
CASCO against theft: calculation, payment deadlines, reviews

CASCO from theft is a special type of insurance, which makes it possible to receive payments if the car is stolen or stolen. Insurance against hijacking is perfect for an experienced driver who is sure that he will not get into an accident, but at the same time wants to protect his car.

Small statistics

hull insurance

In 2013, according to statistics provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, more than 89 thousand cars were stolen in total. In addition, a list of the most stolen models was compiled. Only 40% of cases are disclosed from the total. As you can see from these data, the insurance market has a strong need to issue policies only against theft or theft.

What do insurers think?

Casco calculation

To date, insurance against theft, and only from it, is quite rare. As a rule, policies are sold in conjunction with other services. There are certain reasons for this:

  • Companies are afraid of car fraud. For example, in the 90s, fraud was very well practiced, when the insurers stole automobiles on their own so that they would be paid hull insurance.
  • Although cars are stolen much less often than emergency situations occur, still insurance against car thefts is more expensive for the company in the event of an accident. And if we take into account the fact that the cost of the policy varies from 1.2 to 2.1% of the total cost of transport, then the company incurs significant losses when paying. For example, you purchased a car that cost you 1 million rubles. The cost of hull insurance against theft for the year amounted to 2%, that is, 20 thousand rubles. If the vehicle is hijacked, the insurance company will incur a loss of 800 thousand rubles minus the amount of car wear.

This all leads to the fact that the CASCO policy is only reluctantly provided by companies with great reluctance. Except in CASCO, today you can still get such insurance in the company "Zeta", "Reso Guarantee" and "Intouch-insurance".

What are the benefits of hull insurance?

theft insurance

Even if you have a very long driving experience, and you think that you will never get into an emergency, this is not a full guarantee that your car will remain intact. According to statistics, if a car was stolen from you, then there is little chance that the police will find it.

For each car owner, the variety of CASCO programs against theft provides an excellent opportunity to avoid possible risk. You can protect yourself from being left without money and a car.

For a low cost, you can purchase a CASCO policy in case your car is stolen, thereby protecting yourself from big financial losses.
Moreover, insurance does not have requirements for a specific driving experience.

What should I look for when applying for insurance?

Casco policy

  1. Cars that are on the list of the most stolen cars. Usually this list is different in each company, but in any case, the tariff for such brands is higher.
  2. Is it mandatory to purchase an anti-theft system. Accordingly, the cost will increase significantly. Very often, insurers offer a discount on the purchase of an anti-theft system. In some cases, the discount is significantly lower than the system itself. In addition, be sure to pay attention to whether you need to pay for the maintenance of this same anti-theft system. The situation is more complicated when its installation will lead to the fact that the warranty ceases to apply to the car. Therefore, when buying a car, check this detail with the seller.
  3. Depreciation depreciation. This amount is not included in the calculation of CASCO upon the occurrence of an insured event.Its value depends on the period that has passed since the beginning of the insurance policy. For example, you purchased a policy that is designed to pay 500 thousand rubles in case of theft. Depreciation at the signing of the contract was 12% per year, i.e. 1% per month. If after 10 months your car is stolen, and you contacted the company, then the payment will amount to 450 thousand rubles (50 thousand - depreciation depreciation).
  4. An additional clause in the contract is that if the ignition keys or registration documents are left in the car, payment will be refused. As a rule, companies motivate such an act by the fact that these actions make the probability of theft higher. Although this is against the law, insurers still refuse to pay. Here you can go to court. According to statistics, the driver remains right.
  5. Limited coverage of the insurance. As a rule, insurance does not apply to territories located outside the country. Or you need to buy an additional service so that the policy is valid abroad.

If you still decide to purchase a CASCO policy in case of theft, then be sure to read the contract and clarify everything that is not clear to you in order to avoid unpleasant situations in the future.

Theft and total loss insurance

hull payment dates

CASCO from theft and total loss is a fairly common product. In addition to the usual insurance against theft, it also includes a payment in the event of a complete loss of transport.

Here you need to immediately make a reservation, which means the complete death of the car. As a rule, these are damages that can be repaired, but it will cost more than the car itself. Complete loss may occur in a natural disaster, fire, accident or from the actions of third parties who have stolen a car. CASCO stipulates these points.

Complete destruction of the vehicle does not happen very often, but this type of insurance is the most popular among insurers.

What features does such insurance have?

Casco car theft

The difference between such insurance and full insurance is that here the damage in the event of an accident that did not result in complete destruction will have to be paid from your own pocket. But then, if the car was stolen, CASCO provides for payments that will help cover serious losses, as well as help protect yourself from high risks.

Moreover, the cost of insurance against theft and total loss often comes out even cheaper than a full policy.

It is worth saying that, in contrast to the policy of hijacking only, one can often encounter an age restriction or a requirement for a certain driving experience. It all depends on the selected program. In addition, some companies recognize the complete loss of the car when the repair is a large part of its value.

What is the payout amount?

comprehensive insurance against theft and total destruction

If we talk about the amount of payments, then, in addition to the fact that depreciation is deducted, a deduction is also made on the cost of suitable parts. For example, if a car costs 600 thousand rubles, then at total loss, the depreciation of 60 thousand and 130 thousand for good balances will be deducted. Thus, the calculation of CASCO will be only 410 thousand rubles. In some cases, insurance companies at the expense of these balances are trying to significantly underestimate the amount of payment. But each client has the full right to appeal to the court in order to refuse the property and receive a full payment.

As a rule, a hull insurance policy against hijacking and destruction is more useful to experienced drivers, as well as car owners, whose repairs are inexpensive.

How not to lose depreciation money?

Some companies offer the GAP service - a guarantee of maintaining the value of the car. It is necessary so that clients do not lose depreciation when receiving payments for theft. This helps ensure full payment. This insurance is issued simultaneously with the policy, and its cost is about 1% of the sum insured. Today, this service is not very popular, and about 5% of drivers use it.

It is also worth considering that self-installed equipment is not included in the insurance amount. It must be insured separately. Only then, when hijacking for everything, it will be possible to get good compensation, but, again, minus depreciation.

What is the payment term?

CASCO hijacking deadlines are also specified in the contract, and each company has its own.

Very often, insurers do not pay the amount earlier than two months later - this is the period given to the police to search for stolen vehicles. Two months later, the criminal case is suspended or terminated, the victim is issued a resolution, which he provides to the insurer. After that, a payment will be made in the near future.

Many companies undertake to pay a certain percentage of the amount immediately after a criminal case is initiated, and the remaining amount can only be obtained according to the above scheme.

Before paying the insurance indemnity, the company must conclude a relationship agreement in case the car is found after payment.

In this case, there are two types of agreement:

1. The car owner reimburses the company for the insurance amount paid and takes the vehicle for himself.

2. The car owner refuses to transport, and he becomes the property of the company. In this case, she can do with him whatever she sees fit.
Among other things, you can independently calculate the hull from theft - the calculator is in the public domain.

What is the most popular reason for rejection?

The most common reason why companies refuse to pay is when the documents and keys are left in the car. Or it happens that the day before the documents were stolen, which neither the police nor the company were notified. These nuances, as a rule, are stipulated in the contract of each company as a reason for refusal to pay.

But, as practice has already shown, such a decision of the insurance company is easily contested in court. The whole point is that the civil code has a higher legal force than the rules of the company. And they should not contain provisions that violate the law.

How simple motorists respond about CASCO insurance

Many car owners are often guided by reviews before choosing one or another insurer. But this is not always correct, since each case is strictly individual. When reading reviews, do not forget that:

  • each person has an individual case with its own specifics, and therefore recall is subjective;
  • policyholders do not always fulfill all the conditions of the contract themselves, but, not understanding the situation specifically, they begin to accuse the company of not wanting to make a payment;
  • one branch of the insurance company cannot always characterize the activities of the entire company;
  • as the Internet develops, it is very common to hire special employees who write positive reviews or negative ones about competitors.

In addition to the written reviews, information about the company and its statistics, the proposals of the insurer themselves are of great importance. Each of the people wants to buy insurance at a bargain price and on favorable terms. To make the right choice, we recommend using the CASCO calculator and calculate offers from reliable companies in our country.


It doesn’t matter what kind of insurance and which company you decide to purchase. Always carefully study the contract and specify incomprehensible information! All this will help to avoid surprises in the future and problems with insurance payments. Therefore, in order not to bring the case to court or not to be left without payment, carefully approach this issue.

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