
New York Stock Exchange - The World's Most Successful Exchange

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the largest exchange in the world. She is the main in the USA. This exchange symbolizes the financial and economic power of America. In the historic center of Financial District, the New York Stock Exchange is located. Walt Street is very famous in New York, and the stock exchange building is the most popular here.

The creation of the world's major stock exchange

When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1700, two main types of securities in the United States were identified: government bonds, and shares Bank of the USA. Stock trading has not been streamlined. In offices near Walt Street, brokers bought and sold them. new york stock exchange street

Creating a stock exchange was profitable because it would limit commissions. In 1792, several people signed an agreement that regulated the movement of securities. Brokers who signed the agreement could only trade among themselves. This agreement was the impetus for the creation of the NYSE.

New York Stock Exchange Development

1827 can be considered the year of the formation of the main US stock market. Then there were about 100 shares, but after seven years their number increased to five thousand. Trading on the New York Stock Exchange provided for the purchase and sale of bonds of the state, states, as well as private companies and shares of banks. They began to trade in shares of railway companies and those companies that were involved in the construction of roads. Bidding was canceled when offers were shouted. In 1900, the turnover of shares per day reached 50 thousand. Companies were required to report their earnings and annual report to stockholders. It is the New York Stock Exchange that created the Dow Jones Index. In 1903, it began to function in a new building, where it is now.

Crisis situations

Things have not always been successful on the stock exchange. Sometimes crises ensued, the consequences of which affected the exchange's reputation in different ways. For example, the crisis of 1907, when stock prices collapsed, bank bankruptcy, was pretty quickly averted. Was created by the union of the largest banks. Within a month, the situation returned to normal. The crisis of 1929 had more serious consequences. This day is called Black Thursday. The market collapsed again. The crisis has affected the whole world. But in the USA, the Great Depression began. Because of this, laws were passed that regulated the activities of banks. They were forbidden to conduct risky operations. The New York Stock Exchange lost confidence, which for many years had to be won again. Only after 20 years was it possible to return to the lost positions again. new york stock exchange

Major changes began at the NYSE: new equipment was introduced, exchange trading supervision was established, and the exchange structure was changed. There was a transition to automation. It has become easier to share information and track changes. In 1978, the Intermarket Trading System was organized, which made it possible to conclude transactions on various exchanges very quickly. But in 1987 there was a new collapse in the stock market. The crisis was quite quickly overcome. A year later, an improvement was observed.

NYSE Management

The New York Stock Exchange is considered a joint stock company, which has its own charter and its own rules. Management employs 26 people. The Board of Directors includes:

1) 12 members of the exchange.

2) 12 external directors, that is, independent representatives.

3) 2 employees of the exchange, who are the chairman and his deputy. trading on the new york stock exchange

The board of directors is elected. In order for shares to be listed on the stock exchange, a decision must be made on their admission.This takes into account the national interest in the company, the place it occupies among competing companies, as well as its prospects. Any company on the stock exchange pays a fee every year, and is also obliged to inform potential investors about the state of affairs in the company. If interest in the company is lost, then it loses its place on the exchange, that situation is observed during resale and merger.

New York Stock Exchange Members

The Stock Exchange is a non-profit organization owned by 1366 of its members. It is very difficult to become a member of the exchange. This place can only be bought from an owner who has a trading place. Moreover, this place is very expensive. Sometimes the amount reaches five million dollars. Members of the stock exchange can be divided into four categories:

1) A broker-broker who collects customer applications and brings them to the exchange hall.

2) A broker in the hall that carries out the instructions of other brokers.

3) Stock broker who carries out operations at his own expense.

4) A specialist who carries out the execution of applications with a price limit.

new york stock exchange nyse

The New York Stock Exchange trades on a huge number of trading floors, where half of the world's shares are located. It is the world's most profitable exchange. Today, NYSE Euronext owns, in addition to the New York Stock Exchange, the Paris, Lisbon, Brussels and Amsterdam stock exchanges.

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