
Who needs social assistance? State social assistance. Targeted social assistance

Many once find themselves in a situation where the standard of living falls below average. The state can come to the rescue. Poor families and single people who, for various reasons, are not able to earn income, are assigned social assistance. In order to take this opportunity, you just need to contact the appropriate authority and write a statement.

Who is assigned social assistance?

The state is ready to provide financial support to those who really need it. Depending on the goals, various types of social assistance are distinguished. This can be cash benefits, food support programs, housing assistance, etc. Citizens who have an income that does not meet the minimum subsistence level, as well as people who have lost their ability to work, can count on social service support.

social help

Social assistance can be provided at the place of residence only after the submission of the relevant application with the attachment of the necessary documents. Social service protection of the population upon the application of a citizen sends a request to a medical institution at the place of registration, as well as to the employment service. If a person really needs help, it will be provided during the calendar month.

Can they refuse to provide social assistance?

The basis for the appointment of cash benefits or other types of social assistance is considered an application with a complete list of securities. If the documents are not provided all or are incorrectly executed, the social security service may refuse to provide assistance.

Some types of social assistance are issued not only on the basis of an application. For example, if a person claims to receive benefits in connection with a low standard of living, specialists from the social protection center have the right to visit the applicant at the place of residence. The decision to provide cash benefits is made on the basis of the living conditions of the person who has applied for help. If the grant of cash benefits is denied, the applicant has the right to file a lawsuit or write a statement to a higher social security authority.

The basis for the termination of the provision of cash assistance is the notification of the applicant about the increase in income. That is, if the monthly profit has increased and amounts to higher cost of living benefits are suspended. And if the applicant does not provide information on improving his financial condition, he will face a fine.

Helping Poor Families

Targeted social assistance can be provided if the family has children under three years of age, disabled people or relatives who have lost their ability to work. Contact the social body. public protection is possible if per capita income families below the subsistence level. The cash allowance will be 50% of the difference in the average per capita income of the family and the subsistence level. If the application is submitted by a pensioner, the allowance will be 100% of such a difference.

medical and social assistance

The citizen must provide a passport, a document confirming registration, certificates confirming income, a copy of the work book (for working citizens) in the application for the appointment of cash benefits. In addition, you will need papers confirming the degree of relationship, as well as extract from the house book. If a disabled person is present in the family, it will be necessary to provide medical confirmation of his status.Additionally, the applicant brings a certificate of assignment of a savings account to him. This will transfer cash payments.

Targeted social assistance can be assigned by decision of the commission on the basis of an application and documents provided by the citizen. A person can find out about the decision after 10 working days. In case of refusal, the applicant shall be notified in writing.

Medical and social assistance to the population

Citizens who have lost their ability to work for various reasons can rely on help from the state. Most often, such services are provided to pensioners and people with disabilities. All the functions of social workers can be divided into three subgroups: socially oriented, health-oriented, and mixed. The first group includes informing citizens about possible benefits, assistance in drawing up guardianship and sureties, assistance in solving various everyday problems. The health-oriented function involves providing a citizen with assistance in protecting health. The person is escorted to a medical facility or assisted at home.

Medical and social assistance is also psychological support for citizens. After all, people who do not have the opportunity to communicate with family and friends most often turn to the social service. The purpose of such an organization is to orient a person towards a healthy lifestyle, as well as help in the rehabilitation of those who are in a difficult life situation.

types of social assistance

Patronage is a type of medical and social assistance that is carried out at home. The main goal of such an activity is to assess the living conditions of citizens, identify medical problems, establish a connection between a citizen and a medical institution. Elderly people as well as people with disabilities are provided with social assistance in solving everyday problems. A service employee visits his ward every day at a specific time, helps with cleaning, washing, and makes necessary purchases.

In order for a state social assistance to be rendered to an unemployed citizen, he must draw up an appropriate application. At the request of the social worker, he can come home. First of all, medical and social assistance is provided to single citizens over 80 years of age, participants in the Second World War, disabled war veterans, and people who are unable to live independently and take care of themselves.

Unemployment benefits

The standard of living of citizens primarily depends on the amount of income. But not everyone succeeds in getting to a well-paid place. Some, for a number of reasons, are left without work at all. State social assistance is granted to citizens who are recognized as unemployed by the employment service. Regardless of the reasons for which the citizen remained unemployed, the amount of the cash benefit will be determined as a percentage of the average earnings for the last six months. If the applicant has not previously worked, the amount of the allowance will be minimal, i.e., will not exceed 3000 rubles.

Social assistance to citizens is provided not only in financial form. Employment officers help a person find an occupation that matches their education and skills. A person has the right to refuse the proposed place of work. After the third refusal, the citizen is deregistered by the employment service, and social assistance is no longer provided. The first three months, a citizen is paid a benefit of 75% of the average salary for the last six months. The next four months, only 60% is paid, and then 45%. Assistance to the unemployed is not longer than 12 months.

Childcare allowance

After birth, every woman can apply for childcare benefits until they reach the age of one and a half years. Only citizens on maternity leave have this right. Social assistance to children is maintained if the mother works on a part-time basis or continues to study.It is not possible to simultaneously receive unemployment and childcare benefits. A woman has to choose only one option.

state social assistance

Childcare allowance can only be provided to one of the parents. If both guardians do not work, and the income level per family member is lower than the subsistence level, it is possible to contact the social assistance center. A poor family will be able to receive additional payments.

The amount of the childcare allowance until he reaches the age of one and a half years is 40% of the average earnings. If a citizen counting on payments has not previously worked, he will be assigned a minimum allowance. For the first child, this amount is 2718 rubles, for the second and subsequent - 5436 rubles. Social assistance to a family with a small child should not exceed 19882 rubles.

Disability Care Allowance

Non-working, but able-bodied people who care for a disabled person are entitled to social assistance from the state. To receive payments, you must contact the center of social protection of the population at the place of registration and submit an appropriate application. In addition, it is necessary to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a statement from the person who will be leaving, a work book, a certificate stating that the citizen is not in the employment service, as well as medical and social examination.

targeted social assistance

Social assistance is terminated if the person caring for the disabled person goes to work or is assigned another type of payment. If the period for which a disability group has been set has expired, payments to the carer will also cease.

Amount of cash compensation for caring for disabled person of the first group is 1200 rubles and is paid monthly. Workable citizens who care for patients who need constant care or people over 80 can also count on these payments. Additionally, a social help to disabled people or retirement benefits for older people. If the income per family member is below the subsistence level, the allowance will be assigned as low-income.

Social assistance to immigrants

People who, in connection with hostilities or natural disasters, are in a difficult situation and have been forced to leave their home, are entitled to help from the state. Migrants can be exempted from taxes, they can be provided with free medical care. The state is committed to helping families in difficult situations find a place to live, to place children in a kindergarten or school, and adult working citizens to work. Additionally, social assistance can be provided to the population in the form of cash benefits.

social assistance center

The state worries not only about its citizens, but also about immigrants from other countries. People can get a temporary residence permit out of quotas. In the future, they will be assisted in obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. To obtain the status of a migrant, you must contact the social welfare service at the place of actual residence and write a statement. Additionally, you will have to provide a passport or other identity document.

Military action and natural disasters most often take people by surprise. Many are unable to collect even the necessary things. One does not have to recall documents at all. If a passport was lost when moving to a new place, the migrant should contact the territorial unit of the State Migration Service at the place of actual residence. A temporary certificate of identity will be issued here. This document is the basis for the provision of targeted assistance to migrants. The amount of payments depends on which category the victim belongs to.For a disabled person, such assistance will be equal to the sum of the subsistence minimum.

In-kind social assistance

The state can help people who find themselves in a difficult life situation not only financially. In-kind social assistance is also common. Low-income families, as well as citizens who have lost their ability to work, are provided with free food, clothing, and other basic necessities. In addition, people who are registered at the center of social protection of the population have the right to spa treatment. Such in-kind assistance is most often provided to people with disabilities, as well as children from large families.

In order to get the opportunity for a free wellness stay in the sanatorium-resort area, a citizen needs to write a statement at the center for social protection of the population. Additionally, such documents as the applicant’s passport, pension certificate, preferential certificate, and a doctor’s certificate are attached. Trips to citizens are distributed in the order of the queue, which is formed in the center of social protection.

Benefits for large families

The state is interested in solving the demographic problem. Over the past 50 years, the birth rate in our country has declined significantly. Therefore, families who decide to have a baby or adopt three or more children are entitled to certain discounts. In each region, local government independently decides what benefits can be provided to a large family in accordance with the law "On measures for the social support of large families." In most cases, parents have the right to receive prescription drugs free of charge for children under six years of age. In addition, a 30% discount on utility bills. In educational institutions, parents are exempted from paying fees.

social assistance

The provision of social assistance to large families also takes place in kind. Children are entitled to a wellness stay in the health resort areas. By decision of the local government, large families can be given free tickets to the circus or zoo. In addition, a family with minor children has the right to receive a land plot from the state free of charge. It can be used for agricultural purposes or for the construction of a house.

Mothers with many children are also entitled to retirement benefits. A woman who has insurance experience can go on a well-deserved rest in 50 years instead of 55. In addition, the size of pension payments will differ. The final amount will depend on the place of work of the woman, as well as the number of children brought up in the family.

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