
Penalty for parking on the sidewalk. Sidewalk Parking Rules

Russian lawmakers are increasingly working on introducing new and optimizing old traffic rules. Not only the rules are changing, but also the amounts that car owners must pay for their violation. Particularly relevant today are questions for motorists: whether and if so, how much is the fine for parking on the sidewalk, and if parking on the sidewalk is allowed, then what cases apply, how to park so as not to break the rules. Let's consider in more detail what pitfalls drivers can expect when parking in the city.

Wrong parking - on the sidewalk and not only

What is parking, or parking space? This is a specially designated place, if necessary, a specially equipped place located on the road near buildings, buildings or structures, intended for placement and parking on a paid or free basis of various vehicles.

Currently, one can observe how many cities have changed parking rules. Now, putting your car where it was previously allowed, you can easily get parking ticket On Pavement. Today, drivers should pay special attention to new prohibition signs a long stop or warning that you will have to pay for a parking space.

fine parking on the sidewalk

And pay for non-compliance with the requirements of road signs or road markings concerning stopping and parking, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles if you are in cities of federal significance (Moscow, St. Petersburg), and 1,500 rubles if you have violated the parking rules on the sidewalk of any other settlement in our country. In addition, if you managed to evacuate the car to a parking lot, you will have to pay some additional amounts in favor of the state.

Penalty for parking on the sidewalk

In addition to paid parking spaces, many drivers find it quite acceptable to leave the car directly on the sidewalk. For the traffic police inspector, such an act would look like a direct violation, unless of course a suitable sign ("Parking Lot") is installed next to the sidewalk in conjunction with the corresponding signs, allowing partially or completely to place the vehicle in this way. In the latter case, parking on the sidewalk is certainly permitted.

parking on the sidewalk is allowed

It should be noted that if the owner is not near the car during the registration of a violation, a law enforcement officer calls a tow truck, which takes the vehicle on board and moves it to the nearest penalty parking. If you see that a tow truck is approaching you, know that you have the right to try to drive the car to another place. Even when the car has already been loaded onto the tow truck platform, if you manage to catch this process, you must return the car, of course, not without paying a fine.

When the car nevertheless ends up at the parking lot, you will have to pay a fine for the evacuation of the car, the size of which depends on a number of certain circumstances.

Disabled parking

A competent driver knows that it is strictly forbidden by law to occupy parking spaces intended for vehicles whose owners or passengers are disabled. Stopping and parking in such places is allowed only if the car is equipped with a special identification mark that notifies others of the fact that a disabled person was in the car.

parking rules on the sidewalk

Of course, a person who has placed such a sign on his car must have a document confirming his exceptional status, and present it to the traffic police officer upon request. Otherwise, a very substantial fine is imposed on the driver - in the amount of 3000-5000 rubles.

Bus stop parking

The temptation for many drivers is the empty bus stops where you can easily park your iron horse. However, you need to understand that for this legislation provides a certain monetary punishment. And in time, not keeping up with the arrival of the tow truck, you run the risk of not finding your vehicle in the place where you left it, and meeting it only at a paid parking lot.

The fact is that it is forbidden to leave the car at stops intended for buses and fixed-route taxis, or closer than 15 meters from them. This entails a fine of 1,500 rubles. An exception is cases of a forced stop for boarding and disembarking passengers.

Two-row parking

Even when there is a permit sign at the parking place, you can run into a parking ticket on the sidewalk if your car is placed second to already standing cars and makes it difficult for other vehicles to move.

As a rule, motorists get into such situations, sincerely believing that they park their car, "backing up" the next one, just for a few minutes. In fact, they suddenly have to linger in the appointed place, and, having returned to the parking lot, they at best find their car in the company of the traffic police inspector who writes out a fine, which, incidentally, is 2000 rubles.

improper parking on the sidewalk

In the worst case, they will find their car in the parking lot. By the way, if for some reason a decision is made on a temporary vehicle detention and while the tow truck cannot take him to a special parking lot, his movement can be stopped with the help of special locking devices that do not allow the car to budge until the circumstances are clarified.

Lawn parking

I would like to remind you that a violation is not only parking a car on the sidewalk, but also parking in a green area and lawns. Surprisingly, in the Rules of the Road and the Code of Administrative Violations there is no such thing as a “lawn”, and, accordingly, no measures are imposed for monetary punishment for parking on a lawn. However, bills establishing fines for such parking are adopted at the local level by regional authorities.

parking on the sidewalk in the courtyard

For example, in St. Petersburg, for the destruction or damage of green spaces without a special permit, an administrative fine is imposed from 3,000 to 150,000 rubles, depending on the status of the offender (individual, responsible manager or enterprise) and the degree of damage. And in Samara, a fee for damage to lawns in the amount of 300-500 rubles was established.

Courtyard parking

As for parking in the yards, a number of rules must be observed here. To begin with, we will determine what is meant by the phrase "yard territory". This concept denotes a space that is limited along the perimeter of buildings. Inside it, playgrounds, green spaces, places for recreation, driveways to local schools, houses, kindergartens, etc. are most often located.

Parking on the sidewalk in the courtyard and on the lawn, except for places intended directly for parking vehicles, is subject to a fine. The amount of the monetary punishment for Moscow and St. Petersburg is 3000 rubles, and for other settlements - 1500 rubles.

parking on the sidewalk where to complain

In addition to receiving information about whether parking is permitted on the sidewalk, it will be useful for drivers to recall some rules related to courtyards:

  • it is forbidden to park with the engine on for more than 5 minutes;
  • it is forbidden to park in the courtyard a vehicle with a carrying capacity of more than 3.5 tons, unless parking lots for such vehicles are provided and specially designated;
  • it is impossible to carry out through passage through yards and a residential area, the speed of a car in a residential area should be no higher than 60 km / h, in the yard - no higher than 20 km / h;
  • It is strictly forbidden to move along sidewalks and pedestrian paths and leave cars on them.

Fighting Negligent Drivers

It often happens that, despite the available space in the parking garage, some cars still end up on a neat, well-kept lawn in the middle of the yard or on a pedestrian walkway, preventing residents from moving freely to and from the house. And this situation repeats every day, drivers, ignoring the requests of their neighbors, neglect the rules, there is regular parking on the sidewalk. Where to complain to rectify the situation?

To begin with, it is important to understand that no verbal descriptions will be proof of the guilt of a negligent driver. In order to impose a fine on the owner of a motor vehicle, it is necessary to draw up a protocol by the traffic police officer, in which he will record the violation. Therefore, when you see a car parked in the wrong place, contact your local law enforcement agency that will help you solve the problem.

How to avoid a fine

It happens that, by coincidence, the driver needs to stop in the wrong place for more than 5 minutes. For example, to wait for your passenger. There is only one option, how not to get a parking ticket on the sidewalk. According to the Rules of the Road, the driver is prohibited from driving if he is overworked or in a painful condition that could lead to an accident on the road. If such a situation arises, he should immediately stop and turn on the alarm. If a stop has occurred in a place where there is no parking, you must also put an emergency stop sign on the road.

car parking on the sidewalk

Thus, by taking appropriate measures, you can explain to the inspector who appeared that you are tired and worried about the safety of your ride. However, you should not say that you are sick. Because the traffic police will be required to call an ambulance, and if the doctors do not confirm your ailment, you will be forced to pay a fine.

We hope that having understood the issue of whether parking is allowed on the sidewalk and in some other places with the help of the above information, you will feel even more confident behind the wheel and avoid unnecessary expenses for paying fines for traffic violations.

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