
Sberbank corporate card: what is it and how to get it

For years, companies have been using corporate cards for settlements with customers. Travel, hospitality, expenses for household needs - all these amounts can be transferred to a separate account. Especially for authorized persons issued corporate card Sberbank. What is it, you will learn from this article.

Payment instrument

The international plastic card on the front side, in addition to the bank logo and the name of the employee, also contains the logo of the company. The bank offers two types of plastics to choose from: Visa Business and MasterCard Business.

Sberbank corporate card

Using the card you can:

  • pay at points of sale;
  • withdraw money from ATMs of all countries of the world;
  • transfer funds to company employees.


Sberbank corporate card enables an employee of the company:

  • Do not spend your own money on household needs, but receive an advance payment;
  • transfer cash in large amounts;
  • Do not worry about the safety of money in case of loss of a card;
  • Receive transfers from anywhere in the world
  • book a hotel room, book a ticket on the airline’s website online.

Sberbank corporate card enables the head of the company:

  • without opening an account in foreign currency, transfer funds to the employee for travel expenses;
  • reduce operating costs;
  • to control the flow of funds in the account, analyze them in order to manage them in the future;
  • quickly increase spending limits if necessary;
  • reduce the cost of paying a bank commission for receiving cash.

Sberbank corporate card what is it

Other features

Sberbank corporate cards for legal entities can be used to pay for goods in online stores. Especially for these operations, the lending institution has developed a more efficient transaction processing mode. Each operation is carried out after entering a one-time password. You can get it at the self-service terminal. You just need to insert a card and print a check with ten passwords.

How to issue?

First you need to contact the branch of Sberbank, which serves corporate clients. Open an account and deposit the initial balance depending on the conditions of the program. Next, you need to write an application to Sberbank (form 11) - “Obtaining corporate cards”.

Sberbank Form 11 receiving corporate cards

Cost control

Sending an employee on a business trip, the accounting department calculates the cost of hotel accommodation and tickets, and then gives out money for the report. After the trip, the employee provides checks, reporting on the expenditure of funds. The process drags on even longer if you need to return the excess amount, or the calculation results will be incorrect. The accountant will have difficulties with paperwork. These problems will help solve corporate cards of Sberbank for legal entities.

Abroad, they have long been using this payment tool to transfer transfers. Firstly, employees can receive funds from anywhere in the world, pay by bank transfer or withdraw money from an ATM. Even the conversion of funds into foreign currency will occur automatically.

 corporate cards of Sberbank for legal entities

Secondly, accounting receives a detailed report on the use of money. Sberbank's corporate card is convenient in that you can set a limit on each of them and change it if necessary. Cost management is easier. An accountant can independently track the movement of funds on each card. There is no need for checks with stamps, recalculation or surcharges.

Thirdly, the employee will be able to transport large amounts of funds without fear for the safety of money. If the corporate card of Sberbank is lost, just call the bank and block it. It is universal. In use is no different from the classic debit card. Therefore, in case of loss, you need to submit a new application to the branch to the Sberbank corporate card.

Let us consider in more detail the features of using plastic and the reflection of information in financial statements.

Tax information

When a Sberbank corporate card is issued for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, a separate account is opened. This should be reported to the IFTS, PFR, FSS within 7 business days. The tax form is submitted No. C-09-1. It needs to be informed about the opening of an account, and not about the emergence of rights to KESP. Information is submitted to other state bodies in the form of an agreed form.

application for a corporate card of Sberbank

One main corporate card of Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities and several additional ones can be issued for one account. Moreover, they can be issued for different employees. Government agencies should be informed of the release of each of them. The corporate balance sheet does not display the corporate card of Sberbank. What is it and how to keep records? If the card is personalized, then the bank simply issues a register of holders of payment instruments. There is no need to maintain a separate ledger.

Registration of cash transactions

Accountants complain that during the inspection, inspectors fine the organization if the operation to withdraw money through an ATM is not framed in cash book. Physically, the funds do not get to the cashier. Accordingly, there is nothing to execute such operations. The same point of view is supported by the courts, refusing the inspection to recover fines.

No one has canceled advance reports

The funds that are on the bank card account do not belong to the employee, but he can spend them. Therefore, it should report on expenses. You can use a unified report form or develop a separate one for the organization. An employee may attach invoices, cash and sales checks to the memo. Check the correctness of the compilation expense report the accountant may on bank statements sent monthly by the credit institution.

Sberbank corporate card for IP

Accordingly, if the employee did not report for the money spent or sent the funds inappropriately, then they can be deducted from the salary. One order from the leadership is not enough to carry out such an operation. The amount of damage caused to the organization can be recovered if it does not exceed the average monthly earnings of this employee. But even if this is so, it must be taken into account that the total size of all deductions cannot be more than 20% of the salary per month. In this case, the calculations are carried out with the “net” salary remaining after the payment of personal income tax. Sometimes an employee voluntarily returns the missing amount to the cashier. You can protect the company and employee from such situations by setting limits for each operation.

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