
How to open a chop Documents for the organization of the chop. How to create a chop from scratch

Some people who have served in the army, law enforcement, or other services are interested in how to create a private security company. In this article you can learn about the features of organizing such a business.

What is a private security company, and what functions does it perform?

how to create chop

So, before you open a private security company, you need to understand what kind of organization it is and why it is needed. This organization is not state-owned and provides its security services privately for a fee. However, a private security company is a legal entity, therefore, the formation must necessarily obey the laws of the country.

It should be noted that the organizations represented have recently been created more and more often. Among the services of the enterprise are the following:

- protection of the life and health of a private individual;

- ensuring the safety of property;

- protection of apartments, offices, enterprises, warehouses and other premises;

- law enforcement during mass gatherings;

- safe transportation of valuable goods;

- installation and debugging of fire extinguishing systems and alarms;

- advice on self-defense in the event of a real threat;

- escort of individuals or legal entities.

How to register an enterprise?

As for any other business, it is necessary to collect certain documents for the organization of a private security company. Be sure to prepare the following list of papers:

  1. Certificate of registration of a legal entity, as well as registration of the company with the tax authorities.
  2. Business license.
  3. Permission to carry and use weapons.
  4. The lease agreement for the premises in which your base will be located.
  5. Articles of association.
  6. State duty receipt.
  7. Copies of passports of all founders, and they must be certified by a notary.

After reviewing all the papers, the tax inspectorate will give you the following documents for the organization of a private security company:

- certificate of registration with state bodies, as well as a certified charter;

- notice from the Pension Fund, extract from the register.

In addition, you will receive two more certificates: on registration with TFOMS and on the issue of statistics codes. Now you know what documents are needed to open a private security company. Note that the head of the organization must have a certificate that confirms his qualifications.

How to choose the room and equipment for the base?

how to open chop

So, for staff work, customer reception and other purposes, you will need your office. In principle, a large room is not required at all. However, there should be a place for the weapons room, as well as for the observation point, which has a computer, telephone and other means of communication (if necessary).

Access to the premises should be free. If you assume the presence of cars, it is advisable to have a garage near the base. Its dimensions depend on the number of cars. The leased premises must meet all safety requirements: sanitary-epidemiological, fire and others. Please note that the weapons room must be protected from unauthorized access and be under remote control.

As for the area of ​​the room, then 45 square meters is quite enough for you. m. for everything. As for the equipment, at the initial stage you only need several computers, a multi-channel telephone line, and a control panel.

Personnel recruitment features

Before organizing a private security company, think carefully about the selection criteria for employees.For example, security guards should have special training (military service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, special services). Naturally, staff qualifications should be periodically upgraded. In addition, each employee must have a special certificate that confirms his position.

For a small company, 10-15 employees are quite enough. Over time, you can expand your staff. Keep in mind that the people you choose will probably deal with firearms, so they must have a stable psyche, high moral qualities and the ability to behave correctly in dangerous situations. It is important that each employee undergo a medical (especially psychiatric and narcological) examination.

In addition to the guards, you may also need a recruiting manager, as well as an accountant who will deal with the financial part. Since work in the private security company is quite dangerous, it is advisable to insure the lives of all employees.

In addition to the guards, you need an operative on duty and a dispatcher who will be able to receive calls in case of threat to protected objects.

What weapons can PSC employees use?

Today, the law restricts the use of items that can cause harm to health or kill a person. However, the following weapons list is allowed for PSCs:

- traumatic and firearms with a limited scope, as well as smooth-bore and short-barreled apparatuses (1 each for 2 employees);

- revolver and gas pistol (for each guard);

- a stun gun and a spark gap (1 per person);

- batons, tear gas, stun and smoke grenades.

Naturally, the storage and use of such weapons must be obtained permission. It is drawn up in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Each employee who will work in the company organized by you must be registered with law enforcement agencies. Unofficial weapons are prohibited.

Registration of permission has certain nuances. For example, government agencies very often change the list of permitted weapons or the procedure for their use. Therefore, the leader should always be up to date and monitor the updating of the legislative framework.

How to gain a foothold in the security business market?

Before you open a private security company, be sure to carefully analyze the security services market. Weigh the pros and cons, calculate all your basic and regular expenses. Decide on the list of services. Now begin to slowly build up your clientele.

An important point in this business is promotion and advertising. Naturally, it should be of high quality. In addition, one should not forget about personal relationships. If you worked in law enforcement, then former bosses can help you with finding clients. After you receive the order, try to do everything so that your positive reputation is well strengthened. That is, the work must be carried out efficiently. At the same time, employees should be able to behave with the client.

Features of enterprise liability insurance

chop liability insurance

Legal protection is needed not only for clients, but also for the employees of the organization. For example, liability insurance of private security companies occurs if certain events take place: the need to compensate property damage to the customer or third parties if they have suffered as a result of the actions of the guards.

Naturally, you will have to draw up an insurance contract with the UK. Moreover, this document must be carefully read so as not to give a chance to deceive you. In the application you must inform about all production risks, indicate the insurance amount, the validity period of the certificate. In addition, you determine the conditions for payment of compensation.

The cost of organizing a security business

Before you open a chop, you should definitely calculate everything on paper. So, we give an approximate business plan for opening an enterprise:

- registration of a legal entity and obtaining a license - 300-400. e .;

- rental of premises - from $ 800 per month;

- purchase of equipment, uniforms and other accessories - about 3-4 thousand. e .;

- Organization of a weapons room - from $ 5,000;

- salaries to employees - from 2000 e. for each employee per month;

- consumables and unforeseen expenses - from $ 1,000 per month;

- life insurance for employees and civil liability - from 20,000. e.

As for income, they can range from $ 10,000 a month to hundreds of thousands of y. e. It all depends on the seriousness and value of the protected objects.

What difficulties may arise?

First of all, legislative. The fact is that the base is constantly changing, and new permissions or restrictions appear for owners of the security business. In addition, your organization will deal with firearms or traumatic weapons that are already source of increased danger.

Also, one should not forget about the competition, which is very high in this business. Your success depends on the quality of work. Before you open a private security company, familiarize yourself with all the pitfalls that this business may hold. Good luck

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