
State Fire Supervision

In our time, no state can exist without developed and clearly formulated fire safety rules. They can provide protection for human life. In this context, fire surveillance is defined as a special subspecies of the surveillance activities of a state.


As mentioned above, state fire supervision (GPN) is a special subspecies of the supervisory activity of any state. In turn, supervision is carried out by officials of management bodies. Countless numbers of units involved in the organization of fire safety events also make a significant contribution. The main duty of fire supervision is to ensure fire safety in a particular locality, organization, enterprise. This happens due to systematic checks and various examinations to identify fire hazard factors. The main activity is to compile a summary of the rules to increase fire safety indicators in the state.

The need for fire surveillance

Statistics on the number of cases of fire in domestic conditions and due to natural disasters are currently extremely large. About 30,000 fires occur in the Russian Federation alone per month. And for the year this figure exceeds the mark of 400,000 cases of fire. Compared to other developed countries, the situation looks disastrous. If we compare the costs of compensating for damage from fire and all natural disasters, then in terms of money, natural disasters are much cheaper.

fire supervision

Summing up all of the above, the question of whether fire supervision is needed, disappears by itself. This supervisory activity is essential to increase the fire safety level in the country.

Causes of fire hazard

A huge number of fires in the country is caused by many factors, among which a large niche is occupied by non-compliance with the basic principles of fire safety. Many people simply do not know the simple rules, which leads to a sad outcome. Also an important factor is the lack of discipline in many enterprises, such negligence becomes the cause of fires. Together with these factors, non-compliance with the operating standards of technological, mechanical and power equipment also appears. As a result, physical deterioration overtakes much earlier, which leads to accidents. Fires in domestic conditions most often occur due to the fault of smoking people, and since the number of those is huge, the rates are high. Leading to a logical conclusion, we can conclude that state fire control is necessary to neutralize all these factors.

state fire supervision

Functions and tasks of fire supervision

Fire supervision, in addition to a number of rights and obligations, has basic functions and tasks that it is obliged to perform in any cases. It is the fire safety inspector who must ensure the protection of the life of each citizen of the country, as well as his property. He is also required to protect the property of the municipality and organizations. The duties of the inspector also include statistics and reporting on fires and their consequences. In addition, the complaints of citizens and various organizations must be considered without fail.

fire authorities

A number of the above tasks should be performed implicitly by each employee of the fire supervision authorities.

Fire Supervisory Rights

Fire control bodies, in particular officials, have a number of rights, in view of which their fire fighting activities are carried out.

The first and main rule is that officials are required to supervise and verify compliance with fire safety requirements by various internal bodies and the actual executive branch. Also, supervision is carried out over individual executive bodies of the state, local government, various enterprises and citizens.

bodies of state fire supervision

If a non-compliance with fire safety requirements is detected, the state fire supervision authorities must make proposals for the implementation thereof.

Inspection of structures, territory of enterprises, buildings, premises and other structures is carried out 24 hours a day, even after hours. This is necessary to ensure round-the-clock monitoring. In case of non-compliance with fire safety requirements, all violations should be stopped on the spot.

If reliable fire safety information exists, executive It has an unquestionable right to go to the private territory of the enterprise, residential premises and land plots for verification and identification of discrepancies.

Officials have the right to make a decisive word in the process of the work of the commissions for choosing a place for construction, and also have the right to amend the work of commissions for the reception of facilities that have undergone reconstruction or completed facilities.

If in the design and estimate or city planning documentation reasonable deviations from the existing fire safety requirements or their absence are found, then the employee of the fire supervision authorities has the full right to make adjustments to the documents. Thus, to ensure compliance with fire safety during construction, reconstruction, re-equipment of enterprises, structures, buildings and overhauls.

When carrying out design and survey work of the enterprise, a fire control check should be performed, during which all violations of fire safety requirements are identified and suppressed.

If violations are detected, the state fire control officer is obliged to provide extracts with violations, which must be eliminated by the heads of organizations, citizens and other officials. Upon detection of fire safety violations in manufactured products - it has the right to withdraw from production, stop production and stop the implementation of work, services, goods.

Spheres of influence of fire supervision

When clarifying circumstances that violate fire safety, fire control with foreigners has the same powers as those listed above.

fire inspection

The issue of clarifying the circumstances of a fire safety violation in a wooded area is handled by federal fire control, guided by a greater amount of rights than the district.

If a fire safety violation is discovered during blasting operations in open cast mining or in mines, the federal state fire control of industrial complexes takes over.

Fire Inspection Goals

Fire-technical inspection is one of the main forms of control over the work of fire supervision. It is the quality of this examination that has a greater impact on the degree of control of flammable factors.

Ministry of Emergency Situations fire supervision

The main objectives of this survey are:

  • Absolute control of factors that can cause a fire, as well as their timely elimination.
  • Drawing up a plan of special measures to ensure the safety of people's lives in case of fire, the goal is also to eliminate the further progress of fire during the elimination of fire.
  • Distribution of information on fire safety among citizens.As well as providing instructions on how to behave in a fire.

Systemic formations of structural apparatuses

Units of the state fire service of the Ministry of Emergencies, as well as various structural apparatuses in regions and cities are divided into two systemic entities that perform various functions:

  • The system of devices GPN - performs tasks related to the prevention of fires. This includes various departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as fire inspectors.
  • The system for extinguishing fires - it includes various departments of the UGPS and OGPS, local headquarters responsible for the prevention of fires, emergency response services on duty, as well as services that have a special function in fire fighting.

State Fire Supervision: authority of representatives of the authority

All rights and obligations that are assigned to the GPN are certified and accepted by the government of the state. Based on this, fire supervision officials have a number of powers, which in no case can be challenged by the entrepreneur or legal entity.

federal fire control

All committed actions by the fire safety supervision inspector must be officially certified and not illegal. Upon completion of verification of fire safety requirements, the inspector must draw up a report in which all his actions are summarized.

Fire safety standards at the enterprise

A legal entity or entrepreneur is required to pass a series of examinations without question. To do this, you must submit an application to the Ministry of Emergencies. Fire control should check the room for performance. There are three types of premises for which verification differs in the availability of various documents.

When renting a room, the landlord must submit the appropriate document. In the event that the premises are the property of a legal entity or an entrepreneur, he himself must submit the corresponding document, and in his absence, the execution of such must be performed without fail. If the premises for the enterprise are new, then it is also necessary to confirm this fact with appropriate documents. All these manipulations are carried out so that the state fire control of the Ministry of Emergencies gives its permission to commission the premises of the enterprise.

Permission from the Ministry of Emergencies is a special document confirming compliance of the premises with fire safety standards. If there is no such document or if the fire safety requirements are violated, the entrepreneur or legal entity will be punished with a fine or suspension of operation.

Fire Supervision Documentation Rules

In all services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and their parts, at the city, district, regional or federal level, it is envisaged to keep records of their activities. This is necessary for compiling statistics and an overall picture of fire safety at the state level. Based on all the reports received, a statistical analysis is carried out, as well as monitoring the level of fire safety in various settlements, regions, districts, and enterprises.

All that has been said above fully makes clear the need for this supervisory activity. It helps to reduce the level of fire hazard in the state, which provides additional protection for the life and health of citizens.

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