
Which country has the highest standard of living: ranking

Many are interested in which country has the highest standard of living. This is no accident, because recently a large number of people are changing their place of residence in order to live better. In our article you can find information that will allow you to find out which countries are the most optimal for living.

Criteria that affect the choice of state for residence

Of course, all countries of the world differ from each other. What should I look for in order to make the right choice and change my place of residence to a better one? You can find this and much more in our article.

To choose a city or country that you like, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • the presence of institutions in which you can get or finish your education;
  • number of hospitals;
  • environmental level;
  • good traffic intersection;
  • optimal climate.

Adhering to all the recommendations that are given in our article, you can easily choose for yourself the most optimal settlement.

which country has the highest standard of living


Every year, the United Nations (UN) compiles a rating in which all countries of the world take a certain position, depending on the standard of living of their citizens. For many years, Norway has come first. This is no coincidence, because it is this country that is associated with the presence of a huge reserve of minerals. Few people know, but in Norway there are only 5 million inhabitants.

It is worth noting that, despite the good living conditions, many do not like this state. This is due to the unusual climate for us. It is cool in Norway at any time of the year. For this reason, heat-loving people will not like this country. It is believed that Norway is the richest state. This is no accident, because in this country the gas and oil industries are well developed. It is worth noting that in Norway there is a large selection of housing for visitors. Few people know, but its price is much lower than in other states.countries of the world

If you still do not know which country has the highest standard of living, then we strongly recommend that you carefully study our article. Thanks to this, you can choose the most optimal settlement.


It is no secret that everyone wants to live in a country with a high standard of living. Citizens of such countries have good wages and work, and are also trained in the best universities in the world. It is for this reason that assessing the standard of living in a particular country plays a significant role. Switzerland ranks second in the ranking of the richest countries. This country is often chosen by emigrants. This is no accident, because in this state there are a large number of banks. For this reason, this country is among the five richest countries.living standards in the world

It is worth noting that in Switzerland, not only indigenous people, but also migrants can find highly paid jobs. When choosing a country to move, this plays an important role. The standard of living of Russians in Switzerland is at a fairly high level. If you have an economic education, then such a country will appeal to you, because finding a well-paid job there will not be difficult.


In third place in our ranking is Canada. It is no secret that this particular country has a high level of medical care. It is in Canada that operations are carried out for which specialists from other states are not resolving. This is due to the high level of training of doctors.

Canada has its drawbacks.All who wish to live in the state are subject to strict selection. They must have a higher education or be a specialist in a particular field.

Indicators living standards in countries - this is the most important criterion that you need to pay attention to those who want to change their place of residence. You can find all the necessary information in our article.


Sweden takes the fourth place among the countries with the highest standard of living. Few people know, but the average salary in this state is 1,500 euros (about 60 thousand rubles). It is worth noting that in Sweden you can quickly get a job. However, this problem does not arise only for those citizens who have completed higher education.

Few people know, but for every child who has not reached the age of majority, parents receive benefits. It is about five thousand rubles. However, if the family has a low income, the state of Sweden pays an additional allowance.

As in other countries, there are disadvantages in Sweden. It is no secret that the living standards of the population are supplemented by such a criterion as the ability to open one’s own business. In Sweden it is not profitable to do this, since the entrepreneur is obliged to give the state 65% of his income every month.indicators of living standards

Another disadvantage of Sweden is the degradation of youth. This is not accidental, since in a country with a high standard of living, the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism is widespread.

New Zealand

Fifth place in terms of living standards is New Zealand. In addition to good living conditions, the country attracts migrants with its ecology and unforgettable nature. It is worth noting that New Zealand has the highest standard of living in the countries of the world, according to the American Geographical Society. As we said earlier, according to the UN, it is in fifth place. Few people know, but, unlike many other countries, it is in New Zealand that secondary education is compulsory for every citizen. This is a definite plus.

It is no secret that New Zealand is an agricultural country. It is for this reason that the majority of the population works in the agricultural sector. Few people know, but citizens with higher education earn about $ 18 per hour.

The standard of living in the countries of the world is the main criterion that migrants who want to change their place of residence pay attention to. Having studied the information that is presented in our article, you can easily choose the most optimal state that will appeal not only to you, but also to your loved ones.countries with the highest standard of living


Recently, a large number of citizens prefer to change their place of residence and migrate abroad. This is no accident, because countries with the highest living standards are distinguished by good transport interchange, qualified doctors and the presence of a large number of jobs with high wages.

The fifth place in the UN ranking is Denmark. Few people know, but this is the only country in which the boss must warn his subordinate of dismissal in advance, namely two months in advance. It is worth noting that in absolutely any organization in Denmark, all workers, depending on the schedule, eat at the expense of the organization 2-3 times. The slave pays only a small contribution, the amount of which is 50 euros per month.

As a rule, indicators of the standard of living of the population are, first of all, the salaries of citizens and the opportunity to receive a decent education. For those people who lead a healthy lifestyle, ecology plays an important role, as well as the physical and mental health of the indigenous people. Few people know, but in Denmark the most popular means of transport is bicycle. Most citizens lead a healthy lifestyle. It is for this reason, despite the love of sweets, almost all Danish people are not overweight.


Australia, which is in sixth place, will appeal to those migrants who love the sea. It is worth noting that this country is the one with the optimal climate for Russians. The most worthy countries in terms of living are characterized by cleanliness in public places. This is different from Australia. Few people know, but it is in this country that forest plantations are equipped not only with parking lots, but also with barbecue facilities, garbage cans and equipped flower beds. Incredibly, in Australia it is customary to walk barefoot.

As a rule, countries with the highest standard of living are characterized by decent jobs. It is worth noting that in Australia it is an incredibly high level of salaries. Unskilled workers at a construction site receive about 25-37 dollars per hour. Those citizens who are specialists in a particular field and have higher education, earn from $ 35 per hour.countries in terms of living


The best countries in terms of living have decent living conditions. How is Finland different? You can find this and much more in our article.

It is believed that Finland is the most optimal country for living. This is no coincidence, because it is distinguished by low prices and decent salaries. An undoubted advantage is also social security. Poor citizens receive benefits.

Few people know, but it is in Finland that the government helps citizens rent housing. The undoubted advantage of Finland is the low crime rate. This is not accidental, because illegal actions are strictly punished.

It is worth noting that Finland has significant disadvantages. Many Russians complain that the country has poor health care. They note that it is quite difficult to get an appointment with a doctor, and a prescription for a medicine is almost impossible to get.

If you want to find out which country has the highest standard of living in order to determine your further place of residence, we strongly recommend that you pay attention not only to positive qualities, but also to shortcomings. Thanks to this, you can choose the most optimal state.


The Netherlands is a country with a high standard of living and a decent educational system. She takes eighth place in the ranking of the UN. It is in the Netherlands that a large airport is located, which is an important transport hub. This state is most often chosen by students who wish to receive a worthy education. Holland diplomas are listed all over the world. If you do not know which country has the highest standard of living for students, we strongly recommend choosing the Netherlands. The cost of training is about 10 thousand euros per year.


The ninth place in the UN ranking is Luxembourg. Despite the fact that the city is industrial, many residents are happy to engage in agriculture and winemaking. Surprisingly, about 800 thousand tourists come to Luxembourg during the year.

Citizens of the country spend about 23% of their salary on housing. It is worth noting that for each resident on average there are two rooms. Few people know, but in Luxembourg, residents spend 14 years of their lives studying. This figure is 4 years less than in other European countries. As a rule, 75% of the female population successfully finish school, 79% are men.


Compared to leading countries, the standard of living in Russia is low. The Russian Federation ranks 61st in the UN ranking. Among the cities of Russia in the last place is the Republic of Crimea, which became a part of the country quite recently. Finding a job in the Russian Federation is not difficult. The average salary in the capital is 50-60 thousand rubles. However, it is worth noting that poverty levels are much higher than average.living standards of Russians

The undoubted advantage of the Russian Federation is social policy.Few people know, but doctors working in rural areas receive state assistance in the amount of 1 million rubles. Benefits are also accrued to pensioners and families who have a child under the age of three.

To summarize

Recently, a large number of families decide to take a serious step and move to another country. This is no accident, because, for example, the standard of living in Europe is much higher than in the Russian Federation. This is due to a large number of a variety of factors.

At first, migrants have a hard time. This is due to ignorance of information about the country in which you decided to move. Our article lists several countries that, according to the UN, are the best for living. As we said earlier, the standard of living in Russia is at an average level. However, in the Russian Federation you can find a decent job and be happy. We strongly recommend that you weigh everything and not make hasty decisions. Be happy!

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