
Archive extract from the house book. How to get an extract from the house book

An archive extract from the house book is a document in which you can find complete information about all citizens registered in the house (apartment). This document can be obtained either by the owner himself or his representative by proxy certified by a notary.

Why you need to take an extract

An archived extract from the house book is necessary for those who are going to purchase housing under the contract. archived extract from the house bookThis document allows you to verify the fact that the real estate for sale does not have any “eternal” guests, which then will be simply impossible to evict. For this reason, the history of the apartment is very important to carefully study before purchasing.

Of course, if you buy real estate in a house that has only recently been built, such problems simply will not arise for the reason that you will be considered the first owner.

Be sure to specify how to get an extract from the house book if you intend to conclude a contract of sale. Situations are very different. For example, the owner has a relative who lives abroad, whom they have not seen for many years. And so you bought real estate, time goes by, and suddenly one day a “distant relative” appears on the threshold and demands his share. Then he files a lawsuit. Of course, his lawsuit will be approved, because this person has every right to claim his share. In this case, you simply lose real estate. If you want to protect yourself from problems with the apartment, then be sure to look at the extract from the house book before signing the documents on the sale.

This document will tell you not only the detailed history of the apartment, but also provide information on all residents who were registered there.

Ways to get an extract

The procedure for obtaining an archive extract from the home book depends on which institution you will draw it up. Some organizations may require additional documents.

Where can I get an extract:

  • Most often, the administration of the municipality is engaged in the issuance of this document (that is, it is issued in the administration building).
  • Multifunctional centers. In the modern world, in almost any city you can find a similar building. Workers there provide a huge amount of public services, a certificate of family composition is included in this number.
  • It is also possible to obtain a document at passport offices.
  • Technology is developing more and more every year, so there are no questions about where to get an extract from the house book. It is simply ordered online through government agencies. The advantages of this method is that you only need to visit the main office once to provide the originals of all documents. Then just sit and wait until your statement is ready.
  • If you need to get an extended statement, then this can only be done in the main archive of the city.

Extended statement

Sometimes there is a need to learn how to get an extended archive statement from the home book. The type of document different in that it contains more information about housing.

the procedure for obtaining archival extracts from the house book

When making a standard purchase and sale transaction, specialists most often do not focus much on what kind of statement is in their hands. Indeed, in both cases you can find complete information about how many guests and when were registered in the apartment.

However, if we are talking about transactions on the alienation of housing, then it is necessary to receive an expanded statement. It is issued only in the central archive, which is in every city.

Is it possible to take an extract in advance

Of course, if you clearly know that after a certain amount of time you will purchase housing, and you know which one, you can take an extract in advance. However, you should take into account the fact that it is valid only for one month, so sometimes it is better not to rush and take the document ahead of time.

List of documents

  • Applicant's passport or any other document proving his identity
  • The presence of a house book.
  • A completed application for a certificate of family composition. The form can be obtained on site or download a sample.
  • Power of attorney. For those cases when the certificate is issued not to the landlord, but to his authorized representative.
  • It may be that additional documents are required that prove your ownership. There are situations when the owner is not registered in the apartment.

Now you know how to get an extended extract from the house book and what documents are useful for this. If you have everything available, you can contact the state authorities and write a statement, according to which they will issue a certificate of family composition.

Important Nuances

How to get an extended archive extract from your home book

A few important points to know:

  • Help on family composition without a power of attorney, only a full-fledged landlord or a person who is also registered in it can receive it. In any other case, you will need to contact the notary office and draw up a power of attorney.
  • An archived extract from the house book can be obtained completely free of charge. In the event that the organization you contacted requires you to pay a certain amount of money, you have every right to demand documents that confirm that they have the right to charge a fee.
  • You are required to submit a certificate of family composition even if there are any arrears in utility bills. The law does not provide for a refusal to issue a document in a similar situation.
  • Most often, the validity of the issued certificate is 30 days. However, there are organizations that have minimized up to 14 days. Be sure to check with your representative.


The archived extract from the house book, a sample of which is presented below, contains the complete data on the residents registered in the apartment. As you can see, for each person the date of entry into the housing and the date when he was discharged are indicated. It also indicates the reason why the person renounced ownership of the share of the property.

How to get an extract from the house book

Details verification

To save your time, be sure to double-check the correctness of the data indicated in the issued statement. Even the slightest mistake can lead to the fact that you again have to contact the government and write an application for the re-issuance of a certificate. And that also takes time.

What to look for:

  • See that your last name, first name and patronymic are spelled correctly, also check the date and place of birth.
  • Please note that citizenship and information regarding military registration are entered.
  • Check the correctness of the entered passport data.
  • Mark about degree of relationship for each person who is registered in the apartment.
  • Date when the person was registered and when he was discharged.

It is better to double-check everything the first time, then you will be completely sure that all the data is in order, and you will not have to spend time repeatedly visiting government bodies.

Data contained in the statement

archive extract from the house book where to get help

  • The address of the dwelling at which the document is issued. If we are talking about an apartment, in this case its number must be registered.
  • Surnames, first names and patronymics of each person who is registered at this place of residence, must indicate the date of birth.
  • Information about citizenship and nationality of persons registered in residential property.
  • Passport data, the authority in which the document was issued must be indicated.
  • Full information on whether other tenants were previously registered in the apartment.
  • Type of registration - it can be either temporary or permanent.
  • A note on when a person was registered and when he was discharged (date).

It is worth noting that the archive extract from the house book will not have legal significance if the organization that issued it does not put its seal on you. Be sure to double-check that there is a signature of the person in charge, otherwise you will simply waste your time in vain.

Obtaining an extract is indeed considered a very important procedure. Indeed, only in this way a person who wants to draw up a contract of sale can check the apartment for legal cleanliness. This document protects you from encountering fraudsters.

Date of issue of the document

As mentioned above, a document is issued for a period of one month. Often, some take it in advance so as not to waste time, although this is absolutely not necessary. It is believed that obtaining an archive statement takes a very long time, that it is expensive.

where can I get an extract from the house book

All this is a lie. Help is issued absolutely free of charge and as soon as possible. If we are talking about a regular statement, then after submitting the application, you can receive it on the same day.

In the event that you need an extended statement, you need to contact only the central archive of your city. Here, the delivery period will be a little longer, most often it is from 5 to 7 working days.

As you can see, there is no need to take a certificate in advance. You will always have time to get it, check the legal purity and draw up a contract of sale.

To summarize

How to get an extended extract from the house book

Now you know exactly what an archive extract from the house book is, where to get help and why you need it at all. We summarize all of the above in a brief instruction:

  • We prepare all the necessary documents for extracting, prepare a home book.
  • We select the organization where to apply for a document and write a statement. Remember that without a power of attorney this can only be done by people registered in the living room, for the rest you will need a confirmation certified by a notary.
  • A blank form must be issued directly at the organization’s office.
  • The representative appoints you the time and date when you can come and collect the archive statement.
  • We arrive at the appointed time. We check the correctness of all entered data, the presence of print and signature on the document

That's all - the extract is in your hands, now you know for sure, the contract of sale can be concluded without fear of “distant relatives”.

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