
Make-up cosmetics: how to terminate the contract. Termination of a loan agreement with Desheli

How does it happen that people get into the Desheli company? The standard scheme works: a call and a gentle voice arrive on your mobile phone, insinuatingly calling you by name and patronymic, informing you that you get the opportunity to attend an amazing, ultra-modern skin care procedure for free.

But you must take a passport with you for reporting. It seems why not. It is later that you will think why you hadn’t heard anything about Desheli before, how to terminate the contract, give back unnecessary creams and return your money. In the meantime, you, in anticipation of free enjoyment, go to the specified address.

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How vigilance is euthanized

Most often you will see a neat building, and when you enter, marvel at the abundance of people and beautiful surroundings. You will be met by a nice girl at the reception and asked to wait in the lobby, where there are several televisions that show the company's products.

Even at this stage, you need to know that there is a fairly simple way not to get into the Deshely network. How to terminate the contract? Better not to conclude him at all. Since you’ve arrived, try to have fun, but have the strength to withstand psychological pressure and respond to all provocations “I’ll analyze the information, consider your proposal, and come back tomorrow.”

What happens in the walls of the cabin

Well, if you stumbled upon this information before you got on a free spa treatment. Then you will be fully armed and you will probably immediately abandon the attractive Deshely fishing rod. We will tell you how to terminate the contract a bit later, while we will conduct a brief excursion so that you know exactly what the procedure is that you are so persistently invited to.

You will be taken to a separate room where a young man or a girl in a white coat will meet you. Usually they are introduced by cosmetologists or doctors. Already at this stage, you can safely stop the flow of prepared speech and ask for documents confirming qualifications. They must be in the workplace. Of course, they will not be provided to you. This is a reason to leave and forget about the "Deshel".

If you decide to stay, then get ready. You will be smeared with dubious creams, without using a sponge, with your fingers (it is noteworthy that the beautician does not wash his hands before that). Every 5 minutes, drive to the mirror and ask what changes you see. At the same time, ask about your work and salary level. On the table is a price list on which you can see the value of the goods.

It is quite impressive, about 50,000 rubles. Each time they will ask you whether it is expensive for you, what cost would be acceptable, what amount you are willing to spend on yourself per month. All answers will be written in the questionnaire. After the procedure is performed on half the face, you will be taken to hardware diagnostics, where on the computer screen they will show how bad your skin was and how good it looks now. Now you will once again be reminded of the cost of production and will receive an answer that it is too expensive.

The final chord - they will put a questionnaire in front of you, which indicates how much per month you are ready to spend on your beloved, and they will announce super action, installments, with a reasonable payment for you. Documents are ready (you came with a passport and showed it at the reception), while you are congratulated, you sign and lie down on the couch to complete the procedure on the second half of the face. Next, you pick up your suitcase and go home. Only now you will begin to understand that something wrong happened.You became the next victim of Deshely. How to terminate the contract is now the most pressing issue.

terminate the agreement

Do not waste time

The whole scheme of this salon is built on aggressive marketing. The coiled woman was lured, treated, smeared with something, drunk tea and chatted. And while she is in the most relaxed and complacent state, they were forced to sign a contract with the help of various manipulations. This can happen to everyone, especially if you are not savvy in the legal field. But remember, termination of a loan agreement with Desheli is possible.

No self-respecting company will require you to make a purchase immediately. Any presentation gives the right to consider the proposal, and then make a decision. This rule is violated here. But you can still replay back. The most important thing is to quickly recover. Shake off your trance state, take a sober look at how much this cosmetics is necessary for you and whether you can afford such expenses. If not, do not open the suitcase and do not violate the integrity of the vials. Go straight to the bank.

Part one - giving up a loan

You already know firsthand what Desheli cosmetics are. How to return the money, it will become clear if you carefully read the signed contract. The recipient of the money is not you, but the salon. The sender is a bank. Therefore, if you came from the salon and it immediately dawned on you, then call the bank branch with a request to cancel the loan application. After that, head to the department to draw up a written statement. Remember: this works for several hours after the conclusion of the contract, because the money of the company has not yet been transferred.

Employees will not be happy to refuse a loan, be prepared. Politely explain that the financial situation has changed and you are not able to pay. Make two copies and wait until they put a number on your copy and send the second one to the head office. As an alternative, you can explain that you misled and ask to change the recipient, that is, that the loan is credited to your account, after which you yourself decide how to spend it. Next, we’ll talk about how to return Desheli cosmetics. This will require all your self-discipline and willpower, otherwise trained workers will again convince you to take the suitcase home.

Part two - again in the cabin

So far you have only suspended the transfer of payment for the purchased goods. Speaking about how to terminate the contract and return the money for Make-up cosmetics, we have in mind the main difficulty. Namely, to ensure that company employees take their goods back. Believe me, they do not intend to do this. But a loan cancellation will only work if you provide written confirmation that the purchased goods have been returned to the seller. You need to draw up a document that they will sign, which means they will accept their suitcase.

How to make a statement

This is a key question for those who want to know how to terminate a loan agreement with a company. The hat is standard, it is addressed to the head of the Deshely company (ask his name at the reception) from citizen Ivanov living at such an address.

Then the most important thing. In the claim itself, you must reflect all the violations that occur in the work of company employees. There are actually a lot of them. In general, your task is to describe everything that really happened. What date and where was this contract of sale concluded. Under what conditions, that is, after carrying out a cosmetic procedure, only a cosmetologist has the right to do so.

Emphasize in the text that you have been called many times using your contact information obtained from unknown sources. Emphasize the exceptional obsession with which you were invited. Having taken a passport to confirm identity, they made copies without permission.In addition, during the procedure they were assured of the complete safety and naturalness of the products, but the chemical composition was not provided.

Remember, you can return cosmetics "Desheli". No one can oblige to pay for goods that do not correspond to quality. Next, in the claim, highlight the subtitle, like "I managed to find out." And now state the facts in essence: on the packaging of Desheli goods there is no information about contraindications, restrictions, which is a violation of paragraph 4.5; 4.6 GOST P 51391-99. The composition indicates beekeeping products, which are strong allergens, which means they are not suitable for people with sensitive skin. But the booklet says "suitable for all skin types."

The Kitaton device is included in the package, to which the certificate of conformity to quality was not attached. In addition, it was not reported that there are contraindications to its use: pregnancy, thyroid disease and malignant tumors.

Follow the text below and you will know how to terminate the contract. The sample was compiled with the articles of Russian law, but this can be easily fixed by opening the code of your country.

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An important point - misleading the consumer

As you can see, the document is quite large. Highlight this item with a separate subtitle. It is important to make a statement before you arrive at the Desheli salon. How to terminate the contract (sample, how to behave in negotiations), we will cover a little later.

So, you need to specify what to conclude a contract for registration consumer loan You were forced to fraudulently. It was about selling by installments. They were forced to buy by consultants who were repeatedly told about the difficult financial situation and the inability to afford an expensive purchase.

It is easy to enter a trance state at the office under the influence of external factors (music, relaxing environment, herbal teas, psychological manipulations) and simply follow the consultant to those where loan agreements are already ready on behalf of the future client. Neither the place of work, nor the level of wages indicated in them are true.

They only give out an application for a loan without the seals and signatures of a bank employee and repayment schedule. The text of the sale and the application for a loan are printed in very small print, which is impossible to read, so only a signature was put in the place indicated by the employee.

In addition, after the procedure an allergic reaction manifested itself in the form of severe itching and burning.

Your requirements

Having described the situation, you must declare in writing that you wish to cancel the contract with Desheli. How to terminate it, if the money has already arrived at the company's account, we will also consider below. So, on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation of 7. 02.1992, No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", require:

  • Review this claim and respond within 10 days.
  • Terminate the contract of sale from the _ date concluded between you and - (legal name of the company).
  • Return the funds paid under this agreement.
  • Accept the goods according to the acceptance certificate.
  • Issue a document confirming the return of the goods and termination of the contract of sale, for submission to the bank branch.

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Finishing touches

This is already enough to terminate the agreement with Deshely. The advice of experienced lawyers will come in handy to finish the case in the manager’s office, without going to court. To do this, in your claim, additionally request the following documents:

  • A copy of the Charter (legal name of the company) to determine the authority of the person who entered into an agreement with you.
  • A copy of the license to conduct activities in the field of cosmetology.

But that is not all. You have the right to know who carried out the procedure and told you what “Desheli” cosmetics is. How to terminate the contract in 5 minutes? Request copies of employee documents:

  • Diploma of medical education.
  • Documents confirming qualifications and the ability to work in a beauty salon.

Do not forget to indicate that in the absence of a response or refusal to terminate the contract of sale, a statement of claim will be filed with the court in accordance with article 17, paragraph 6.3. In addition, statements to tax and law enforcement organizations, as well as regulatory organizations and the media will follow. This will be the end of your acquaintance with Deshely. You can terminate the loan agreement, the main thing is to know your rights.

How to file a claim

Take a statement and a suitcase with bottles whose integrity has not been violated. It is clear that you will not be welcome in the cabin, the head will most likely not be in place. Then demand to accept the application and affix the appropriate seal and signature on your copy. After this, the head usually appears and invites to the office.

Be prepared that you will require a certificate confirming an allergic attack. They will be accused of fraud and threatened with legal costs, even screaming. Stand your ground, you do not owe anything, no certificates, they are obliged to accept the goods. You are firmly convinced that you know how to terminate the loan agreement and return the Desheli cosmetics. And you will not leave until you reach your goal.

Seller tricks

After a while, they will bring you a termination form. Do not relax, it may contain a number of points for which a significant amount will be deducted from you for testing, conducting a trial procedure. Your contract did not have such conditions, so decline and request a remake.

To summarize

If you paid in cash, then the scheme will be similar, just do not need to go to the bank. Now you know how to return money for Deshely. But remember, if you opened any of the bottles, its cost will have to be returned only through the court, proving a discrepancy with the quality and your individual intolerance. Be sure to instruct your family and friends. Any of them may receive a call from this company. To the same person whom you did not manage to notify, tell how to terminate the contract with Deshely. Let them not lose time.

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