
What if the car was evacuated? Useful information and features of car return

Many drivers are interested in what to do if the car was evacuated. In fact, this issue is really worthy of attention. After all, such an incident does not happen so often. And if it happens, then, most likely, the owner of the vehicle is in shock and bewilderment. And really, what to do in a particular case, no one is in the know. Only a few citizens are aware of the actions during the evacuation of the car. Therefore, now we will try to fix this error. What to do if the car was evacuated? In Moscow, Kaliningrad, Novgorod - it does not matter in which city this happened. The fact remains. And it needs to be eliminated somehow.what to do if the car was evacuated

No panic

So, for starters, keep calm. In no case should you panic and try to stop the tow truck (if you find the moment you took the vehicle). Firstly, there will be no sense in this. And secondly, if there was a reason for that, then you will also show yourself from the wrong side. Rarely does a car evacuate for no reason.

Thus, soberly assess the situation and everything that happens. What if the car was evacuated? First you need to calm down and look at everything from the side. Maybe you really broke the law, and now you have to return the vehicle from the parking lot. But it also happens that this kind of incident happens without legal grounds.

Fix in place

But more on that later. So far, it’s worthwhile to pay attention to cases in which there really is a share of your guilt. Evacuated the car? What to do in this case? For example, if you find the very beginning of the process, then you can try to fix everything in place.

That is, theoretically, until the traffic police officer has compiled a protocol of violation and not issued to the driver, it is possible to eliminate the violation. For example, to park. This approach does not always work. Agreeing immediately with a traffic police officer is not easy. Nevertheless, if before you were a law-abiding citizen, and then suddenly such a mistake appeared for you, there will be a chance. Evil intruders should not even try. It’s unlikely that they will begin a dialogue with them. They will simply draw up a protocol and issue a notification about the seizure of the vehicle. What to do if the car was evacuated to St. Petersburg or any other regions? Options to deal with this situation are still available.What to do if a car was evacuated in Moscow

We protect our rights

Note that no one has the right to voluntarily evacuate a car with the personal presence of its owner. This is spelled out in the decree of the government of the Russian Federation. So, even if the vehicle is already standing on a tow truck, nobody can just take it away without trial.

Honestly, drivers have successfully used this regulation. There were cases when the owners simply jumped into the car and refused to leave it. Until the car is returned to the ground and allowed to rectify the situation without drawing up a protocol. In principle, a pretty good option. Only for this you must be full of determination and courage. It is not so easy to confront a tow truck and traffic police officers in Russia. So this method should not be overlooked. Especially when the evacuation is illegal and you do not get any sensible dialogue with the guardians of the law.

No presence

What if the car was evacuated? Practice shows that it is extremely rare for drivers to stop this process, even if it has just begun.And so it’s really worth considering your next steps. Indeed, often there remains only bewilderment and panic from what just happened.evacuated the car what to do

In principle, there is only one outcome - you will have to redeem your car from the parking lot. There is no other way. If for some reason a vehicle was seized from you, then you can return it back only in this way. And no other way. Not the most pleasant phenomenon, but it does occur.


Evacuated the car? What to do? Nizhny Novgorod or some other locality is not so important. The algorithm of actions itself, as already mentioned, remains the same everywhere. So, you noticed that your car was evacuated. Now, before the start of surgery, you need to make sure that the car is not just missing, but it was seized for some violation.

How it's done? You should call the “hot line”, which provides information about cars in the parking lot. In principle, if you do not want to fence the garden, just call the traffic police department at the place of your violation. There they will immediately tell you whether there is a vehicle in the parking lot, and also why it was evacuated. Once you are convinced that this is not a hoax, you can proceed to the next step. Do not be scared. The main thing is to be patient. You will need it.What to do if the car was evacuated in St. Petersburg

Visit to the traffic police

Evacuated the car (Voronezh)? What to do? The same as in any other city: after the evacuation and clarification of this action by calling the "hot line", proceed to the traffic police department to clarify the circumstances of the event.

As a rule, there are usually no problems with this. Contact the traffic police at the place of your registration or where the "crime" was committed, present the documents for the car and your own passport. After that, they will have to tell you the details of the evacuation: why, why, for what and so on. In any case, it should be so.

Practice says a little about the opposite. Instead of a dialogue, you get an invoice for buying a car from a parking lot. Before paying for it, insist on clarifying the situation. Maybe the car was evacuated illegally (such cases are not so rare). In addition, you should be given the address of the penal parking lot, where to go, as well as write a permit to receive transport. It will act only after the buyback.illegally evacuated the car what to do

How much to pay

When you think about what to do if the car was evacuated, but you know for sure that you violated parking rules just agree to the terms set out in the traffic police and buy your car from the parking lot.

How much will you have to pay? Everything is completely ambiguous here. This amount depends on the severity of the violation, your history of violations, as well as a specific region. That is, the amount in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod will be different. The exact data will be given to you by the traffic police.

Nevertheless, there are some general characteristics of the payment. Expect that you will have to pay about 2-3 thousand rubles at least. This is at best. Most often, drivers are billed with an amount in excess of 5,000 rubles. Too much, right? Try not to violate parking rules, as well as solve the problem on the spot. And do not wait until the car is taken away by a tow truck.evacuated the car what to do Nizhny Novgorod


Illegally evacuated a car? What to do? There is also no definite answer. It all depends on what occasion it happened. For example, it happens that cars parked in accordance with all the rules are simply removed from the roads to the nearest yards. This is done in order to free up more space on the street. It is illegal, but complaining is almost useless - it will be difficult to prove the move. So just look for your car in the nearest yards. Most likely, the car is somewhere out there.

Not? And is your vehicle really taken to a parking lot? Here the situation is already more serious. You must prove the wrongfulness of this action.If you succeed, you will simply be given your car without any proceedings. Not? Then you have to redeem it from the parking lot. Practice shows that drivers manage to prove the correct parking with great effort. An exception to the rule is when security cameras like "Safe City" are installed on the street. On them you can see if you really violated the rules, and make sure the legality of the evacuation.evacuated car Voronezh what to do

In any case, try to assert your rights all the time. No one can limit you to them. Occasionally, when evacuating a vehicle without legal grounds, but if there is evidence of the driver’s innocence, citizens go to court. And just then they still receive compensation for moral damage. Rare, but existing cases.

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