
Carrying cold steel: rules and responsibility. What threatens for carrying knives?

Melee weapons can be sports, hunting or military type. It does not use the power of combustible and explosive compounds, electricity, compressed gas. Edged weapons are for the most part tame. Throwing devices are also distinguished. They can be manual or not. carrying cold steel

Historical information

Melee weapons appeared a long time ago. It was originally used as a hunting tool. However, with the development and widespread use of firearms, it has lost its significance almost completely. Today it is used as an auxiliary. Melee weapons are used to complement the capabilities of a firearm. It is also used as part of a form or a premium element.

Classification system

Melee weapons can be attributed to one type or another, genus, class, subspecies or species, variety in accordance with various reasons:

  • By the method of production.
  • To the device.
  • The principle of action.
  • Appointment and other.

The classification system acts as a scientific and theoretical basis for determining the group affiliation of the subject. It is considered one of the most significant structural components of forensic science, exploring not only the weapons used in the commission of crimes, but also all its varieties.

Types by prevailing types

That edged weapon, which has no analogues in the classification system, but at the same time has all its generic properties and characteristics, is called atypical. Usually this is either a completely original design or a disguised device. The latter include, for example, a stylet handle, a cane and a sword. That melee weapon, which corresponds to historically established models, is adopted by the armies or is traditional for any nation or nationality, is called standard. cold weapon permit


In accordance with Russian law, edged weapons are designed to hit targets with the help of human muscle in direct contact with the object. Throwing are called objects that are used if the target is at a distance. At the same time, such a device receives a direction of movement through the application of muscle strength or due to a mechanical device. Certified edged products for industrial and household purposes, as well as sports equipment that have a constructive similarity to it, are not included in the category of knives.

Key features

In accordance with the Federal Law, questions regarding the attribution of a particular subject to cold steel are decided solely on the basis of the results of a forensic examination or certification. In this case, specialists are guided by regulatory enactments and relevant requirements. In particular, the classification of an item as a cold weapon is affected by:

  • The thickness of the butt.
  • Blade length.
  • Handle design.
  • The hardness of the blade and so on.

In modern practice, the manufacturer of knives or their seller certifies products in a specialized center. The latter, in turn, must be accredited and registered in the register of relevant authorities. The seller or manufacturer receives a certificate according to which the knife belongs to the household category (sports, travel, kitchen) or to weapons.Upon purchase, you can get an "information sheet". It contains a description of the knife itself, the conclusion of the examination, the date and number, as well as the coordinates of the competent authority.

cold weapon punishment


In accordance with the law, depending on the purpose of use by certain entities, as well as on the basis of general parameters and characteristics, all weapons are divided into:

  • Service. It is intended for use by various government officials and employees of the legal. persons who have the right to storage, use and carrying weapons.
  • Civil. It is intended for use by citizens of Russia for self-defense, hunting or sports.
  • Combat cold and manual rifle. It is used to solve operational-service and military tasks and adopted by the army organizations.

Melee weapons are not classified separately. However, in normative acts there are indications that:

  • Bladed melee weapons can be considered sports and hunting.
  • Throwing devices stand out as an independent subtype.
  • Bladed edged weapons can be intended to be worn together with the Cossack uniform, national costumes of the peoples of Russia. Their attributes are established by the Government.
  • Edged weapons can be accepted by the leaders of paramilitary state organizations. The admission procedure is established by the Government of Russia.

Other classification

In accordance with the production method, cold steel is divided into:

  • Factory. By design, such products comply with standards and specifications, and also have markings.
  • Handicraft. Such weapons are made to certain standards by gunsmiths. Products may have a special brand.
  • Homemade. Such weapons are made by people who do not have the appropriate professional skills.
  • Reworked. Such weapons include products that are processed by the removal or addition of certain elements.

According to the place of manufacture, the weapon may be:

  • Domestic.
  • To foreigners.

Depending on the principle of action, weapons are distinguished:

  • Chopping (swords, sabers).
  • Throwing (kunai, shuriken, dart, spear).
  • Stitching and chopping (broadsword, scimitar).
  • Shock-crushing (brass knuckles, brush, club, club).
  • Stitching (needle bayonet, stylet, dagger, rapier, peak).
  • Combined action.
  • Pricking-cutting (bayonet-knife, knife, dagger, sword).

Depending on the features of the structural device, there are:

  • Non-blade.
  • Blade.

In accordance with certain requirements, there are:

  • Standard.
  • Non-standard.

Depending on the design features of the blade, there are weapons:

  • Two-blade.
  • Single-blade.

Restrictions on civil circulation

In accordance with the adopted legislation, the following manipulations are prohibited on the territory of Russia:

1. The turnover of certain varieties of knives:

  • Boomerangs, shurikens, brass knuckles, brushes and other special devices of propelling and impact-crushing action. The exception is sports equipment.
  • Knives and bladed weapons, the blades and blades of which are either automatically removed by pressing the lever or button from the handle and then fixed by them, or advanced by the action of accelerated motion or gravity and fixed if their length is more than 90 cm.

2. Storage and carrying of edged weapons for sports purposes blade and throwing type. An exception is the use of bows and crossbows for the purpose of carrying out preventive and research work, which are associated with the injection and immobilization of fauna objects.

3. Shipment.

4. The carrying of cold steel by citizens during public mass events. These, in particular, include picketing, demonstrations, street processions, rallies and more.

5. Wearing a cold weapons for self-defense. An exception is the transportation (transportation) of devices.

In the last two cases, this refers exclusively to melee weapons, but not objects similar to it. Such devices, for example, include penknives, cutlery. For civil circulation, it is necessary to obtain appropriate documents, depending on the purpose of use. This may be a cold weapon license, certificate. Atypical devices made by the artisanal method without observing standard requirements and specifications are prohibited for circulation.


Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years old have the right to buy cold steel. In this case, the purchase of products must receive the appropriate document. This is usually a license. It is allowed to purchase products for self-defense, hunting, sports. The document gives the right to purchase, as well as to wear knives of the blade and hunting types with national costumes or Cossack uniforms. You can get the necessary paper for a specific type of product at the place of residence in the Department of Internal Affairs. carrying cold steel

Administrative responsibility

For carrying cold steel without the appropriate documents, violation of other requirements for a citizen, appropriate measures may be applied. They are clearly spelled out in the Administrative Code of Offenses. The civil law on the carrying of cold steel, its acquisition, transportation, use, exhibiting, sale, production regulates the civil circulation of the products in question. The normative act also establishes the procedure for accounting and destruction of objects of the specified category.

The punishment for carrying knives, violation of the registration deadlines and other requirements related to its civil circulation, is usually a fine. The regulatory act of March 7, 2013 restricts the manipulation of products of this category. Clause 4, which contains the corresponding article, for carrying edged weapons without documents, as well as other illegal actions, provides for the imposition of a penalty on the offender. Its size is from 500 to 2000 rubles. Administrative responsibility for carrying cold steel can be expressed in the deprivation of the right to take any action with devices for a period of 6 months to a year.

What products can be purchased?

A citizen who has permission to carry and store firearms may also acquire a cold blade weapon. At the same time, a corresponding mark is made in his ticket. Permission to carry knives in this case is not required to be additionally issued. The existing paper acts as it. As mentioned above, the wearing of knives is allowed with a Cossack uniform or national costume. To do this, you need the appropriate paper. The document is a license. It gives the right not only to purchase products. The document also acts as a permit for carrying cold steel as an attribute.

Provisions of the Criminal Code

Previous violations of the established procedure were regulated by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Carrying cold steel without the appropriate papers was considered a criminal offense. To date, other regulations are in force. The unlawful carrying of knives is considered an administrative offense. However, regulations from the Penal Code have not disappeared. Prior to their introduction for carrying cold steel, the Criminal Code established mandatory correctional labor for 180-200 hours, 1-2 years.

It also envisaged arrest for 3-6 months or imprisonment for a period of up to 2 years. In the latter case, for carrying cold steel, article UK 222 (part 4) provided for a fine of 200 minimum wages or equal to the wages or other income of the offender. Today, the Criminal Code regulates only illegal sales.Mandatory correctional labor for 180-200 hours or 1-2 years serves as a punishment for the sale of cold, throwing weapons, including gas weapons. As in the previous case, it provides for arrest, imprisonment with or without a fine. Criminal punishment may also result from the illicit manufacture of weapons. In this case, mandatory correctional labor, arrest, imprisonment with or without recovery may also be assigned.

cold steel license

Concealed carrying cold steel

Together with the blade devices used in paramilitary formations, there is another rather specific class of products. Melee weapons for hidden carrying are necessary for special missions related to sabotage operations, secret contract killings, espionage and other things. Recently, self-defense in urban conditions has been added to this list.

History reference

The covert carrying of cold steel began to become popular during World War II. It was associated with the activities of American and English specialized structures. They were engaged in special operations in the territory of the former fascist Germany, as well as its allies.

First developments

Different types of cold-bladed weapons were manufactured at the English Office of Special Operations and the American Office of Strategic Services during World War II. Products were various items. Knives and daggers were designed to be worn behind lapels of jackets and jackets, stilettos looked like hat pins. Often, special reduced modifications of leather sheath were used for knives. Due to the special design, the item could be fixed on different parts of the body.

Self Defense Blades

In the 70s of the previous century, ordinary citizens were forced to look for means to ensure their safety while on the streets. This was due to a sharp increase in crime. Over the next decade, the production of cold steel for concealed carrying has significantly increased. Initially, manufacturers took the development of the above CSS and USO as the basis. Subsequent improvement of the design of bladed weapons for hidden carrying went along the path of developing and introducing new devices, reducing the size of the blade itself while increasing its cutting or piercing properties. Also, products disguised as ordinary items were produced.

Special devices

Hidden wearing was ensured by belt systems similar to the shoulder, which are used for firearms. They made it possible to carry knives of normal (standard) sizes unnoticed by others under outer clothing (jacket or jacket). The systems were manufactured for a specific product model or its specific position (with the handle down or up, on the back, side, and so on). The use of plastic of a new type as a consumable in the manufacture of covers for knives with a fixed blade or for folding items was revolutionary. Due to their elasticity, such sheaths ensured reliable retention of the weapon in any position, as well as quick extraction. Manufacturers began to produce sets of knives with wearing systems that allowed to fix the item in the way the owner prefers.

Transportation procedure

To date, regulations do not clearly establish the rules for carrying knives. However, there are a number of prohibitions. So, in the Law "On Arms", in Art. 6, it is determined that it is not allowed to wear products from the category in question as a means of self-defense. In addition, the obligation to have supporting documents is prescribed.In particular, the owner of knives should have a citizen’s passport, hunting or military ID, official ID and other documents proving his identity. In addition, paper is needed on the product itself.

It is a license issued by the VD Authority at the place of residence. There is an established opinion about the proper transportation of products of this category. And many police officers stick to it. Thus, it is believed that the wearing of knives with the accompanying documents in a bag or backpack will be correct. In this case, of course, when detained by the police, you can try to explain that the knife in the case on the belt is not a means of self-defense and hangs solely for convenience. Moreover, the law does not spell out exactly where it should be kept during transportation. Of course, you should have the relevant documents with you. Otherwise, proving something will be problematic.


Despite the fact that the responsibility for carrying and transporting knives is administrative in nature, it is not worth violating the existing provisions. It should be remembered that the purchase of the products in question for self-defense is strictly prohibited. Appropriate documents must be attached to any kind of cold steel. Its direct use should be carried out with caution. With the help of knives, you can cause significant injury to a person or even kill him. Such actions, in turn, can entail quite serious consequences, up to criminal punishment. If cold steel is stored at home, it should be out of the reach of children, however, like any piercing, cutting, or capable of causing injury objects.

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For that, while wearing a luggage carrier, the sapper blades do not touch.


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