
Types of cards of Sberbank of Russia: VISA, MasterCard. Credit and salary cards

In Russia, a large number of plastic cards are used. They differ not only in functions, but also in service. Their holders can make transfers to all countries of the world, pay for goods, receive pensions, scholarships, salaries and other payments. Let us consider in more detail the types of cards of Sberbank of Russia.

Maestro and Electron

These instant cards are issued upon the first appeal of the client to the bank. They are convenient, practical and easy to use. Sberbank salary card is most often Maestro or Electron. A payment tool can pay for services through terminals, withdraw money through ATMs. To apply for it, you need to provide a passport of the Russian Federation and write an application at any branch of a credit institution.

types of cards of Sberbank of Russia

Types of Maestro-class Sberbank of Russia cards: Instant, Student, and Social. All of them are intended for social payments: pensions, scholarships, alimony. Issued for three years, after which you need to issue a reissue. The Student’s card additionally accrues interest on the balance of funds in the account. Using any of the listed payment instruments, you can subscribe to the Mobile Sberbank service and receive information about the movement of funds directly to your phone at any time. The only drawback is that all cards are serviced only in rubles on the territory of the Russian Federation, but for a minimum commission. But the balance on Visa Electron card is charged 1% per annum.

Maestro momentum

Sberbank Momentum bank card is issued free of charge upon presentation of a passport. She's not a name. It is used to pay for goods in the terminal or withdraw funds. Sberbank Momentum bank card is not intended for online payments. There may not be a security code on the back. Without it, you won’t be able to pay for goods online. Like any other card, you can activate the Mobile Bank service on Momentum and control the flow of funds.

Mastercard Standart, Visa Classic

These types of cards of Sberbank of Russia are the most popular not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. They are registered and issued upon presentation of a passport. The only difference is that Visa Classic has more service points around the world.

Both cards are issued free of charge, but for the first year of service you need to pay 750 rubles, 25 dollars or euros. In subsequent periods, the amount will be reduced to 450 rubles, 15 dollars or euros. Sberbank salary card issued by a large company may be of this class. Individuals can additionally order a MasterCard PayPass for 900 rubles, 30 dollars or euros.

Sberbank bank card

"Gift a life"

Those wishing to participate in the charity program are issued a Visa Classic card. Sberbank transfers to the fund half the amount of the commission for the first year of service and 0.3% from the card account. That is, paying in stores or via the Internet, the card holder automatically participates in a charity program aimed at financing the treatment of children with cancer.

MTS Sberbank

This plastic can be used not only as a regular payment tool. On the card, you can accumulate bonuses, and then exchange them for packages of minutes, SMS and other services from the MTS telecom operator. For every 30 rubles that will be debited from the account to pay for goods, the client will receive 1 point.

Depending on the chosen class of the MasterCard payment system, a fee of 900 rubles, 35 dollars or euros for a Standard series or 3,5 thousand rubles, 120 dollars or euros for a Gold series will be charged for servicing Sberbank cards.

credit card sberbank

Advantages of a payment instrument:

  • When you open an account, 300 welcome bonuses are awarded. For comparison, the “Russian Standard” in the framework of this project offers 400 points for the primary and 150 points for an additional card, and “CITY Bank” - 2000 points.
  • If a Sberbank (MTS) credit card is issued, then the cash limit can be set up to 600 thousand rubles. This is the biggest offer on the market: CITY-Bank set a limit of 300 thousand rubles, and BRS - 450 thousand rubles.
  • You can store your own money on a credit card.
  • SMS alerts are provided free of charge.
  • You can order a card with a chip.
  • The withdrawal fee is only 3%.


  • A Sberbank (MTS) credit card is issued upon submission of a 2-NDFL certificate.
  • A grace period of 50 days is calculated only for cashless transactions. When withdrawing money through ATMs, the rate is 33.9% per annum.

visa sberbank

Sberbank Gold Card

Holders of payment instruments can store funds in their accounts not only in rubles, but also in dollars or euros, as well as withdraw them anywhere in the world. There are no overdraft limits. Card service is free, as well as reissue, suspension and receipt of statements. Funds are credited to the account within a few hours, a maximum of one day.

Additional features:

  • Payment for goods via the Internet is carried out in a more secure manner. Each step is confirmed by a one-time password.
  • With the “Auto payment” function, you can pay for mobile services with a gold card of Sberbank as soon as the account balance drops to a certain minimum.
  • The opportunity to participate in the bonus programs of partner stores and receive a discount when paying for goods and services.

The card can be issued at any branch of the bank at the place of registration. To do this, you only need to provide a passport, fill out a form and write an application. In addition to the card, a credit limit can be connected. But the decision to issue it is made individually for each client. The cost of a year of servicing the main account is 3 thousand rubles, and the additional one is 2.5 thousand rubles.

Sberbank salary card

Premium credit cards

The most favorable conditions are received by existing customers, for whom a personal offer is drawn up and a limit is agreed in advance. For them, card servicing can be free, and the annual rate can be minimal, i.e. 25.9%.

Sberbank offers standard conditions to all new customers who apply for a Gold Mastercard or Visa gold card:

  • free release of a payment instrument with an electronic chip;
  • ruble card will be valid for 3 years;
  • for annual service you will have to pay 3000 rubles .;
  • the credit limit may be 600 thousand rubles;
  • after the end of the grace period of 50 days, the interest rate will be 33.9%;
  • minimum monthly payment amount - 5% of the debt;
  • for cash withdrawals through an ATM, an additional 3% is charged in Sberbank devices and 4% in terminals of other institutions.
  • the minimum commission amount is fixed at 390 rubles.

Preferential terms of service are provided to customers who receive a pension or salary through Sberbank, have issued a deposit at a credit institution, or debit card. And most often, the bank itself informs the client about such offers in the form of an SMS message or a phone call.

Sberbank Gold Card

Benefits of credit cards

  1. Sberbank draws up Gold Mastercard or Visa cards for three years. Funds can be withdrawn within the limit as many times as you like.
  2. To apply for an express loan, it is enough for cardholders to provide it to a bank employee, and not to collect a package of documents confirming the identity and solvency of the client.
  3. Credit cards have a grace period. Within 50 days, no interest is accrued for the money used. It is renewed each time after full repayment of the debt.
  4. Using a card, you can create a positive credit history. This can help in the future when applying for a mortgage or any other loan.
  5. In case of loss of a card, it is enough to block it to ensure the safety of funds.

Perhaps the only drawback of this payment instrument is that even with a preferential service program (25.9%), the bank rate exceeds the standard rate on a consumer loan (22-24%).

Types of cards of Sberbank of Russia

A credit limit is provided for such types of payment instruments Visa and MasterCard:

  1. American Express Platinum.
  2. Gold
  3. Momentum.
  4. Classic and Standard.
  5. Give Life cards.
  6. Aeroflot cards.
  7. MTS cards.
  8. Youth credit cards.

Sberbank card service

Commission calculation rules

Interest is accrued daily, starting from the day after the arrears. The process stops as soon as the debt is fully paid off. The credit rate is indicated in the contract.

To find out the amount payable, you need to multiply the total amount of debt by the interest rate, divide the resulting value by 365 days, and then multiply by the number of days that have passed since the money was written off for the purchase.

A credit card allows you to save money if the debt is paid off during the grace period. It consists of two parts. First, 30 days from the moment the debt arises. This period is called reporting. Then the client is given another 20 days to pay off the debt. The report generation date for each card holder is different. It will not necessarily coincide with the beginning of the month.

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