
How to open a recruitment agency

"Cadres decide everything." Everyone heard this phrase. In fact, the staff does not solve everything, of course, but keeping a knowledgeable qualified employee on the staff who can quickly and correctly make decisions is already the key to half success.

Based on considerations of a relatively small start-up capital, opening a recruitment agency today seems to be a fairly profitable business.

If you yourself think what kind of activity to do, then opening a recruitment agency is what you need. They can be divided into three types depending on the tasks performed. These are the so-called recruiting agencies and employment agencies. They differ in cooperation with one or another contingent. The former are engaged in professional recruitment for a specific customer.

For this, the staff of the enterprise should have specialists in various fields, psychologists who can work with people and know the specifics of work and requirements for the employees of this customer. The services of such agencies are free for applicants. The fee is paid by the customer. The second ones work precisely with those people who need work. Such agencies take more in quantity, not quality. They develop all sorts of attractive ideas, pay attention to the advantages of working with this particular agency, and give the applicant a list of several potential employers. Naturally, in this case the future employee pays for the service.open recruitment agency

There is another type of recruitment agency. These are the so-called hand-hanting agencies. They act on the principle of bounty hunting. They are engaged in including the luring of employees from one enterprise to another. Naturally, a real hunt can begin for a highly qualified specialist. If you choose this particular type of activity for yourself, you will have to work out the legal side of the issue very well. And the state must have a lawyer. Because the companies from where you will be recruiting a specialist will not agree to just let go of an employee who brings a steady profit.

Business organization.

If you intend to open a recruitment agency, you need to consider some aspects.

  • The first and main thing, probably what is needed, is a business plan. It is better to entrust it to specialists. At this stage, possible costs are taken into account and calculated, a budget is laid, risks and possible profitability are assessed. What is included in the business plan:
    • Rent. You need a room of at least 20-30 square meters. meters. The price of this item is very individual and will depend on the area of ​​location. The key point at this stage will be the availability of the office so that it can be easily found. Ideally - in the city center near stops or the subway.
    • Design. Furniture should be of high quality. An office is the face of your enterprise. And coming, people from the doorway should see you as a serious partner. Presentability is something you should not save on. Of course, the interior should not be flashy-chic, but tables and chairs should be in a high-quality business classic style. The price of this item will depend on the furniture manufacturer and the estimated number of employees. In general, for equipment based on 4 jobs, it will require you a cash amount of approximately $ 8,000.
    • Necessary equipment. It is desirable that it be well-known manufacturers. This will be an advertisement not for applicants, but for customers.
    • Advertising. Usually, the organizers of recruitment agencies most of all order outdoor advertising, attract local print media, and use Internet resources. At the initial level, it’s better not to skimp on advertising.A statement about yourself will cost about $ 2,000.
    • At this stage, profitability is also calculated. Most often for recruitment agencies, it is 20-25%. No more.
    • Payback. When organizing a recruitment agency, you can count on payback in the area of ​​three years. This parameter depends on the initial investments and the scope of the enterprise.

Open a recruitment agency, in general, is not difficult. No special licenses are required for this. The main thing is the desire to work from your employees and the competent organization of work from you.

In the work of recruitment agencies, as in any other field of activity, there may be some problems and difficulties.

  • Database. It is being developed gradually, analyzing supply and demand. All employers and job seekers need to be scrupulously analyzed in order to correctly select exactly the qualities that customers need. Advertising is very important for the development of the database, so that as many potential employers and job applicants as possible contact you.
  • There may be precedents for non-compliance by the parties. Here, a quality study of the legal component of the business is important. It is very important to be able to get out of crisis situations correctly and in a civilized manner.
  • Failure to comply with the stated conditions by the employer. For example, often unscrupulous enterprises hire newcomers on condition of a probationary period, and upon the expiration of the agreed time, dismisses the employee for one reason or another. And begins a new search for an employee. If a recruitment agency has noticed this more than two times, it is recommended to terminate such cooperation.
  • False information from applicants.

A few words about the staff. Of course, how to open a recruitment agency, can be easily calculated. But if the selection of employees is unsuccessful, all the work will go into the red. Of course, it is best to start a business with specialists in their field, but for a novice businessman this is often not affordable, because a high-class professional will require a decent salary. Often, entrepreneurs are forced to refuse to hire a specialist in favor of the availability of wages. Then, over time, unreliable workers are screened out, and the remaining ones acquire the necessary level of professionalism.

So, we can say that a recruitment agency is a pretty good type of business with the right initial organization of work.

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Reason for complaint
Without cooperation with non-state pension funds, the opening of a recruitment agency nowadays does not make any sense. A person comes to your agency, you select a job for him, he signs an agreement with a private pension fund. You get immediately 1000r. from NPFs and after a month of your client’s work in a new place, half or a third of his first salary. So it will be interesting to work.
Yes, there are no good specialists, no business.


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