
RESO Insurance Public Joint-Stock Company. CASCO: customer reviews

A trip in a car is not only a pleasure, but also a huge responsibility. Carelessness, non-observance of traffic rules and other reasons can lead to trouble on the road, to an accident. Only a reliable one can ease such a situation. insurance policy RESO (CASCO). Customer reviews note a quick inspection of vehicles and instant payment of compensation.

About insurance company

RESO Insurance Public Joint Stock Company is a universal insurer that has licenses for more than one hundred types of services. The organization carries out reinsurance activities, car loans. Here, both legal entities and individuals can insure themselves against various unforeseen situations.

Here are the main activities of RESO:

  • CASCO (reviews of some persons note that the company intentionally underestimates the amount of damage in case of an accident) and compulsory motor third-party liability insurance, as well as voluntary liability insurance;
  • the medicine;
  • property of legal entities and individuals;
  • tourism industry;
  • accident insurance.

There are other types of insurance, but they are not as widespread as the above.

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The company "RESO-Garantia" unites under its roof up to 20 thousand qualified and well-trained specialists. Today it is considered one of the largest in the Russian Federation. It has offices throughout the country, and their total number is 793. It has more than ten million customers in Russia.

In 2015, the insurer took third place in terms of insurance premiums - 77 billion rubles. The base of reinsurance pensions in the same year amounted to 618 million rubles. The highest fees accounted for CASCO - 38%, CTP - 35% and voluntary health insurance - 12 %. The company plays a major role in the alliance of the RESO group. And its head office is located in Moscow.

Reso (insurance) reviews are highly praised. CASCO plays a key role here, and therefore thousands of customers, having bought a new car, are trying to get this particular policy. An exceptional level of A ++ reliability was assigned by Expert RA agency. He has been retained by the insurer since 2009. Standard & Poor's RESO rated BB +, which means a high degree of financial stability. The company received a positive indicator on the national ruAA + scale.

Features of insurance at RESO: CASCO

Reviews of customers who have been insuring with the company for many years claim that the organization always and fully pays the due compensation. In this case, the main insurance program according to CASCO, taking into account all the necessary points, is "RESOauto".

Here the vehicle is insured against damage and theft. It is possible to insure additional equipment and people against an accident. There are driver liability insurance services, and the amount of payments reaches thirty million rubles. Auto insurance offers protection against material costs resulting from an accident. Natural disasters, various types of explosions, fires, as well as stones falling into the machine are taken into account.

For its part, the company guarantees the restoration of a damaged car in special service centers. The insurer covers the costs associated with the evacuation. Emergency assistance to a vehicle on the road may be provided. There are discounts on installing anti-theft protection.

Reso reviews for Casco Moscow

The client is given a choice of three options for receiving compensation, which should be selected at the very beginning of the conclusion of the contract:

  • Payment of repair bills at a service station from authorized dealers, which was carried out in the direction of the insurer.
  • Payment for restoration of transport at the workshop of an authorized dealer of the client’s choice.
  • Payment of repair work in the direction from "Reso" to the service station, which are not official dealers.

Thanks to these features, the RESOauto policy is today considered one of the most popular. What do the reviews about RESO-Garantia say? CASCO - insurance, which comes here on more favorable terms for the client than in other companies.

Insurance policy

Before obtaining a policy, you should carefully read the rules and find out all incomprehensible positions from a specialist. CASCO insurance is voluntary, and all relations between the client and the company are considered contractual.

Insurance object - these are the interests of the parties to the company and the insurer in reimbursing losses resulting from the loss and damage of a car or additional equipment, as well as the possible risk of civil liability.

All vehicles located on the territory of the Russian Federation and legally registered can be insured. All cars must be in good condition. The same conditions apply to additional equipment.

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So, the rules provide:

  • indemnification due to damage or destruction of the car;
  • car theft;
  • unforeseen damage that arose due to the need to restore or purchase a vehicle;
  • possible risk of reducing the cost of goods.

The contract indicates all situations described above, or the client makes combinations of services at his discretion. The amount of payments is set for each risk individually. You can learn more about the insurance policies of RESO (CASCO) (reviews of some clients indicate that you had to go to court to recover the payments due from the insurance company) by visiting one of the branches. You can also find round-the-clock customer support phone numbers there.

CASCO insurer protection

The insurance contract begins to work from the moment the first installment is paid. The client agrees to comply with the payment schedule, and RESO undertakes to protect it. Contributions can be made by installments in half year or quarter. If the contract period is less than a year, then the payment is paid in full at a time.

When a critical situation arises, the insured person must immediately contact the authorized bodies to investigate an accident. This may be the police, the traffic police, the Ministry of Emergencies, the fire service, etc. In the next ten days from the moment of the incident, the client fills in the form of the established sample and submits it to the insurance company. Compensation is paid after the submission of all necessary papers to RESO, as well as after inspection of the place and car by the emergency commissioner and the identification of all factors of an accident. The basis for the insurance payment is the recognition of the situation as an insured event.

In case of theft or loss of property, material assets are transferred no earlier than 30 days from the date of the incident. In all other situations, this period is reduced to 25 days.

About RESOauto GAP

RESO-Garantia has developed a completely unique RESOauto GAP product, which helps protect against losses when a car is stolen or in an insured event.
Each driver knows that in the first year of operation a new vehicle loses up to 20% in its price. It is from the loss of the initial cost of the car that GAP insurance protects. This service makes up for the difference between the amount specified in the contract and the insurance indemnity under CASCO, where the amount of wear and tear on the car for the first year of service has already been taken into account.

If desired, this type of service can be purchased when applying for a RESOauto policy.It can also be obtained separately when the main CASCO agreement is already in effect.
GAP insurance in the first year of operation of the car fully pays off (in the first year) or reduces the difference (in the second and subsequent years) in insurance compensation and the cost of buying a new car in return for the lost one.

Reso Casco company reviews

The advantages of the service include:

  • Guaranteed vehicle price retention. This is important for cars taken on credit, because in this case the insurance performs its functions before the bank, and the costs of car wear are not taken into account.
  • Transport is insured with a service life of not more than seven years.
  • You can not wait for the current CASCO agreement to expire, but get the service at any time convenient for you.
  • It does not take into account the age of the driver and driving experience.

This is a fairly reliable service offered for motorists in RESO. CASCO insurance customer reviews are not always positioned as reliable. Some car owners say that when a car is damaged, they often get a refusal to pay compensation and proper repairs.

Car theft

A completely unique method of insurance only against theft offers RESO. CASCO reviews (Moscow has hundreds of offices of this company, including the head office there) of some customers note that the company has ceased to pay in good faith in insurance cases, and the funds due have to be knocked out long and hard.

Car insurance only against theft is a unique offer in the Russian car insurance market. This policy is suitable for experienced drivers who are confident that they drive well and do not need insurance against damage to cars on the road.

This type of insurance is valid for vehicles with depreciation up to 12 years. The policy is issued only after a thorough inspection of the machine, its condition. All data about the car is supported by relevant photos. Here, not all vehicles require additional installation of an anti-theft system, but only to those models that are stolen especially often.

Policy "CASCO-Profi"

A new service of the company was the policy "CASCO-Profi". RESO (reviews note that this type of insurance has a number of drawbacks, including restrictions on payments when identifying the culprit of the incident) makes it possible to get this type of service in any region of Russia, but only to people who have a valid insurance policy for this company.

The policy is intended for used cars that are not pledged by the bank. More suitable for drivers who have driving experience and do not end up in accidents. The maximum possible insurance amount is 400 thousand rubles and not more than the real price of the vehicle. If such a car gets into an accident, then the culprit of the incident is not paid anything. If both parties are guilty, then they compensate 50% of the amount of damage. In this case, the culprit of the incident must be identified. Repair is carried out only in the direction of the company.

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"CASCO-Profi" complements the CTP from RESO. The insurance company (reviews on CASCO note that the insurer pays all in full when the car is completely lost) offers compensation for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance with payment of material resources, where depreciation of the car is taken into account. An innocent participant in an accident with a CASCO-Profi policy, if the car is damaged, drives it to the service and picks it up already in good condition, without paying for the repair.

The main advantages of this type of insurance include:

  • if the culprit of the accident does not have CTP, then compensation will still be provided;
  • low price of the policy - from five thousand rubles;
  • insurance compensation - referral to a service station.

RESOauto Help-Economy

This type of service helps to save money and at the same time get full protection. It insures any car whose age does not exceed ten years.All contracts in this category are concluded for a minimum period of twelve months. This service is executed simultaneously with RESOauto, and you can pay RESOauto Help-Econom at the same time or installment payment by months.

This program guarantees:

  • the presence of the emergency commissioner at the scene;
  • tow truck services in case of vehicle damage;
  • emergency car repair if a malfunction occurs on the road.

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For all RESO customers, the insurance company (reviews on CASCO of some persons say that the consultants of the company impose additional services excessively) suggests that, in addition to the basic motor insurance of CTP and CASCO, RESOauto Help-Economy will be acquired.

What is Help-Comfort?

The company "RESO" (reviews on CASCO and payments indicate a low speed when transferring compensation due), however, it cares about its customers and therefore has developed several types of insurance. One of these services is RESOauto Help-Comfort, which guarantees in case of an insured event:

  • Departure to the scene of the insurance commissioner;
  • free car evacuation in case of damage;
  • emergency assistance on the road;
  • ambulance call.

What is the position of RESO-Garantia? Moscow has the largest list of services, and here is the largest number of company customers. You can get RESOauto Help-Comfort insurance both already insured persons who have a CTP and CASCO policy, as well as people who are just about to sign a contract with the company. This service can be obtained by customers who own cars whose age does not exceed twelve years. The minimum insurance period is one month.

Customer opinions about CASCO

Reviews about the company "RESO" (CASCO) are very different. Some customers are completely satisfied with the services. They say that in the event of an accident, the organization quickly and timely transfers money, offers the services of only reliable repair workshops, has polite and qualified staff. Making an insured event takes a minimum of time, and compensation is quick. It is such customers who remain regular users of the company and extend the contract from year to year.

Reso warranty reviews on Casco Moscow

Negatively minded citizens note an underestimation of insurance payments, denial of compensation and receipt of the amount due through the court with RESO. CASCO reviews (Moscow) say that consultants often do not have the necessary skills and impose additional services, mislead customers. In addition, the repair of parts specified in the insurance contract is often refused.

The insurance company has an extensive customer base, is ready to advise and service them around the clock on a multi-channel toll-free phone. Constantly develops new services for customers that can make life as comfortable as possible. The company is reliable and inspires trust among thousands of people.

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