
How to disable your home phone: instructions

Today, a landline phone is no longer of any value. You can call relatives, friends or colleagues from a mobile that every person has. Also in the modern world, Internet connection is gaining popularity. It allows you to call a person from anywhere without paying for traffic and during a call to see him. The only negative is a permanent internet connection. That is why the landline phone comes out of our daily lives. Just think: when was the last time you used it? Probably a very long time. This question is being asked by many people, and ultimately they are trying to turn off the phone.

how to disconnect the home phone

Turn off your home phone

First you need to find the contract that you signed with the company on telephone services. Did you find him? Ok, go to the next point. Try to carefully study the contract. It should say how to turn off the phone, what you need and where to go. As a rule, the contract indicates under what circumstances the company may disconnect the home telephone.

On the operator’s official website, find the consultant number that you should contact before you go to the office. Find out from him how to disconnect, in what time frame the company can terminate the contract and what you need to do to do this.

Before you go to the office, pay the debt for your home phone, if, of course, it is present, and save the receipt.

If all the requirements are met, you can contact the company, a specialist in marketing telecommunications services. In the application, indicate the reason for the refusal, attach to it an agreement and a receipt for payment of services.

how to disable Rostelecom home phone

That's all. It remains only to wait for a solution. As a rule, it arrives in a few days, it depends on the operator. If you are refused, contact the company to find out the reason and resolve all disputes.

Now you know how to turn off your home phone, but what will happen to the Internet? It will automatically turn off, of course, if you use a combined tariff. Before disconnecting the landline phone, enter into an agreement with another Internet provider or switch to another tariff.

Remember that before disconnecting the landline phone, you must carefully study the contract. So the consultants will not be able to mislead you, and you will quickly find out the answers to your questions. The consultant will be able to understand you faster, so you will spend less time on the termination of the contract.

Turning off the Rostelecom landline phone

How to disable Rostelecom home phone? This is easy enough to do. As we have already found out, it is necessary to find a contract, study it, pay the debt and contact the company. You need to take an agreement, a receipt and a passport with you. In the manager’s office you will write a statement.

If you cannot come to the company, send a registered letter. It is necessary to enclose a form in it, which can be downloaded from the official website. The answer should come within a week to your return address.

How to disconnect the Rostelecom home telephone via the Internet? Today, the Internet is in almost any home, and it would be very convenient if the operator took care of its users and allowed to terminate the contract without leaving home. Let's see if this is possible.

how to disable Rostelecom home phone via the Internet

Is it possible to disconnect the Rostelecom landline phone over the Internet?

How to disconnect the Rostelecom home telephone via the Internet? Unfortunately, this is not possible. To connect the services of this operator, you just need to go to the site and write a request. They did not provide such an opportunity to deactivate services.How to disable Rostelecom home phone? Today, in order to refuse the services of this operator, you need a personal presence or sending a registered letter.

how to disconnect home phone mgts Moscow

How to disable MGTS home phone?

Moscow is a city in which many people are connected to MGTS. If you are going to disconnect from the selected operator, then you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Find a contract and look at all the points.
  • Go to the official website. On it, find the phone number of the operator and the address of the service center.
  • First contact the operator and find out how the shutdown will occur, what you need to take with you.
  • After that, you can go to the office, where you will need to write a statement about disconnecting the landline phone.

That's all. It remains only to wait until the application is approved. If you connected these services recently, then most likely you have an optical modem installed, which legally belongs to the company. After turning off the home phone, you must wait for the master to pick it up.

how to disconnect home phone MGTS Moscow for a while

So you found out how to disable MGTS home phone. Moscow is a huge city with a large number of offices of this company. Disabling is quick and easy.

How to disconnect home telephone MGTS (Moscow) for a while?

To temporarily disconnect the landline phone, you must contact the office with a passport, where you will write a statement about the suspension of the tariff. Such a service will not be free. If you decide to turn off your home phone for a few months, then this may pay off. For several weeks you do not need to disconnect the landline phone. Otherwise, you will not save.

To temporarily disable your landline phone, you need to pay 300 rubles. In this case, you will be temporarily blocked, but not disconnected from the telephone line. It is because of this that every month it will be necessary to pay 205 rubles. You can resume services any day for free.

Disconnecting MGTS landline phone for the period of vacation

How to disconnect home telephone MGTS (Moscow) on vacation? As we have already found out, the company provides the possibility of temporary blocking, but it turns out quite expensive. Disconnecting the phone during the holidays is impractical, so you can only lose money. How can we reduce the cost of landline telephone services?

MGTS can be contacted by the 20th of the current month with a statement and passport for transfer to a new tariff. As a rule, they consider such applications rather quickly and from the first day of the next month they connect a new tariff. You can transfer to the cheapest rate for a month. Change is free.

how to disconnect home phone MGTS Moscow on vacation

How to return the old tariff

Returning the old tariff plan is quite simple, although the transition is carried out in different ways:

  • When switching from time-based to fixed-rate, you can simply call the hotline and select the desired tariff plan. On the first of the next month he will connect.
  • When switching from time-based to combined tariffs, you must come to the office by the 20th day of the current month and write a statement about changing the tariff plan.


Now you know how to turn off your home phone. Different operators work on the same principle. First you need to find and study the contract. Then you should call the consultant and find out the answers to all your questions. Only after that you need to go to the office and write a statement about disconnecting the landline phone. Of course, these are fairly simple actions that everyone can handle, but there are times when they refuse to disconnect. If you have this situation, you need to go to the office, find out the reason and solve the problem.

How to disconnect the home phone on different operators? Only consultants can answer this question accurately. Everywhere has its pitfalls that must be overcome. In one company you need to go to the office or fill out a registered letter, in another you can just go to the site and leave a request.

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Reason for complaint
The millennium is in the yard, but in order to turn off something, you always need my presence! Already a passport can be ordered on an Internet, and a radio station or phone - everywhere Rostelecom sets up barriers .. made it easier - I don’t pay for my home phone at all, and it’s naturally turned off - what else do you need? consider non-payment for the house. phone, a request to turn it off - WHAT PROBLEMS ???
So I turned off - the radio, television antenna and home phone. - I save per month = 65 + 204 +205 rubles per month = 474 rubles, and now we multiply by the year = 5688 rubles !!! What else to disconnect in the apartment ???
Yes, a convenient way to turn off everything that you don’t need, just don’t pay, but all of the above that you turned off has a hidden and tricky additional payment, called a penalty. I wish you success, as a large amount is accumulated, all these rejected ones will remind of themselves, they may even demand payment through the court. In short, you also have to pay for disconnections and laziness.


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