
What is the richest country in the world? Top 10 According to Forbes Magazine

Financial experts make ratings annually to determine which is the richest country in the world. Do you know that? Many believe that the most financially sound state is the United States or Saudi Arabia. But is it really so? Read the article to find the answer to the question which residents of which countries are not afraid of financial crises, low salaries and unemployment.

How is the rating considered?

The authoritative financial magazine Forbes annually compiles not only lists of the richest people on the planet, but also the Top 10 richest countries in the world.

To create such a rating, it is necessary to carefully analyze the indicator of GDP (gross domestic product) per capita. This figure is not the most accurate and universal indicator, but at the moment it is the best that exists in economic science to determine the level of welfare of the state.

the richest country in the world

This figure does not take into account the sectoral structure and production efficiency, but even such approximate data can tell a lot. For greater objectivity, GDP is calculated at PPP (purchasing power parity) per capita. This is done as follows: GDP is calculated in national currency, and then translated at the current market rate in US dollars. In other words, there is a comparison of the two courses, which gives a more visual and accurate picture.

Which countries are in the top ten?

Now it is time to take a look at what constitutes the top richest countries in the world. Looking ahead, we note that the top ten included as many as 4 European countries.

This is what the list looks like:

  • 10 - Netherlands.
  • 9 - Switzerland.
  • 8 - Hong Kong.
  • 7 - USA.
  • 6 - UAE.
  • 5 - Brunei.
  • 4 - Norway.
  • 3 - Singapore.
  • 2 - Luxembourg.

And let the first place in this rating of rich states remain intrigue for now.

Rich countries: 10th to 7th places

According to 2014 data, the Netherlands closes the honorary list of the 10 richest countries in the world. Over the past year, per capita goods were produced here, corresponding to an amount of $ 40,973. The secret to the viability of this European country lies in its small territory and small population (a little over 16 million), as well as a high level of education.

top richest countries in the world

In ninth place in the maximum level of security is Switzerland. The size of GDP amounted to 41 950 dollars. It is not at all surprising that the most prestigious resorts, reliable banks and expensive watches are in this rating of the country.

The eighth line of the top took asian country Hong Kong with a level of 45,944 US dollars. Now this territory is part of China, but it has achieved high economic development long ago and thanks to fruitful cooperation with American companies.

In seventh place are the United States itself. Annually, goods worth $ 46,860 are produced here per capita. This level of well-being is possible due to the stability of the currency, developed tourism and significant political authority.

The richest countries: places from 6th to 4th

We continue the list of the richest countries in the world. In sixth place in 2014 United Arab Emirates (UAE). This Gulf country annually produces goods in the amount of $ 47,439 per capita. The secret of such wealth is a well-developed oil and tourism business. And also the fact that the country's population is not particularly large, and a significant part of the labor market are visiting workers.

10 richest countries in the world

In fifth place is also the Islamic state.Brunei, whose per capita GDP was $ 48,333, is called the “Islamic Disneyland” for wealth and luxury. The secret of success here is the same as that of the Emirates: vast oil reserves, a small number of the population (citizens of the state), of which about 40% are working foreigners.

In fourth place is Norway. This Scandinavian country in 2014 produced a GDP of $ 51,959 per capita. The population itself is not so much - less than 5 million, and the main income of Norway comes from the development of oil and gas fields and tourism.

Richest countries: 3rd and 2nd places

Here we come closer to the answer to the question, where is the richest country in the world. But before that, take a look at her ranking neighbors.

Third place in the list of the most prosperous and prosperous countries is Asian Singapore with its GDP of 56,694 dollars. This unique city-state never ceases to amaze tourists, architects, historians and economists. The basis of welfare is science-intensive industry (electronic and chemical), as well as well-developed tourism.

top 10 richest countries in the world

The second line of the dozens of the richest countries is occupied by tiny Luxembourg, which has not at all tiny GDP per capita - $ 81,466. Like Switzerland, this European country is successfully developing reliable banking. An important contribution to a successful and stable economy is the sale of real estate.

What is the richest country in the world?

So we got to the leader of dozens of Forbes. Who produced the most goods per capita in 2014, whose economy turned out to be the most productive? Where do citizens have the highest salaries, or even social benefits, which quietly allow them not to work and live in abundance? Whose luxury and satiety can one enjoy, or perhaps envy?

And here is the moment of truth. According to Forbes magazine, the richest country in the world is Qatar. Located on the Arabian Peninsula, this state significantly outstripped its UAE neighbor, producing goods totaling $ 88,222 per capita. Experts predict a further increase in this amount, up to a fantastic 112 thousand dollars by 2016. As you might guess, the basis of such a successful Qatar economy is the export of its richest reserves of oil and natural gas.

list of the richest countries in the world

As you can see, the initial hunch expressed at the beginning of this article turned out to be incorrect: the United States is only 7th in the top ten richest countries in the world, and Saudi Arabia is not there at all.

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