
What documents are needed to obtain a TIN. Sample application for obtaining TIN

Sooner or later, everyone is faced with the need to obtain a TIN. This abbreviation is decrypted simply - tax identification number. Assign it once.

The number itself should not be confused with a document issued by the tax office. In case of loss, damage or other reasons, you can always get a new certificate.

When do I need a TIN?

The situations in which this evidence may be needed are very different, but most often it is:

  • Reaching 18 years. - Any adult can get a TIN.
  • The beginning of labor activity. - Often, employers require this document when applying for a new employee.
  • When conducting tax accounting in relation to an individual. - The number can be assigned automatically by the tax office.

Registration of the TIN is absolutely voluntary and no one can force you to get it. An exception may be the presence of TIN without fail when applying for a job (for example, public service).

What documents are needed to obtain a TIN

TIN in some cases is subject to replacement:

  • when changing the name (for example, after registration of marriage);
  • if the certificate is lost;
  • when the evidence is corrupted.

If in the first case replacement is free, then in the rest you need to pay for this service.

What is a testimony?

TIN is an A4 sheet. It contains information about the taxpayer:

  • Surname and initials of the taxpayer.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Date of registration.
  • Directly TIN.
  • Information about the tax office that registered.
  • Name of employee.

In addition, a seal is placed.

Since this document is made on plain paper, it often loses its original appearance, fades, or tears. In such cases, it must be replaced. To do this, you must contact the tax office at the place of registration and again obtain a certificate.

documents for obtaining inn

Where and how can I get a TIN?

If before there was only one way - personal appeal, now this procedure has been simplified and has become more convenient.

  • Appeal to the IFTS. - This option has not been canceled. You just need to contact the customer department. There you can get advice on what documents are needed to obtain a TIN in this department.
  • Through the Internet. - To save time and nerves, a home computer will help. Using the official website of the Federal Tax Service, you can apply for a TIN. Documents for receipt will be at hand, which greatly facilitates the procedure.
  • Through third parties. - You can issue a power of attorney for any person (relative, friend, etc.) who will issue this document for you.
  • Order a certificate by mail. - Send the completed application and the necessary copies by registered letter. Copies in this case must be certified by a notary.

The methods are simple and straightforward. You just need to know what documents are needed to obtain a TIN in order to simplify this procedure.

receiving inn documents to receive

What do you need?

To obtain a TIN, the following documents will be required:

  • Passport or other identity document.
  • Statement. - You can take it directly from the tax office or print from the official website of the Federal Tax Service. When using other sources, you must be very careful and make sure that this is exactly the form that is used on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • A copy of the marriage certificate (when changing the name).
  • Receipt of payment of duty (if you change the TIN due to loss or damage).
  • Registration number of the online application.- It is appropriated at registration of the application on the website of the tax office.
  • Certified copies and power of attorney when applying through mail or a third party.
  • Confirmation of registration at the place of residence (required in the absence of a passport).

This list fully reflects what documents are needed for IUU in the ways described above.


If all the necessary documents for obtaining a TIN are usually at home, then questions arise with this paragraph. Where to find it and how to fill it in correctly?

Now everything is much simpler than it was 10 years ago. You no longer have to run, take the form and focus on the provided sample. All that is needed is to go to the site and either download the form and print it, or fill out an electronic form for submitting an application via the Internet.

what you need to get inn

Sample application for obtaining TIN

You can get it at any tax office or download detailed instructions, which, as a rule, come with the form.

First of all, it is necessary to indicate the full last name, first name and patronymic. In the event that something was changed during the period from September 1, 1996 to January 1, 2004, then you need to indicate in which year it was done. Next, the gender of the person filing the application, the date and place of his birth are noted.

The next paragraph must indicate a document that proves identity. This is usually a passport. Then you need to very carefully rewrite the passport data without any changes.

The application has a clause called “citizenship”. It is impossible to write the word “Russian (s)” habitual in communication in it. Only the name of the country is required.

Further information on registration is filled in: index and full address. If not a passport is presented, then you must also have a confirmation of registration. To do this, you can get a certificate in the housing office or provide an extract from the house book. If the place of residence has changed, then this data must also be indicated.

For foreign citizens, information about the country where the person lived before the Russian Federation and the expiration of the registration period must be filled out. Last entered contact details, signature and date of application.

It’s not difficult to fill in and get, thus, a complete list of what you need to get a TIN.

sample of filling out an application for an inn

Certificate Production Time

After it becomes known what documents are needed to obtain a TIN, the question arises: "When will it be available?" Given the fact that the preparation of documents usually takes a long time, this question is quite reasonable.

Everything happens pretty quickly here. The maximum period is five business days. That is, if there are no holidays after your appeal to the tax office, then you need to receive a certificate exactly one week later (five business days + two days off). And if the employees of the tax inspectorate do not have an influx of documents, then the TIN certificate can be produced within one day.

what you need to get inn

Who else needs a TIN?

Taxpayers include individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (both domestic and foreign). Each of them needs a TIN in order to pay all the necessary taxes and fees associated with their activities.

At the same time, there is no need to take any special actions for IP. The procedure for obtaining TIN for this category of businessmen is the same as for individuals. If a person has already registered with the Federal Tax Service, and then decided to engage in entrepreneurial activity, then he does not need to receive a separate TIN.

what documents are needed for inn

What documents are required for obtaining TIN by legal entities can also be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service or at the inspection at the place of registration. The TIN certificate is issued and issued to them upon registration of the organization.

It is also worth noting that the application process for obtaining a certificate can be carried out in the same ways as with individuals. That is, personally, through third parties, remotely: using the Internet or using mail services.

Getting a TIN is not as difficult as it seems the first time.With the introduction of new services and the development of the Internet, this procedure takes a small amount of time and eliminates the need for going to authorities and standing in lines.

You also need to remember that it is worth treating this document with due respect so that you do not have to waste time and money later on replacing it. If you are not sure that you have a TIN, then it is easy to check by filling out the form on the website of the Federal Tax Service. If you are registered, the system will immediately give you your TIN.

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