
The most expensive substance in the world (photo)

Each of you probably knows about the existence of such a metal as gold. But few people realize that this is not the most expensive substance in the world. Today on our planet there are several more valuable and rare metals. Moreover, not all of them are created by nature.

the most expensive substance in the world


This is one of the rarest metals belonging to the platinum group. He is one of the 20 most expensive substances in the world. In nature, it occurs exclusively in the form of simple compounds in platinum or nickel ores. Rhodium is a silver-white very hard transition metal with a high melting point and excellent reflective properties. Its value is greatly affected by the state of the automotive industry. The peak price of one gram of this metal was $ 200.

Rhodium is characterized by high resistance to high temperatures and aggressive environments, so it is successfully used in many industrial sectors. Lattices for spectrometers, mirrors for high-power lasers and catalytic filters are made from it. Rhodium deposits are located in Russia, Colombia, Canada and South Africa. In addition, this metal, included in the top of the most expensive substances, is found in copper-nickel ores and in part of the golden sands of South America.

the most expensive substance in the world


This is the most expensive substance in the world (at least one of those) can be purchased at a price of about 4 thousand dollars per gram. It is widely used in the nuclear industry. Using this radioactive metal, more active radionuclides can be synthesized. Today, there are two varieties of plutonium. One of them is a weapons one, the second is used in nuclear reactors. As of 2003, the amount of metal stored on the planet was estimated at 1239 tons. Getting it is a very costly affair. For this, it is necessary to use natural or enriched uranium.

10 most expensive substances in the world


This precious metal, which is in the top 10 most expensive substances in the world, got to Europe thanks to conquistadors. Today, the cost of one gram of platinum starts at $ 60. This brilliant grayish-white metal is characterized by excellent ductility, as well as density and strength. It is quite resistant to the damaging effects of high temperatures, does not oxidize in a humid and airy environment.

It is interesting that in nature this is not the most expensive substance in the world found dozens of times less often than gold. Even in its purest form, this noble metal contains about 20-30% of impurities. It has long been used to create incredibly beautiful jewelry. Platinum produces a very spectacular setting for precious stones. This hypoallergenic material does not irritate the skin and is in perfect harmony with gold. In addition to jewelry, platinum is used in the automotive and oil refining industries.

top most expensive substances


This stone is considered one of the 10 most expensive substances in the world. The cost of one gram can reach 55-65 thousand US dollars. The mineral itself is nothing more than a cubic allotropic form of carbon. Interestingly, at elevated temperatures, in an inert gas or vacuum, it begins to slowly transform into graphite.

Almost all continents have industrial deposits of this rare and at the same time widespread mineral. Today, Antarctica is considered the only place where diamond mining is not conducted. The main distinguishing feature of this substance is its high hardness. In addition, it is characterized by such characteristics as luminescence, excellent thermal conductivity and a high dispersion index.

Natural mineral used for the manufacture of jewelry. Diamond powder obtained by processing a whole stone is used for the manufacture of grinding and cutting discs. In addition, this most expensive substance in the world has found application in the nuclear and watch industries. It also creates parts for quantum computers.

20 most expensive substances in the world


It is matter composed of antiparticles. Its outer shell is made of positrons, and the nucleus is made of antinucleons. This is the most expensive substance in the world. The cost of one gram starts from 62.5 trillion dollars.

In the future, they plan to use it as fuel for spacecraft. The main problem that impedes the implementation of this project is that expensive technologies are needed to produce antimatter. In addition, to create one gram, the population of the entire planet would have to work for a whole year.

top 10 most expensive substances in the world

Rhino horn

This is not the most expensive substance in the world, especially appreciated in Vietnam. Residents of this country are sure that it can be used to cure cancer. The cost of one gram of rhino horn starts at 110 dollars. Despite the fact that European medicine has scientifically substantiated the failure of this theory, in the East they continue to kill rhinos in order to get a miracle cure. For example, Chinese doctors are preparing on its basis the so-called elixir of longevity.


This is the only substance in our rating that is valued cheaper than gold. The cost of one gram is about $ 12. Saffron is the dried stigma of crocus flowers. To obtain a kilogram of this spice, you will need more than one hundred freshly blossomed buds. Crocuses are processed only by hand, so the price of finished products is quite high.

Finding a real saffron is almost impossible today. Many unscrupulous manufacturers who want to make fabulous profits often make low-quality products, or even fakes.

This spice is simply indispensable in cooking. It gives the finished dish a soft golden hue and a specific aroma. It is proved that food seasoned with a small amount of saffron is better absorbed by the human body. In addition, this substance is used in industry. They dye silk, knitted fibers and carpets. Special saffron ink and various medicines of an unusually wide spectrum of action are produced from it. With it, many diseases are treated, ranging from depressive states to female problems.


Surely you already realized that this is not the most expensive substance in the world. The cost of one gram of this noble yellow metal starts at $ 56. Gold has quite interesting chemical properties. In air, it does not change even when exposed to high temperatures.

In nature, native metal is mainly found. It is characterized by homogeneity, divisibility and portability. As a rule, it is used in the form of alloys that preserve the basic properties of pure gold. After the IMF approved the new monetary system in 1976, it lost its monetary function, which it performed over a long historical period. However, in spite of the fact that gold coins are not circulated in any world state, metal today remains a kind of insurance fund for the purchase of reserve currencies.

Chemically stable equipment is made from the alloys of this noble metal. It is successfully used in the jewelry industry, dentistry and electronics. Until the 20th century, it was used to mint coins of large denominations.

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