
What is the world's most expensive spice?

Saffron is a very popular type of spice, which has in its composition a huge number of useful properties. It has a beneficial effect on the complexion, on the liver, cleanses the blood, increases the vitality of the body and mood. In addition, it is the most expensive spice in the world.

Plant spread

It is not known which country is the birthplace of saffron. It is assumed that he first appeared in India, Iran, Asia Minor. In Turkey and Greece, saffron was brought in by Phoenician merchants. But when the Roman Empire fell, this spice was forgotten for a while and ceased to be used.

In the IX-X century, the Arabs again began to sell saffron. The name of the spice is Arabian roots - zafran ("yellow"). This name also began to be used in the countries of Europe. Later, Arabs brought saffron to Spain, and its first plantation was planted there. Then, these plants were grown by residents of Italy and France. Saffron also grows in Iran, Greece, Pakistan, China, Japan, Portugal, Crimea.

But the main countries that supply this spice to the market these days are Spain, India and Iran.

the most expensive spice in the world

Spice quality

The most expensive spice in the world - saffron - can be of different quality, depending on the country in which it is grown.

By quality, the best saffron is Kashmir, which grows in the northern part of India. This territory has the most favorable conditions for the named plant.

Kashmir saffron has a deep red color, long stigmas and a bright rich aroma. The stigmas of this plant must be collected whole, and then dried naturally, that is, under the rays of the scorching sun. After that, you need to put them in water, which will help them sort. The highest grade are those that sink to the bottom, and the lowest are those that remain on the surface of the water. Kashmir saffron as a whole is of three varieties:

  • Shahi (first);
  • Mogra (second);
  • Lachha (third).

No matter how good this species is, it is very difficult to grow and produce, so it is not common in the markets and is expensive.

Second place in quality is Spanish saffron. This most expensive spice in the world comes in two varieties Coupe and Superior.

The first is much better and, accordingly, more expensive. To get it, only the upper parts of the stigmas of the plant are used, and the yellow lower ones are removed manually. This gives the spices a rich aroma and color.

The second grade is more common on the market. In its manufacture, the stigmas of the plant are used fully, so the flavor of the seasoning is less saturated and spicy. But the Superior quality is no worse. For drying this saffron in Spain, special ovens are used.

the most expensive spice in the world

Iranian saffron ranks third in quality. It is more common than others in the global market and is relatively inexpensive. More than 80% of the harvest of this spice falls on Iranian saffron. In Iran, there are a lot of factories for the extraction and processing of this spice. Exporting saffron in this country is so profitable that it is the most profitable article of the state.

The high cost of saffron

Having considered which is the most expensive spice in the world, you should understand the reason for its high cost.

Firstly, it should be noted that the extraction and production of saffron is a very time-consuming process. The plant from which this spice is extracted is called purple crocus. It blooms not for long, only about 15 days a year. And each flower on this plant opens for about 3 days. They must be collected exclusively by hand and in dry weather. You can pick off only those flowers that have already blossomed, then to pluck the stigmas from them. In each flower, by the way, there are only 3 of them.

Secondly, the healing properties of saffron can not be compared with any other spice in the world. Therefore, it is the most expensive spice in the world.

the most expensive saffron in the world

Due to the high price of saffron, they always wanted to fake it, for example, add other plants. And some merchants even added cut colored paper to the spice. To protect yourself from fakes, it is better not to buy ground saffron.

The chemical composition of spices

100 grams of the described spice contains 310 calories, but if you use it in small doses, then this calorie will not affect the body.

Saffron contains a lot of proteins and fats, but most of all carbohydrates in it (more than 60%). It also has vitamins A, C and B. Mineral substances are also part of saffron:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • copper and many other elements.

Useful properties of saffron

The most expensive spice in the world - saffron - the benefits of which have been proven more than once by many examples, should be in every home. Let's consider in more detail how it is so useful.

which spice is considered the most expensive in the world

When using the named seasoning:

  1. The growth of cancer cells in the body slows down (even in the last stages of cancer).
  2. Blood cells are cleansed and renewed.
  3. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Brain activity improves.
  5. Vision is restored.

In addition, saffron helps get rid of insomnia, headache, and also has a tonic effect on the whole body.

The most expensive spice in the world - saffron - has an effect on the whole body. It can be used for kidney diseases (removing stones), as a choleretic agent, to relieve menstrual pain, strengthen potency, get rid of allergies and alcoholism, and also to rejuvenate the body.

If you apply saffron externally, you can cure skin diseases, tumors and burns. For those who want to lose weight, saffron will be very useful, because it reduces appetite.

Modern medicine uses saffron in various eye drops and firming tinctures, as well as in drugs to strengthen memory.

Saffron in cosmetology

the most expensive spice in the world saffron

Now, having learned which spice is considered the most expensive in the world and why, let us consider in more detail where else it can be consumed. So, in cosmetology, saffron is used to improve the structure of the skin, its softening and moisturizing. Saffron extracts are found in many creams, masks, balms and shampoos.

Of course, a high-quality cosmetic product with saffron costs a lot of money, if you come across something inexpensive - it's probably a fake.

The use of saffron in cooking

And of course, saffron - the most expensive spice in the world - is also successfully used in cooking. It has a very strong aroma and a spicy-bitter taste, so even 1 g of spice is enough for a long period of time.

Saffron is perfect for dairy dishes, pastries, sweet gravy, creams, ice cream, jelly. In the East, it is added to pilaf, meat and chicken dishes. Seafood and fish also can not do without this spice. Thanks to these spices, soups get a pleasant color and aroma. In addition, it can be used as an additive in tea or coffee, especially with milk.

the most expensive spice in the world saffron action

It is worth noting that saffron is a very strong spice with a pronounced aroma, so it is not recommended to use it in large quantities, just a pinch will be enough. If you overdo it with the amount of spice, then the dish risks being bitter.

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