
What documents are needed to privatize an apartment? What documents are needed to privatize a municipal apartment?

Still living in municipal ownership, but thinking about privatization? Hurry up! Free housing privatization ends in 2016.

what documents are needed to privatize an apartment

Why privatization?

To begin with a little touch on this issue. This will be useful to those who still doubt and are not sure of the need to register an apartment as a property. Then we will talk about what documents are needed to privatize the apartment.

What the term "privatization" means has long been known to everyone. Most city dwellers have long understood its positive aspects and entered into an agreement on housing in their personal property. And some continue to live in municipal apartments, not daring to take this important decision or fearing a complicated, at first glance, privatization process.

A municipal apartment is a housing that is not yours to the full. Theoretically, you can be evicted from it if the owner (municipality) has any views of this apartment, for example, decides to transfer your housing to a non-residential premises. In addition, the landlord has the right to evict from the apartment if the tenant, that is, you, will not pay for the stay, that is, to make utility bills for more than 6 months. Of course, if this happens, tenants are required to provide new housing. But it is not necessary that it will meet your desires. New housing must comply with established standards and nothing more.

With a privatized apartment, this is not so at all. As an owner, you have the right to fully dispose of your housing. If someone needs it, for example, at the place of your house they decide to build a new one, they will be required to provide you with equivalent housing, regardless of whether you have extra meters. It is also important that your property is something that you can sell, donate or, for example, leave as a legacy.

what documents are needed to privatize a municipal apartment

Property registration

If you have not yet formalized privatization not because you don’t see the advantages, but because this process scares you, and you don’t have money to pay agents who can do this, read the article about what documents are needed for privatization municipal apartment, you will realize that it is not at all difficult. Perhaps not very fast, but on their own and for free. Please note that everyone has the right to participate in free privatization only once.

Where to begin?

First you need to familiarize yourself with what documents are needed for privatization apartments. In Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in Voronezh or in some other city in Russia, the list of necessary registration of apartment ownership securities will be identical. You need to submit documents to the department responsible for the privatization of housing in the very municipality where your apartment to be privatized is located.

what documents are needed to privatize an apartment in Moscow

If you can’t do it personally

If, due to your employment or absence at the place of registration, you do not have the opportunity to personally take up privatization, there is the opportunity to ask an outsider or, for example, relatives. This is how agencies work to help register real estate in private ownership. Any person for whom you issue a notarized power of attorney can collect and submit for consideration documents for you necessary for privatizing the apartment.To compile it, you personally need to visit a notary, taking with you a passport and documents confirming your right to live in this apartment. This is a warrant or other document certifying your right to social recruitment. You will also need a copy of the proxy’s passport. His presence is not required. Exactly the same power of attorney will be required if it is planned to issue an apartment in the possession of several owners. After all, someone will execute, submit and receive the necessary documents on behalf of everyone. The form of such a power of attorney is standard. Each notary has it. Indicate that you need a power of attorney for the collection and execution of a package of documents, you do not need to list what documents are needed to privatize the apartment.

Documents required for privatizing an apartment

List of documents

To begin with, we simply list what documents you need to collect to privatize the apartment:

  1. Passports or birth certificates (for children) of all participants in privatization.
  2. Technical passport of the room.
  3. A warrant or social contract of employment.
  4. Cadastral passport.
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register on the apartment and for each of the future owners.
  6. Extract from the house book.
  7. Personal account.
  8. Refusal of privatization registered persons (if any).
  9. State duty payment receipt.
  10. Statement.

First at BTI

Having decided what documents are needed to privatize the apartment, it is better to start with the technical inventory bureau. Here you order a technical passport included in our list. Why exactly BTI? Because the registration of a technical passport will take the longest time, as a rule, at least a month. And other documents, such as an extract from the house book and an extract from the Unified State Register, have a validity period of only 30 days. Be prepared for the fact that in the BTI you have to pay a certain amount of money - a state fee. Although privatization is a free procedure, you still have to pay for some documents, their forms and production.

What documents need to be collected to privatize the apartment

Rosreestr and others

When a week remains before the date of receipt of the technical passport, it is time to recall again what documents are needed to privatize the municipal apartment. All of them are made much faster, usually in a period of one to five working days.

  • In Rosreestr it is necessary to order a cadastral passport and extracts from the Unified State Register.
  • In the accounts department of the management company managing your home, get an extract from your personal account.
  • An extract from the house book will be given to you at the passport office. Please note that an extended form of such an extract may be required. Either check this question in advance in the department involved in the privatization of housing, or order it right away - this is usually simple, quick and does not require additional costs.

Do not forget that when you visit each of these organizations, your passport, documents for the right to reside in a privatized apartment and a power of attorney if you act on it will be required of you.

after privatization of an apartment where to carry documents


Now, all the documents necessary for the privatization of the apartment, complete. Others, according to the list above, will be added at the place of application. To do this, you need to contact the department involved in the privatization of housing, which is usually located in the administration of the municipality at the location of the housing to be privatized. You need to be there as part of all citizens registered in the apartment, since everyone will have to sign a privatization application, and those who are not part of the future owners of this housing will write a statement that they refuse to participate in privatization. Filling out the application should not cause any difficulties.

It is compiled in the form issued to you upon request. If you have any questions about filling out this document, contact the person working with you.The statement will necessarily contain the phrase that this action has been agreed with all persons living in the room, and in the future there will be no complaints from them on this issue. Filing an application for privatization and inclusion of certain persons in the number of owners should be a well-considered action, since after concluding an agreement on transferring the apartment to the property, this can only be changed by selling or donating property. Further, you will be required to pay the necessary state duty and accept your application for consideration.

Privatization of a serviceman’s apartment

This topic needs special attention. In general terms, the process is not very different from the general one, and the documents for privatizing an apartment by servicemen correspond to the list above. But due to some special points, the process itself may cause some difficulties. The biggest thing is that the court makes the decision to transfer the apartment into ownership. If there is a positive answer, the documents are submitted for registration in the general manner.

documents for privatization of apartments by military personnel

Registration of property after privatization of an apartment

They will tell you where to bring the documents immediately after an agreement is signed between you and the property management committee of your municipality to transfer the apartment to your property. As a rule, this is a Rosreestra branch or registration chamber. Your housing has now been privatized. After receiving a certificate of ownership, you will become the full owner of your home. So you found out what documents are needed to privatize the apartment. To issue privatization yourself or entrust it to someone else, you decide!

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