
Where to insure a car without life insurance? Where is it cheaper to insure a car for CTP?

With the purchase of a car there are always additional costs. This applies not only to the appearance and operation of the transport, but also to the services provided. The main one is insurance. But where to insure the car so that it is profitable? Companies offer their services with different conditions, which makes it very difficult to make a choice.

how to insure a car

When customers apply for car insurance, they are offered additional services. This applies to life insurance, for which funds are also charged. After all, if there is a desire, a person himself can apply to conclude an agreement on a similar service. Therefore, it is important to know where to insure a car without life insurance.

Types of policies

Insurance is usually required after purchasing a vehicle. The exception includes cases when the age of the machine is more than 10 - 12 years: there are companies that refuse to work with them. Now 2 types of policies are used:

  • CASCO - insurance of your car against theft, damage.
  • OSAGO - covering the losses of someone else's car.

There is one important principle: in an insured event, payments cannot be made on 2 policies at the same time. Therefore, in an accident it is necessary to determine where to claim compensation. When choosing insurance, the owner of the car must find favorable conditions, prices of services. Therefore, when concluding an agreement, it is necessary to study all the nuances. Now there are many companies where you can insure a car on favorable terms.

The need for life insurance

When concluding an agreement, many car owners are faced with the fact that in addition to the main service, it is necessary to take out life insurance. Because of the refusal, it is sometimes impossible to obtain a policy, or the terms of its creation are extended.

where it is cheaper to insure an OSAGO car

And where can I insure a car without providing such services? Many firms will succeed in doing this, but the procedure may take some time. Therefore, if one company refuses to do this, then you can choose another organization.

Failure Actions

By law, the client does not have to pay for additional services. Where to insure a car without such services? This can be done at Rosgosstrakh. If employees refuse to draw up a policy without life insurance, and there is no time to look for a new company, then you need to act according to the law.

where you can insure a car

Many customers do not pay attention to overpayments. And if conversations with employees do not help to draw up a document without life insurance, then you should contact the court or the antimonopoly committee. In order for the case to be won, it is required to prove that there was a compulsion to issue an additional service. In this case, you need to take the company’s refusal in writing, which will indicate the reasons for the inability to service.

If you don’t want to provide a document, then you can record the conversation on a voice recorder, which will prove the case. Typically, in such situations, customers are right, so the money spent is transferred.

It is also likely that insurers will pass on customer information to partners. As a result, it will be difficult to issue a policy in other companies. In such situations, you need to contact the prosecutor's office, court, antimonopoly committee. It is necessary to prove their case, because by law there is no obligation to draw up additional services that are not needed.

MTPL Registration

Where is cheaper to insure a car? CTP is issued in many modern companies. It is usually not necessary to provide a machine for inspection to obtain a document.If there is no such policy, then a fine is issued for this. Although the conditions in the companies are approximately the same, the cost may vary.

You do not need to choose a cheap service, since it should be borne in mind that the company should cover the damage. To know where to insure a car, when choosing a company, you need to focus on the following indicators:

  • Cost: it should be at an average level.
  • Company rating: developed organizations offer to use promotions, discounts.
  • Connection of additional services: many companies offer to arrange life, health, property insurance.
  • Location: you should consider how convenient it will be to get to the company.

Where to insure a car for CTP? Now for car owners such companies as Rosgosstrakh, SOGAZ, Renaissance, Ingosstrakh, Alfa Insurance are working. Each company offers its own conditions, which must be taken into account when concluding a contract.


where it is cheaper to insure a car

Another popular insurance policy is CASCO, but this document is not required. The contractual risks include:

  • car theft;
  • damage;
  • cut wheels;
  • falling objects;
  • other risks.

Moreover, it does not matter who is to blame for the offense, there will still be a payment for damages. Depending on the number of risks, the price of the policy increases.

How is the CASCO price calculated?

When calculating where it is cheaper to insure a car, price factors should be considered. The cost of the policy is determined by the brand of the car, its age, driving experience. If the car is new, then the document will cost less. When the vehicle is more than 10 years old, some companies do not agree to enter into an insurance contract.

where to insure a car under OSAG

The price of the policy is affected by the level of anti-theft systems and the conditions of the car. Factors that determine the cost include the type of parking, population density, and the risk of an accident. The price of the policy increases due to the expansion of the list of insurance claims.

Registration via the Internet

Now every car owner can decide for himself where it is cheaper to insure a car. CTP is offered in all companies on its terms. Now it is possible to execute the contract remotely. Although this service is convenient, it is not absolutely safe. Only trusted companies should entrust work. Therefore, before contacting a specific company, you need to read reviews about the organization.

When the company is selected, you need to go to the official website, familiarize yourself with the terms of the contract. If everything suits you, you can leave a request for registration. Sometimes you need to fill out a questionnaire, which indicates information about the car. At the appointed time, a courier arrives with a policy, after which it is necessary to pay for services. It is also possible to select a delivery location.

Insurance Features

There are situations when a policy can be a complex procedure. Many companies offer to receive a document with a condition. This means that the policy will be issued, but the client needs to write a statement of the obligation to provide the inspection ticket later, for example, one week in advance.

where to insure a car without life insurance

It is also proposed to issue a short-term policy, according to which it will be possible to insure transport for a month or 2 weeks. This means that during this period you can perform inspection, after which you should pick up a "security" document. If the period of re-issuance of insurance has come, and the technical standard is valid for six months, then it should not be passed again.

When the car was just purchased, an inspection document is not required. Extension of the MTPL validity period is possible not earlier than a month before the end. It is possible to extend the hull insurance period, and it will only be possible to do this 2 weeks before the end of the term.

Having an insurance policy will protect the car owner from many unpleasant situations. And to issue additional services or not, depends on the desire. In any case, you can do without them.

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