
Waste paper recycling business plan

It is a known fact that all paper can be recycled. A lesser known fact is that waste paper recycling is a profitable business that is usually supported by the authorities (incentives, bonuses, financial assistance). So why not open your own business in this niche? What do you need? To study the subject of activity as fully as possible, draw up a good business plan, invest.

Business investment

Firstly, the design of their activities. Several options - IP, PE, LLC. The decision is yours. Funds for this will not go too big - about 5-15 thousand rubles. Moreover, the city authorities most often by all means contribute to the development of such a business, because it belongs to a number of socially important and honorable ones.

Secondly, the recycling of waste paper equipment is very expensive. Various state programs supporting small businesses can help with start-up capital, especially since this is a noble cause. Waste paper - saved trees!

It is better to purchase collapsible structures immediately (that is, an already finished factory of small sizes). The country producing such plants is China, of course. There are two options for such production - those that produce writing paper and those that make cardboard or packaging. The cost of the former is an order of magnitude higher, while the latter are cheaper, but at the same time more productive. By the way, such plants (with a ribbon for processing raw materials and a ribbon for the release of new products) require continuous operation (around the clock). The cost ranges from 300 to 600 thousand dollars.

Thirdly, you need to recruit staff who will work at your plant. To ensure round-the-clock production activities, three shifts of workers will be required.

By the way, the reception of waste paper is also worth considering in advance. Will you pick it yourself? Or would you prefer suppliers to deliver it to you? If the first, then you will need your own auto technique. If the latter, then the price of raw materials will be slightly higher.

By the way, and about raw materials. It is of three categories: higher, middle, lower. The first is suitable for writing paper, the second for printed products, the third for cardboard and packaging. The price per ton ranges from 450 to 1600 rubles, depending on what kind of raw materials and how to get it to your factory. Shipment at own expense is cheaper.

So, the investments are:

  1. Room
  2. documents,
  3. equipment,
  4. raw materials
  5. equipment (if necessary).

Project income and profitability

If you find a regular customer (which is pretty straightforward), then the project will pay off in 1 year. If there are interruptions with customers, it may take about 2-3 years. The price in the domestic market ranges from 23 to 28 thousand rubles per ton of paper (cardboard, packaging, etc.).

Paper recycling is a business that can bring in net profit of about 1 million rubles a month! Moreover, this is a project that can be sponsored by the state. Regular customers can be government agencies and bodies, private firms and enterprises.

Profitability of the project can reach 60%.

Pros and cons of paper production

Waste paper recycling as a business has several advantages and disadvantages. So, the pluses include: quick payback, good profitability. In addition, support from the state. The city authorities respect such a business, providing all possible assistance both at the stage of the project's inception and after its inclusion in the work.

Of the minuses - big investments at the initial stage. It is also worth knowing that such a business is very energy-intensive, which means payment of electricity can fly a pretty penny.On the other hand, if you organize the business correctly, you can count on various types of subsidies. This will help reduce your monthly expenses. It is necessary to learn more directly from the authorities of the particular region where the business is being conceived.

Features and Technology

If at the starting stage you do not have the necessary funds, you can always think about opening a small factory for the production of napkins or toilet paper. This business is similar to the simple processing of used paper, but at the same time, in the end result, you get ready-for-sale products that are always and everywhere in demand.

[caption id = "attachment_4637" align = "alignright" width = "300"]waste paper recycling your business: waste paper processing [/ caption]

The costs of such a business are less. About one thousand rolls of toilet paper can be obtained from one ton of waste paper. And the equipment you need is minimal - only the processing tape and the tape for receiving the finished product.

By the way, waste paper can also be collected in different ways: on their own (by installing special containers in the city) or by announcing the collection. In the latter case, the paper will be delivered to you at the specified address. Sometimes you can drive along city streets, collecting paper waste that people do not need. You’ll have to sort it yourself at the factory

The technology of converting the used material into a new one is quite simple: the raw materials are soaked, crushed, cleaned of excess elements (paper clips, staples, insoluble particles such as ink from the printing house), then the excess water is removed. The output is an intermediate material (pulp). And already from it with the help of a special machine paper is obtained. The special machine scoops up the intermediate material, passes it through the net, gives the desired thickness (depending on what paper you produce). At the end of the work, the sheet dries and paper is obtained.

Waste paper processing requires a stable supply of raw materials. It is good if the production will have a warehouse where the harvested raw materials will be stored. In order for the plant to run smoothly, you must always have everything you need at hand. At the exit, you can get about 10 tons of paper ready for sale per day. Sometimes, if you are engaged in the production of cardboard, then up to 20 tons.

In Russia, this niche is not too full, the competition is minimal, which means that with certain efforts, the business will bring good results, stable profits and good income.

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Interesting topic, thanks.


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