
How to choose an air conditioner in an apartment. How to choose an air conditioner by area

Recently, a lot of consumers have been worried about how to choose an air conditioner in an apartment, since this device allows you to make living conditions more comfortable. This has already become a necessary acquisition, judging by how hot summer is now, but quite expensive.

That is why it is important to know about certain points that may affect the usability of the device in the future. The answer to the question of how to choose an air conditioner in an apartment will be given taking into account certain aspects.

How to choose an air conditioner in an apartment

Determination of device cooling capacity

This air conditioner parameter is measured in kilowatts. It should not be confused with energy consumption, which is also indicated in these units. Here you can trace a very definite connection: the power consumption of this device is about a third of its cooling capacity. You can quite simply calculate this parameter. 1 kilowatt is able to cool the area of ​​10 square meters with a standard ceiling height of up to +24 degrees Celsius, provided that the window is no more than +30.

Type of air conditioner

There are two different types of devices: monoblock and split systems. The first ones assume the presence of a single integral case, and the second ones are air conditioners, consisting of two separate parts. At the same time, the installation of the latter is performed as follows: one part is located in the apartment itself, and the second - on the street, usually under a window. If we talk about how to choose the right air conditioner for the home, then it is worth recommending a split system. And there are a number of reasons for this.

Monoblock structures are characterized by strong noise during operation. Split systems lack such a disadvantage, since the noisiest part of them is located in an outdoor unit located outdoors. People inside the apartment are not at all bothered by the noise from him.

If we talk about how to choose a good air conditioning in an apartment, then it should be noted that there is a significant variety of split systems, from which you can highlight the options that are most common in practice.

Among all the types presented on the market, the choice of consumers most often falls on wall solutions. This is understandable: in a small room with the help of such an air conditioner, you can provide proper cooling at a very affordable price. Such models can be purchased even for 6 thousand rubles. In second place are floor split systems. Despite the fact that their price is much higher than the first (from 10 thousand rubles), with their help it is possible to ensure a comfortable distribution of air flows in large rooms. And in the interior of the apartment they are usually much easier to fit.

The channel split system practically does not spoil the design of the room, since it is placed covertly, while the cold air enters the room through the use of duct systems through decorative grilles in the suspended ceiling or walls. In addition to air cooling, such solutions can mix in fresh air if they are integrated into the ventilation system, and one air conditioner can process several rooms in the apartment at once. This solution is quite convenient and functional.

If we talk about how to choose an air conditioner for an apartment, it is worth noting that of all the options considered, a wall split system is suitable for a one-room, and all the rest for multi-room ones.

How to choose an air conditioner by area

Options for choosing

Split systems are inverter and simple.The first is characterized by quieter operation compared to the second, although its cost is much higher. There are solutions such as multi-split systems in which one outdoor unit allows the connection of several indoor units. It is important to consider that usually the cost of such a solution is more expensive than several separate air conditioners.

All air conditioners that can be installed in the apartment are divided into several types, which has a direct impact on their characteristics.

Wall-mounted solutions are not only complicated in terms of installation, they also consume more electrical energy than other types. The selection of such models should be more thorough, since the apartment requires not only to create a special microclimate, but also not to disrupt the existing room design.

If we talk about how to choose an air conditioner for the home, it is worth noting that the simplest are floor solutions, the installation of which can be done completely without the participation of specialists. Modern design and attractive appearance allow you to fit floor air conditioners into any interior. Such solutions have only one significant drawback - if the power is selected incorrectly, then drafts may well arise in the apartment. But if we talk about their maintenance, then everything is pretty simple.

Ceiling air conditioning fits well into the design of any home. It’s not only cheap to buy, but also to serve it in the future. It does not lead to the formation of drafts, but its installation is characterized by certain difficulties. Low cost and ease of maintenance make this device the most popular among consumers.

If you consider the question of how to choose an air conditioner for the home, which reviews you liked, it should be said that channel-type devices are very rarely used. This is due to the special difficulties associated with their installation. These devices pump cold air through the ventilation ducts, and this allows you to form your own microclimate in each individual room of the house. In addition, such solutions are complex in terms of service, and their price is relatively high. The installation of such models is secretive, and their installation is usually carried out under the surface of a suspended ceiling.

Installation of cassette systems is stealthy and compact, all the main elements are placed under a suspended ceiling. This type of instrument does not cause drafts, but it is very difficult to maintain.

The split system is an ideal solution for those who live in an apartment with a standard area. This is due to the low consumption of electric energy by these devices, the simplicity of their maintenance and installation, efficiency in the process, and also a relatively low cost.

If we talk about how to choose a mobile air conditioner for the home, then it is worth noting that monoblock solutions are quite simple during installation, but they completely violate the interior of any room. This type of appliance is not recommended to be installed in homes of allergy sufferers, as there will definitely be a lot of dust in the apartment, and this negatively affects human health. The relatively low cost of such air conditioners is their only advantage.

How to choose an air conditioner for an apartment

Important points when choosing

The question of how to choose an air conditioner by area is quite important, since the efficiency of the device in three-room and one-room apartments will vary, because of which drafts or a lack of fresh air may appear. In this case, it should be noted that when the apartment has a lot of rooms, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of the channel type of split system, which is difficult to install and maintain, but the interior will be spared from a large number of different devices placed on the walls or floor.

If you understand how to choose an air conditioner by area, then you should notice the usefulness of such a solution as a multi split system, but each room should be no more than 18 square meters, otherwise the air will not be processed enough. For a one-room apartment, it will be enough to purchase a floor, ceiling or wall device, which does not take up too much space, but turns out to be quite effective. And here the important point is the power, which must be selected correctly in order to avoid the formation of drafts.

If we talk about how to choose an air conditioner for an apartment with one large room and several small ones, then you should pay attention to the cassette-type devices. They can be easily hidden under the ceiling, which allows sufficient supply of air to each room.

When determining the appropriate device for your apartment, you should make a detailed plan of the premises, in which the area and volume of each of them will be calculated, indicate the number of living rooms, calculate the approximate temperature for the summer and winter periods, check the possibilities for installing external units, as well as decide on others parameters. It is worth giving preference to models of air conditioners that have truly proven the effectiveness and quality of their work.

Determined with the brand

If you consider the question of how to choose an air conditioner for the apartment you liked about the reviews, it is worth noting that there are several world leaders in the reliability and quality of device performance: Daikin and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. And all other solutions can be called a compromise between price and quality.

But speaking of the choice of a particular brand, it is worth noting that this is a controversial issue that everyone decides for himself. When buying a particular device, you should focus on your needs, requirements for it, as well as financial capabilities. It is important to understand that the cost of an air conditioner is not limited to its purchase, it also takes into account the cost of further maintenance, which often overlaps the initial low price, making the device quite expensive.

Points of sale

If we consider the question of how to choose an air conditioner for an apartment, then we need to note a rather important point related to the place of purchase. Of course, you can save money and buy the device on sale, and then entrust its installation to poorly tested specialists. Only in this case, the entire responsibility for the fact that your device is malfunctioning or does not work at all lies entirely with you.

Even a perfectly functioning air conditioner will not work properly if it is not connected as it should. That is why you can recommend buying such an expensive and complex device only in a specialized company that can offer you a wide range of products from different manufacturers. At the same time, it is important that an experienced consultant helps you determine the right solution and capacity.

How to choose a mobile and floor air conditioner

For those who value convenience and comfort, but do not want to part with significant financial resources, we can recommend a very specific solution. There is a type of appliance like mobile air conditioning. This device is small in size, so it can be quite easily moved to any room directly on casters. In addition, this device does not require special installation.

If we talk about how to choose an air conditioner for the home, the price of which will satisfy your needs, you should decide what type it should be: a mobile split system or a candy bar. In general, a mobile air conditioner is a compact device that is designed to heat or cool a room. It does not require a lot of space, and its functioning can be called quite successful.Installing a mobile air conditioner is possible for anyone, it does not require calling professional installers. The duct must be led out through the window or into the ventilation shaft.


In mobile type air conditioners, the functions are usually standard. All devices of this type are capable of working for cooling, as well as for heating the room. However, some of them have the functions of air purification and its ionization. Many representatives of this category have a remote control and a timer that are designed to help set a specific operating mode for a specific time.

How to choose a home air conditioner price

How to choose a home air conditioner

Reviews of different models can help you determine the most suitable. And if we talk about split systems, then the basis of the choice consists in a combination of two factors: personal preferences and performance parameters. Quite often, the architectural features of the room also turn out to be significant.

Too weak split systems will run to wear, but they will not cope with their tasks, and too powerful will turn off and on very often, which is why the compressor wears out very quickly. That is why the choice should be stopped on split systems equipped with a device for adjusting power.

When calculating, you should proceed from the parameters of the existing room, the height of the ceilings, the orientation of the windows, the number of people who are regularly there, the availability of appliances that produce heat, and other factors. The power of the air conditioner increases depending on the amount of all these factors, so it should be appropriate.

Types of air conditioners and split systems

The choice of one or another type of device should be based not only on such parameters as the area of ​​the room and the number of people in it, but also on architectural features. If, for example, you have suspended ceilings, you can choose a cassette-type split system, since it can be built into the ceiling, so that it evenly distributes temperature and air. However, the most affordable options for most are wall-mounted air conditioners, which have become quite successful and popular.

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