
Compensation payments: types, concepts and sizes

Everyone wants to live richly and happily, but not everyone succeeds, and it’s not always possible to earn enough for the whole family to have enough. Therefore, the state is trying to help certain groups of the population for whom social support is so necessary. In addition, there are various unexpected circumstances that do not depend on the desire of people when benefits are so important.

From year to year, the conditions and the list of compensations may change - some category of citizens disappears, adjustments are made to social legislation, compensation payments cease to be paid. Immediately there are new layers of the population, for which benefits are very necessary.

The state will always support

Compensation payments are intended to reimburse the expenses of citizens in cases recognized at the legislative level as socially significant. They are appointed by the state in order to provide additional financial support to citizens. Such assistance is considered in conjunction with another social assistance and, as a rule, is its complement.

Compensation Payment Form

This type of social support for the population is expressed in monetary terms, and is issued, depending on the type and purpose, from the federal, federal subject or local budget. It can be both single and periodic. The right of citizens to such assistance is enshrined in the Constitution of Russia - in article 39.

compensation payments

The difference between compensation and other forms of social payments

Such state assistance differs from other types of support in that, as a rule, those in need receive it not for life, but only for a certain time, while there are some difficult circumstances. There are also one-time compensations.

The list of such payments is not exhaustive. They have a targeted focus. Such a need arises when:

  • woman goes on maternity leave and is in parental leave;
  • the wife is forced to not work due to the husband’s service in areas where there is no job opportunity;
  • Persons caring for disabled citizens cannot go to work;
  • citizens affected by radiation, etc.

What kind of help is this?

But in any case, this money from the state is not the only source of income, but only partially goes to the repayment of income arising from socially significant cases. And they are designed mainly for the working category of people who, for certain reasons, cannot carry out professional activities or support unemployed citizens due to age or illness.

compensation and incentive payments

Signs of compensation:

  • cash payments, the amount and terms of which are established by the legislation of the country;
  • this is assistance from the state, which is in addition to earnings or temporarily becomes the main source of income due to temporary difficulties;
  • designed for certain categories of citizens and the grounds for payment;
  • belong to a single category of social assistance to the population, although the types of compensation payments are different; they are divided into types depending on the duration, purpose, categories of citizens to whom they are intended.

Assistance from the state to persons raising young children

compensation payments to children

Compensation payments are due to mothers or those relatives who are physically caring for one or more children under the age of three years.

A woman receives such a benefit if she is in an employment relationship with the company on a hired basis, but goes on maternity leave. The same benefit applies to a female soldier who has gone on parental leave.

After the child reaches 1.5 and up to 3 years, the amount of the compensation payment is 50 rubles per month.

types of compensation payments

When children are taken into foster care, guardians are assigned monthly compensation payments. So that the child and adults, who now act as guardians or trustees, do not experience unnecessary difficulties, thanks to the government decree "On the foster family", the new family receives money from local governments for necessary goods - food, clothes and shoes. Payments are also provided for games, books, and personal care products. It is calculated what is the cost of utilities per child, and the amount received is calculated as a benefit. Compensation payments to children from the state are also provided for the repair of premises where the adopted child lives. The amount of this assistance depends on the subject of the Federation in which the foster family resides. On average, guardians receive monthly about 15,000 rubles for raising a child under 12 years old, about 20,000 rubles for raising a child over 12 years old. If the ward has a disability, the amount of payment will be about 25,000 rubles.

social compensation payments

Help from the state to people with disabilities

Compensation payments are also provided for certain categories of persons with disabilities (for spa treatment, for gasoline and vehicle maintenance, for transport services).

For disabled veterans, compensation is paid for sanatorium vouchers, which are paid once every two years. They can also use compensation for the purchase of gasoline, for the maintenance of their vehicle or the purchase of spare parts for them. The size of such payments is about 800 rubles per year.

Separate numerous compensations are used by invalids of the Great Patriotic War, as well as persons who received military injuries, injuries, while performing an international duty. For them, funds are allocated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Veterans".

If the family has disabled people of I or II groups, then compensatory payments for care are received by caring relatives. This is compulsory assistance from the state, which is regulated by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Size - 500 rubles.

workers compensation

Compensation for wives of military personnel, employees of the internal affairs, penal system, fire departments

Compensation is paid to wives who actually live with their husbands who perform public service in remote areas, where women are not able to find a job. If it is not possible to find a job in connection with the illness of the child, then in this case social compensation payments are also assigned.

Appointment and financial assistance are accrued based on the application of the husband at the duty station. Attached to it are: photocopies of the marriage certificate and the wife’s work book, a certificate from the personnel office confirming the arrival and actual residence of the wife at her husband’s duty station. Even if before arriving in the service area the woman did not carry out labor activities (this fact must be indicated in the application), she is entitled to compensation. The decision on the purpose of payment is made by the head of the unit in which the husband is serving.

Compensation for students in universities and colleges

compensation payments for care

State assistance in the amount of 50 rubles is paid to students and graduate students of state higher and secondary educational institutions when they are forced to go on academic leave for medical reasons. The application for compensation to the student is submitted on behalf of the student at the place of study. An extract from the order on the appointment of academic leave in connection with poor health should be attached to it. Compensatory and incentive payments students are paid from the budget of the institution.

Compensation payments to employees

It happens that the employee is forced to temporarily leave the job not of his own free will.Often the company is temporarily closed, and employees are forced to leave on unpaid leave. In this case, you can take advantage of the compensation that the employment service will provide, but exactly where the company is located. This is notified by a special provision approved by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. But such preferential conditions can not last more than 4 months, and also do not apply to seasonal work and contractual conditions.


Compensation payments are a separate group of state financial assistance. The right to receive it belongs to certain categories of citizens, which are established by legislative normative legal acts. The provision by the state of compensatory benefits is intended to partially reimburse the forced expenses of citizens in connection with the loss of the opportunity to work and receive wages for good reason. These include disability due to health reasons, care for minors or patients, inability to work in certain areas, etc.

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