
The structure and composition of the payroll

The wages of people employed in enterprises are expressed in cash or in kind. It forms a share of national income and is intended for individual use by citizens. Let us further consider the composition and structure of the wage fund. the composition of the payroll

General information

The payroll includes several elements. These include the company’s money spent over a certain period of time on remuneration of employees for completed production tasks, bonuses and other additional accruals. The salary value is established either in the form of an official salary, or under a contract, or according to the tariff schedule. However, its size cannot be less than the established minimum wage. The composition of the wage fund at the enterprise, the system and forms of accruals form a relationship between the amount of funds received by employees, the quality and amount of effort expended by them. They also determine the accrual order in accordance with organizational conditions and performance.

Main elements

The composition of the payroll includes the following accruals:

  1. Salary amounts in kind and in cash for a specific period of the performance of professional duties in the workplace.
  2. For unworked time.
  3. Compensatory and incentive allowances and charges related to the conditions and mode of operation.
  4. Regular payments for fuel, housing and food.

Consider these charges in more detail.

The main salary

The composition of the wage fund for the employee performing his professional duties for a specific period includes:

  1. Salary accrued on salaries and tariff rates piece rates, as a percentage of revenue for products sold.
  2. The cost of products issued in kind in kind.
  3. Rewards and bonuses that are periodic or regular in nature, regardless of the sources of their receipt.
  4. Incentive allowances and bonuses to salaries and tariff networks (for part-time jobs, professional skills, etc.).
  5. Compensation charges related to the conditions and mode of operation (activities in hazardous or hazardous industries, night shifts overtime and more).

 analysis of the composition of the payroll

The payroll fund also includes the accrual of funds to persons taken part-time and outside the state. AT statistical reporting s / n of non-listed employees is shown separately.

Unworked time

The payroll fund includes accruals for:

  1. Additional and annual leave, including those granted under a collective agreement (except as provided by law).
  2. Training periods and time for professional retraining.
  3. Fulfillment of public and state duties.
  4. Grace hours for teens.
  5. Forced work part-time at the initiative of management.
  6. Downtime is not the fault of staff and more.

Housing, fuel and food expenses

These include the cost of:

  1. Free or preferential food provided to employees of a number of industries (within and beyond the established procedure in the legislation).
  2. Utilities and housing for staff in certain areas of activity or compensation payments (in case of failure to provide free apartments).
  3. Fuel.

One-time rewards

Such payments include remuneration and bonuses accrued to employees once. This category includes promotions:

  1. For the length of service.
  2. According to the results of activities for the year.
  3. For unused vacation.

One-time incentives also include additional accruals when providing days of rest, the cost of shares issued free of charge and other payments.

Wage Fund: composition and calculation

Calculation is carried out for the month, quarter and year. The composition of the payroll in the first case includes the amount of monthly total deductions. In accordance with its size, the average salary level is set for both organizations and the industry as a whole. Evaluation of the composition and structure of the wage fund allows you to obtain data that are used for:

  1. Determining the cost of labor.
  2. Build a profit formation account in the SNA.
  3. Definitions of GDP in a distributive way.

Information is also used in the formation of the intersectoral balance, the construction of production functions and other econometric models. They, in turn, are used to analyze the economic structure, its growth and living standards of the population. Costs of s / n act as the most important, and in a number of industries a key element of the cost of production. the composition of the wage fund at the enterprise

Categories of workers

Accounting for salaries in some companies is carried out for individual groups of employees. The procedure in accordance with which the formation of the accrual system for each category is carried out has its own specifics. This shows not only an analysis of the composition and structure of the wage fund of personnel in general, but also of various groups in different sectors in particular. Information on the nature and features of the formation of charges, especially for hours worked, at the level of economic sectors is necessary to develop financial policies and conclude collective agreements between employers and specialists.

System links

An analysis of the composition of the wage fund by categories of industrial workers and a number of other areas of material production involves the study of monthly, daily and hourly accrual systems. The latter include items at exchange rates, rates, bonuses, surcharges and compensations provided for the worked man-hours, with the usual duration of the shift. The daily salary fund includes the above accruals, as well as unworked but payable hours in accordance with applicable law. Compensation for intra-shift downtimes not caused by personnel, grace time for adolescents, overtime, etc. is included in the same system. Thus, the daily salary fund represents payments for actual man-hours worked. The full (monthly) accrual system contains the above links and other accruals for unworked periods. It also includes incentives and lump-sum compensations, amounts for fuel, food and housing.  assessment of the composition and structure of the wage fund


On it you can characterize the organization of production and the rationality of the use of working time. With the dominance of the growth rate of the hourly wage fund over the daily growth rate, we can talk about an effective schedule, as well as the fact that the increase in salary is due to payments related directly to the sale of products. Data on the monthly, daily and hourly accrual systems are used in calculating the average level monetary allowance employees for the corresponding period. Information is also taken into account when analyzing the ratio of the dynamics of these funds, monthly productivity and other significant indicators.

Social charges

The structure of social payments, which are carried out by organizations and enterprises, includes benefits and compensations provided for personnel for treatment, travel, rest, employment, and other purposes. These amounts do not apply to the main salary of employees. However, they act as an element of the person’s income as a hired employee involved in activities in a particular company. Social benefits are:

  1. Increases in employee pensions and lump-sum benefits for retirees at the expense of the enterprise.
  2. Insurance compensation to employees under relevant contracts.
  3. Contributions to medical (voluntary) insurance and the costs of paying for the services of health facilities provided to staff.
  4. Severance pay accrued upon termination of contracts, and the amount of compensation to dismissed employees during their employment during the liquidation of the enterprise, staff reduction.
  5. Material (one-time) assistance for family reasons.
  6. Payment of travel to the place of work.
  7. Scholarships for employees studying in full-time in secondary and higher educational institutions in the direction of management.
  8. Other expenses.

is included in the payroll

Part of social payments is carried out in accordance with current legislation. However, a significant share of these deductions is made under collective agreements between trade unions and company management. Enterprises pay contributions to the FIU, social and medical (compulsory) insurance funds, and the state employment service.

Nominal and real salary

Salary acts as a form of remuneration for the work performed and is considered the most important incentive for staff. Nominal salary - the amount recorded in the statement or other documentation characterizing the level of monetary allowance regardless of the state of prices for services and goods, as well as expenses of employees. In contrast, when calculating real wages, the purchasing power of finance is taken into account. It is calculated as a complex of goods, services and goods that can be purchased with issued funds. The real salary is formed on the basis of the nominal, level of prices and taxes. With inflation, it decreases if indexation is not carried out. payroll composition and calculation

Time and piece s / n

These are the two main forms in which salaries can be paid. In case of time-based payment, accrual is carried out in accordance with the actually worked time, conditions and qualifications of the employee. Piecework s / n can be presented in two types:

  1. Individual payment. It is charged specifically for each employee.
  2. Collective salary. It is accrued to all personnel and is distributed in accordance with the participation coefficient in proportion to the hours worked and the tariff rate.

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