
How to choose an overlock? How to choose an overlock sewing machine

How to choose an overlockOverlock is a separate sewing unit designed for processing the edges of products.

Not so long ago, a similar device was only in the arsenal of professional seamstresses. An ordinary person who was not engaged in sewing did not even know about him. The acquisition of an overlock was compared to winning the jackpot in the lottery, since they practically did not appear on the open market.

Instrument Features

Overlock is usually called a sewing machine capable of processing and trimming the edges of bulk fabrics. The threads in this case cover the material on the cut, which allows you to process overcasting seams, preventing the dissolution of the material. In one pass, this device cuts off excess, hones parts, and also makes a cut marking. If we talk about how to choose a good overlock, then it is worth noting the existence of devices capable of producing flat and decorative seams, as well as various lines.

This device is not able to replace a traditional sewing machine, it is usually used as an addition, through which operations are performed that it can not cope with. Overlock stitches are characterized by elasticity, which allows you to sew knitted fabrics.

Difference of an overlock from a usual sewing machine

A line around the edge of the fabric is formed without the use of a shuttle device, there is a pair of loopers that form it. Overlock is equipped with a pair of knives: upper and lower. They are designed to trim the edges of the processed fabric. Modern models make it easy to clean the knife, which allows you to perform certain operations without trimming.

Depending on the type of seam, the device can use two needles. Modern overlocks are equipped with the ability to differentially feed the fabric, which allows you to handle the knitwear with the highest quality. Using the differential conveyor, you can easily get some unusual effects in the form of assemblies or waves. At the same time, 2-5 threads can be tucked into the device.

If we talk about how to choose an overlock, then here it is necessary to pay attention to several basic conditions.

How to choose an overlock sewing machine

Features of work

Overlocks are distinguished by types of weaves. The sewing machine system assumes that the threads will be weaved through the shuttle. Overlock is deprived of this component, and loopers take over its tasks. The number of lines produced by the unit depends on the loopers present in it. There are seams that are obtained through the upper and lower loopers. This type of design forms a three-thread overlock seam. It is used to process the edges of bulk fabrics, including artificial silk. With it, stitching of knitted fabrics with cut marking is allowed.

The required width of the overlock seam is ensured by a special tongue on which a certain weave is formed. It can be cleaned, and then the width of the seam will be 2 millimeters. This will result in a three-strand border.

If we talk about how to choose an overlock, the price of which is less than $ 400, then it can be noted that all models in this category are able to complete 7 seams. If there is a converter in the device, you can get a two-strand weave. The converter is a small metal bracket mounted on the upper looper. Some models allow you to connect it if necessary. Threading is done in the needle and the lower looper. The converter brings the lower thread to the needle, forming a weave.


If you understand the question of how to choose an overlock for the home, it is worth noting that in addition to the device various elements can be supplied. For example, an additional lower looper for obtaining a chain stitch. Machines of this type are able to make flat seams with two- and three-needle stitches, while on the front side the lines will be parallel, and on the wrong side the fabric section will be sewn. This is how the overlock can serve as a sewing machine. If the contact of the suture with the skin is assumed, then treatment with these sutures is performed.

The chain stitch looper got its name due to the fact that the overlock makes a chain seam with its help. This is a strong, elastic stitch, which is used for sewing knitwear, as well as parts of clothing that are under tremendous strain, for example, for grinding jeans. The combined use of a chain stitch looper with sewn-in seams allows you to obtain sewing-sewn-stitching seams.

The most expensive models of devices are equipped with additional upper loopers. With their help, you can get double-sided decorative flat seams. Using such loopers, it is also possible to make a flat three-needle ten-stitch seam.


Before you purchase such a device, you need to determine your needs, and then decide what you want to receive as a result of its purchase. At the moment, there are quite progressive solutions, namely multifunctional sewing machines with a horizontal shuttle device that can perform overlock stitches that are adjustable in width. A special presser foot can be included in the kit, which allows you to quickly process the edges of the fabric. It looks like a very beautiful line.

Device categories

So, speaking about how to choose an overlock, it is worth noting that there are several groups of such devices, each of which you should know about.

The first category includes four-thread devices that allow you to make overcast seams using three or four threads. Thin fabrics are processed using a three-thread role seam, which is also appropriate for ruffling. In this group, you can name such models as Family ML244, Janome 205.

Inexpensive models

If you are thinking about which overlock to choose, then you can consider the second group, which includes four-thread specimens that can make not only three-thread sewing seams, but also four-thread ones. A converter is included in the set of these devices, which allows them to make several types of double-thread seams.

The needle threader allows you to easily thread various threads (decorative, silk and others) into the loop. The presence of a garbage container in the form of scraps of thread and fabric is another good option. In addition, such devices are equipped with boxes for accessories with a good set. Here you can name such models: Pfaff 4842, Family ML645, Janome MY 644, MY 744.

The third group included multifunctional devices that can do all kinds of overcasting seams, as well as a chain stitch and a flat seam. If you are interested in how to choose an overlock by quality, then you should pay attention to this category, since the models presented here combine traditional instruments with ploskoshovny machines, which is why they are usually called carpet covers. In this group, we can distinguish: Pfaff Coverlock 4852, Pfaff Coverlock 4874, Pfaff Coverlock 4862 and Husqvarna 936.

Top Options

A five-millimeter flat seam allows you to make sure that the finished product does not differ completely from those produced in the factory. You can see how the edges on the T-shirt are hemmed, and it will become clear to you that a flat seam is used here with the typical effect of a two-needle stitch visible on the front side, as well as marking the cut on the wrong side. All the above models are able to make just such a seam.

A five-thread reinforcing seam allows you to sew jeans in exactly the same way as they do in the enterprise. Such a seam is actively used in the clothing industry for sewing men's shirts, work clothes, as well as covers. Its degree of strength is quite high, and the execution speed exceeds all other types. Stitching and processing in this case are carried out simultaneously.

Understanding how to choose an overlock, you can say that you will like the ease of communication with these devices. The control panel always displays information about the main programs and the optimal thread tension, and on the cover there is a threading scheme, on which each route is highlighted in a separate color. Errors in this situation are simply excluded.

How to choose an overlock by quality

If we talk about how to choose an overlock for the home, we can mention a model such as Pfaff Creative 4874. This device is equipped with a liquid crystal display, which displays all the important information for the program that is currently selected: name, stitch length, needle position, differential setting, stitch width, switch position.

If you select the appropriate program, then all the threads will be automatically tensioned. This overlock is able to make up to 30 types of stitches, including a lot of decorative flat seams for which the top cover is used. When using silk or wool threads, you can decorate and ennoble the products that you sew at home.

Brand selection

If you consider the question of how to choose an overlock, then you should advise buying a model of a proven brand. When making a decision, attention should be paid to the service life of sewing equipment, the terms of the warranty and the free elimination of defects, as well as the warranty card received from the seller.

In which store to make a purchase?

You should give preference to those outlets where you will be shown the device in operation, demonstrate additional devices that can make sewing as comfortable as possible. A cat in a bag is not worth taking.

Overlock is a rather complex multifunctional device. To master its capabilities, reading the instructions is not always enough. A professional consultant will help not only make the right choice, but also get initial skills to work with the device. If we talk about how to choose an overlock whose reviews you liked, then it is necessary to note such an important point as the availability of a service center from the seller. This will guarantee that you can seek help in the event of a device failure.

Overlock sewing machine how to choose

How to choose an overlock sewing machine

To begin with, it is important to understand that these are two completely different devices. A sewing machine designed for domestic use usually performs a two-thread stitch through a shuttle. Overlock form a 3-5-thread overcast seam based on a chain stitch. It is not possible to combine both of these stitches in one device. However, the search for an answer to the question of how to choose a sewing machine with an overlock is still relevant for many. Where did this concept come from?

Everything is connected with the fact that the first machines with a zigzag were also used for overcasting. Over time, engineers developed special overlock legs, with which the corresponding line was imitated. Additional lines appeared, with the help of which the quality of the overcast seam was improved. Thanks to this, a concept such as an overlock sewing machine has become a reality. Many now want to know how to choose it, because in any store you will be offered a considerable assortment of such devices.

Features of overlock stitches

Sewing the fabric on a conventional sewing machine is done using a zigzag seam. The difference from the stitch that the overlock makes in this case is that if the fabric with the seam is pulled tightly, the threads will tear, since they are in sufficient tension in the stitch.Using special paws, it is possible to make such a seam almost identical to a two-thread overcasting, however, in quality it is far from the right one.

That is why the question of how to choose a sewing machine with an overlock can give a definite answer. It is required to buy both devices separately, and then the quality of the seams will be up to standard. Overlock seam is able not only to beautifully shape the edges of the fabric, but also to make them strong and able to withstand significant tensile loads.


Sewing machine and overlock are necessary for mass production of products from elastic and knitted fabrics, in particular, for ateliers. At home, if sewing clothes is carried out exclusively for yourself and quite rarely, you can use overlock stitches. Modern models of sewing machines usually have several varieties of them.

If we talk about how to choose an overlock for knitwear, then it is important to understand that most of the models on the market are oriented specifically to such a fabric, so you should not have any problems with the choice.

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