
The largest US banks and all the most interesting about them

Many US banks are among the largest financial institutions in the world. This is not surprising because their fortunes are far from one billion dollars. But which US banks are the wealthiest?

usa banks

Bank of America

You can start with the organization, which is known worldwide for its list of services and a high financial rating. This is Bank of America, founded in 1928. A financial conglomerate that provides a wide range of diverse services to legal and private individuals. The organization’s assets are $ 2.144 trillion. Not surprisingly, Bank of America ranks 23rd among the largest companies on the planet according to Forbes, one of the most respected financial and economic magazines in the world.

This company operates in all states of America and in 35 other countries. By the way, it consists of 5 main divisions.

  • The first deals with consumer banking (loans, accounts, deposit activities). In 2015, the turnover amounted to 31 billion dollars, and net profit - $ 6.7 billion!
  • The second division carries out global asset management. It includes two large subsidiaries - U.S. Trust and Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management.
  • The third division is engaged in global banking. That is, the service of large organizations and corporations.
  • The field of activity of another unit is mortgage lending.
  • And the last, fifth, deals with global markets (trading on commodity, currency and stock exchanges).

By the way, many are interested in what US banks are in Russia. Here is the answer: in our country there is a subsidiary, known as Merrill Lynch Securities, as well as a representative office of the bank itself.

bank of america

JPMorgan Chase

It is the largest bank in the United States in terms of assets. Their number is $ 2.352 trillion. It was founded much later than the notorious organization. Namely, in 2000. A bank was formed as a result of the merger of large financial enterprises. It is important to know that JPMorgan Chase is the sixth-largest bank in the list of the largest public companies in the world according to Forbes. That was in 2015. Then he was recognized as the best investment bank.

The activities carried out by JPMorgan Chase Bank are diverse. This organization is engaged in consumer, commercial, public, investment and corporate banking. It is important to note that it provides retail services only in the USA. In other countries, it operates through the J.P. Bank Morgan Bank International ltd. Regional offices are located in many countries. And Russia is no exception. Moreover, in the Russian Federation their office was opened in 1973, and in 1993 it was registered under No. 2629.

 usa banks in Russia

Citigroup Inc.

Speaking about the largest US banks, it is necessary to note the attention of this organization. This is one of the most influential international conglomerates. It was formed as a result of the merger of the Travelers Group and Citicorp. The total amount of all assets is about 1.731 trillion dollars.

In 2010, statistics were published that stated that more than 200 million customers in 139 countries of the world use the services of the corporation. Interestingly, Citigroup Inc. It has bank branches on five continents.

In Russia, of course, there is also a representative office of this conglomerate. As you might guess, this is JSC Citibank. Which today is on the 24th place in the rating of banks of the Russian Federation (out of 600). The amount of its assets, of course, is significantly less than that of Citigroup Inc, but also impressive - 425,469,053,000 rubles at the time of December 2016.

 jpmorgan chase bank

Other organizations

The most affluent and most respectable US banks were listed above. Now you can talk about organizations with a lower rating.

Take, for example, Wachovia.This is a banking network acquired in 2008 by Wells Fargo insurance and financial company. Which is now included in the "Big Four" of banks in the United States. And also in a rating called Fortune 1000 - a list of the largest US companies.

Washington Mutual is another solid holding and loan and savings association. The largest in America, by the way. And founded back in 1889.

Talking about well-known US banks, one can not help but pay attention to the National City Corporation. The date of its foundation is 1845. In 2008, PNC Financial Services took over the corporation. Which, in turn, is the fifth bank in terms of the number of branches founded by it. And another sixth - in terms of the volume of deposits made by customers.

And finally - a few words about The Bank of New York. This company is simply impossible not to mention. After all, it is the oldest bank in all States. In 1784, it was founded by Alexander Hamilton, an influential figure in the First Bourgeois Revolution in America. It was this bank that issued the first loan to the government of the country, which gained independence.

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