet paper? What you need to buy and who exactly to hire for business? In fact, everything can be organized in several stages.

Toilet paper: how and where it appeared

Every modern person has a huge list of things and devices that brought him great progress. Toilet paper is one of the elements without which it is quite difficult to do in any civilized home or office. Over the years, we have become so accustomed to its existence that few people thought about the place and time of its invention.

Equipment for the production of toilet paper

The first mention of this indispensable subject today was recorded as far back as 589 BC in China. But more widespread toilet paper received much later. A full-fledged paper machine appeared almost in our time - in the 19th century.

Until that moment, people used all sorts of “improvised” means. For example, sophisticated French kings used special handkerchiefs, while Americans simply used leaves.

Despite the Chinese origin of this indispensable item, Joseph Gayetti was officially the first inventor of toilet paper. This American in 1857 put things on stream. It was he who began to produce special squares of thin paper. Only later did modern and familiar rolls appear.

How to organize your own paper business?

Of course, everyone chooses an individual way of promoting production. This primarily depends on various external and internal factors. Here you need to take into account the characteristics of the market, its oversaturation, as well as its own financial and intellectual capabilities.

Paper machine

If we talk about toilet paper, then you can organize a full or simplified production. Both that and other option is selected exclusively individually.

Simplified or mini-production - a method that attracts impatient fans of a quick start.

It uses simpler equipment for the production of toilet paper.

This is due to the fact that instead of standard raw materials, almost finished cellulosic material is rewound. However, earning quick profit is complicated by the high cost of this semi-finished product.

Full production includes the process of acquiring a full range of equipment, hiring workers and premises. But its main element is raw materials. It uses ordinary waste paper. This method, although it is more costly to organize, but will be more profitable than the previous one.

Choice of premises

The place where future production will be organized is one of the most important elements of a business plan. Therefore, you just need to choose a good room.

Any equipment for the production of toilet paper from waste paper requires a fairly large area. A minimum of 150 m² is required. Ceiling height is also important. They must be at least 4 m.

For the proper organization of the production of toilet paper, the room should be conditionally divided into three parts:

  1. Warehouse for raw materials.Various waste paper and other semi-finished products, as well as reagents and various additives, will be stored here.
  2. Production Line. Everything should be optimally distributed and accessible here, so that the necessary elements and tools are always at hand.
  3. Warehouse for finished products. Ready-made products will be shipped here - toilet rolls. This room must be well ventilated and completely dry.

However, there are general requirements for the entire room that a future businessman should follow:

  • Availability of uninterrupted electricity. All equipment works exclusively from the network. Therefore, it will be worthwhile to acquire a good stabilizer in order to preserve and protect expensive equipment.
  • The presence of sewage and water supply. In the production of toilet paper uses a huge amount of water (from 3 m³ / day). Therefore, the cesspool will not be able to cope with such volumes of liquid.

Equipment for the production of toilet paper

The next step after choosing a room is the right choice of tools and assemblies. The economical owner is also not worth saving here. On average, the standard cost of equipment for the production of toilet paper is about 2 million rubles.

Bobbin unwinding machine

This production line includes the following elements:

  • Paper making machine. This also includes a complex for the purification of raw materials. This machine consists of several elements: a vibrating screen, an electric generator, a pulper, cleaners, an apparatus for washing products, a multifunctional mill and mixers.
  • Machine for cutting finished rolls. This is a fairly large machine with knives for cutting future toilet paper coming from a paper machine.
  • Bobbin unwinding machine. Here rolls are given the correct, familiar shape.
  • Packing machine. In this part of the production line, the formation of the final product takes place.
  • A napkin table. Here the appearance of toilet paper is formed.

Raw materials for production

Here, almost everything is as in the office: paper, waste paper, glue, cardboard, bushings, cloth and paper nets. It should also be noted that all raw materials must have appropriate quality certificates. Otherwise, quite significant problems may arise with the inspection authorities. Therefore, all this must be bought exclusively from trusted and law-abiding suppliers.

Depending on what parameters a particular paper machine is configured for, the following types of waste paper are suitable for the manufacture of toilet paper:

  • MS-1. This is standard bleached pulp paper. There is no ruler and seal.
  • MS-2. This is how white paper with a ruler is marked.
  • MS-3. This is a thicker book-magazine paper.
  • MS-7. This is how ordinary cardboard is designated.
  • MS-10. These are well-known used newspapers.

In production, you may also need a special machine for the production of bushings. This will significantly save time and money, as well as reduce costs.

Who should be hired for production?

VC 1575 f

Staff is one of the most important elements in every business. And since the production of toilet paper is a rather large and time-consuming task, it is simply necessary to attract professional labor from the outside.

So who exactly should be hired? First of all, ordinary workers who will work directly in production and behind the machine. Their number depends solely on the needs of the business and its scope. Moreover, the automation of production does not mean a complete rejection of workers - even an automatic band saw requires the constant presence of a specialist.

Next, take care of a qualified and experienced management team. At the same time, there must be a storekeeper, technologist and director directly. A good knowledgeable accountant is required to monitor the economic and financial component of the business.

Well, finally, you need the person who will guard the production. It can be a regular watchman or a trained guard.

Technology for phased production of toilet paper

Automatic Band Saw

This whole process can be divided into several consecutive steps:

  1. First, the available secondary raw materials are thoroughly cleaned of all impurities and crushed. All this happens with a lot of water. The resulting mass is passed through a special sieve, which removes the remaining glass, paper clips or clamps.
  2. Rinsing and grinding of raw materials. The whole mass is again thoroughly cleaned, crushed and bleached. Moreover, the quality and cost of the final product directly depend on the amount of water used.
  3. Regulation of the composition and production of blanks. After washing, the raw materials are sent to a special container. It is there that the desired concentration of water and paper is achieved - all the ingredients turn into a homogeneous pulp. Then the whole mass falls on the tape and in the dryer drum. There she wraps herself on billet blanks.
  4. Decoration, cutting and packaging. The resulting blanks are sent to the machine for rewinding toilet paper. It carries out coloring, embossing and applying a variety of inscriptions. Then the rolls are glued with labels, checked and packaged.

The benefits of producing toilet paper

In order to decide to create your own business, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. And if all the negative aspects can be revealed by special economic calculations, then the benefits are worth considering.

Toilet paper rewinder

The production of toilet paper in Russia has a number of undeniable positive aspects:

  1. Relatively low cost. This business does not require any special and expensive technologies. The standard complex consists of a bobbin unwinder, a paper machine, a cutting and packaging machine, and also an gluing table. The lion's share of expenses is taken by utility bills and raw materials.
  2. Quick payback. In various conditions, this indicator can vary significantly. But usually this parameter is from 6 to 10 months. In principle, pretty good for modern realities.
  3. Great demand for toilet paper. Now a private manufacturer works mainly exclusively with wholesale customers. These are large retail chains. But it is better to stay at wholesale bases or many small household stores.

The cost of equipment for the production of toilet paper

Economic calculations

Of course, for starters, it is simply necessary to analyze the financial component of the future successful business. It is the calculations that will help answer the question: to be or not to be?

The following items are important for the production of toilet paper:

  • Registration of a private enterprise. This item includes the costs of paying receipts, patents, etc.
  • Purchase and configuration of necessary equipment. The simplest and most reliable in operation is the modern complex VC-1575-F. In addition, you can collect some elements of the line yourself.
  • Purchase of raw materials. It all depends on the quality of the product and the selected suppliers.
  • Preparation of the workshop. This rental and cleaning, ongoing work and much more.

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